Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) overview

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) provides networking functionality to Compute Engine virtual machine (VM) instances, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters, and serverless workloads.

VPC provides networking for your cloud-based resources and services that is global, scalable, and flexible.

This page provides a high-level overview of VPC concepts and features.

VPC networks

You can think of a VPC network the same way you'd think of a physical network, except that it is virtualized within Google Cloud. A VPC network is a global resource that consists of a list of regional virtual subnetworks (subnets) in data centers, all connected by a global wide area network. VPC networks are logically isolated from each other in Google Cloud.

VPC network example.
VPC network example (click to enlarge).

A VPC network does the following:

For more information, see VPC networks.

Firewall rules

Each VPC network implements a distributed virtual firewall that you can configure. Firewall rules let you control which packets are allowed to travel to which destinations. Every VPC network has two implied firewall rules that block all incoming connections and allow all outgoing connections.

The default network has additional firewall rules, including the default-allow-internal rule, which permit communication among instances in the network.

For more information, see VPC firewall rules.


Routes tell VM instances and the VPC network how to send traffic from an instance to a destination, either inside the network or outside of Google Cloud. Each VPC network comes with some system-generated routes to route traffic among its subnets and send traffic from eligible instances to the internet.

You can create custom static routes to direct some packets to specific destinations.

For more information, see Routes.

Forwarding rules

While routes govern traffic leaving an instance, forwarding rules direct traffic to a Google Cloud resource in a VPC network based on IP address, protocol, and port.

Some forwarding rules direct traffic from outside of Google Cloud to a destination in the network; others direct traffic from inside the network. Destinations for forwarding rules are target instances, load balancer targets (backend services, target proxies, and target pools), and Classic VPN gateways.

For more information, see Forwarding rules overview.

Interfaces and IP addresses

VPC networks provide the following configurations for IP addresses and VM network interfaces.

IP addresses

Google Cloud resources, such as Compute Engine VM instances, forwarding rules, and GKE containers, rely on IP addresses to communicate.

For more information, see IP addresses.

Alias IP ranges

If you have multiple services running on a single VM instance, you can give each service a different internal IP address by using alias IP ranges. The VPC network forwards packets that are destined to a particular service to the corresponding VM.

For more information, see Alias IP ranges.

Multiple network interfaces

You can add multiple network interfaces to a VM instance, where each interface resides in a unique VPC network. Multiple network interfaces enable a network appliance VM to act as a gateway for securing traffic among different VPC networks or to and from the internet.

For more information, see Multiple network interfaces.

VPC sharing and peering

Google Cloud provides the following configurations for sharing VPC networks across projects and connecting VPC networks to each other.

Shared VPC

You can share a VPC network from one project (called a host project) to other projects in your Google Cloud organization. You can grant access to entire Shared VPC networks or select subnets therein by using specific IAM permissions. This lets you provide centralized control over a common network while maintaining organizational flexibility. Shared VPC is especially useful in large organizations.

For more information, see Shared VPC.

VPC Network Peering

VPC Network Peering lets you build software as a service (SaaS) ecosystems in Google Cloud, making services available privately across different VPC networks, whether the networks are in the same project, different projects, or projects in different organizations.

With VPC Network Peering, all communication happens by using internal IP addresses. Subject to firewall rules, VM instances in each peered network can communicate with one another without using external IP addresses.

Peered networks automatically exchange subnet routes for private IP address ranges. VPC Network Peering lets you configure whether the following types of routes are exchanged:

  • Subnet routes for privately re-used public IP ranges
  • Custom static and dynamic routes

Network administration for each peered network is unchanged: IAM policies are never exchanged by VPC Network Peering. For example, Network and Security Admins for one VPC network do not automatically get those roles for the peered network.

For more information, see VPC Network Peering.

Hybrid cloud

Google Cloud provides the following configurations that let you connect your VPC networks to on-premises networks and networks from other cloud providers.

Cloud VPN

Cloud VPN lets you connect your VPC network to your physical, on-premises network or another cloud provider by using a secure virtual private network.

For more information, see Cloud VPN.

Cloud Interconnect

Cloud Interconnect lets you connect your VPC network to your on-premises network by using a high speed physical connection.

For more information, see Cloud Interconnect.

Cloud Load Balancing

Google Cloud offers several load balancing configurations to distribute traffic and workloads across many backend types.

For more information, see Cloud Load Balancing overview.

Private access to services

You can use Private Service Connect, Private Google Access, and private services access to let VMs that don't have an external IP address communicate with supported services.

For more information, see Private access options for services.