Manage BGP announcement (v2)

When you create v2 public advertised prefixes and v2 public delegated prefixes, they are not automatically announced. You choose when to announce or withdraw the prefixes.


  • Announcing a public advertised prefix announces the whole public advertised prefix to the internet.
  • Announcing a public delegated prefix announces that public delegated prefix within Google Cloud.
  • You can announce a public delegated prefix without announcing the parent public advertised prefix. In this configuration, the public delegated prefix is announced within Google Cloud, and isn't announced to the internet.
  • You must announce at least one public delegated prefix before you can announce the parent public advertised prefix.
  • You can't withdraw announcement for a public delegated prefix if it is the only public delegated prefix being announced for the parent public advertised prefix. First withdraw the parent public advertised prefix, then withdraw the public delegated prefix.
  • Announce and withdraw requests are rate limited. For more information, see quotas for bring your own IP.

Before you begin

  • Verify that your public delegated prefix uses v2.

    Run this command to verify which version you are using:

    gcloud compute public-delegated-prefixes describe PDP_NAME \
        --region=REGION | grep byoipApiVersion

Announce BGP advertisement for a prefix

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to Bring your own IP.

    Go to Bring your own IP

  2. Select the prefix that you want to announce.

  3. Click Announce.

    A dialog is displayed to confirm announcing the public advertised prefix.

  4. Click Announce to confirm.

  • To announce a public delegated prefix, use the public-delegated-prefixes update command.

    gcloud compute public-delegated-prefixes update PDP_NAME \
        --region=PDP_REGION \

    Replace the following:

    • PDP_NAME: the public delegated prefix that you want to announce.

    • PDP_REGION: the region of the public delegated prefix.

  • To announce a public advertised prefix, use the public-advertised-prefixes update command.

    gcloud compute public-advertised-prefixes update PAP_NAME \

    Replace PAP_NAME with the name of the public advertised prefix that you want to announce.

Withdraw advertisement of a prefix

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to Bring your own IP.

    Go to Bring your own IP

  2. Select the prefix that you want to withdraw.

  3. Click Withdraw.

    A dialog is displayed to confirm withdrawing the public advertised prefix.

  4. Click Withdraw to confirm.

  • To withdraw a public delegated prefix, use the public-delegated-prefixes update command.

    gcloud compute public-delegated-prefixes update PDP_NAME \
        --region=PDP_REGION \

    Replace the following:

    • PDP_NAME: the public delegated prefix that you want to withdraw.

    • PDP_REGION: the region of the public delegated prefix.

  • To withdraw a public advertised prefix, use the public-advertised-prefixes update command.

    gcloud compute public-advertised-prefixes update PAP_NAME \

    Replace PAP_NAME with the name of the public advertised prefix that you want to withdraw.