Cloud SQL for SQL Server 是一种代管式数据库服务,可帮助您在 Google Cloud 上设置、维护、管理和控制 SQL Server 数据库。如需了解特定于 Microsoft SQL Server 的信息,请参阅 SQL Server 文档了解详情


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More customers are moving their critical workloads to Cloud SQL for SQL Server to take advantage of built-in high availability, data protection, security, and integration with other Google Cloud services. In this session, we’ll explore new

Learn how to manage complex, large-scale Oracle or SQL database migrations and embrace a smooth, efficient journey with our database migration framework. Built on best practices and powered by cutting-edge automation tools, our team of experts takes

Join us for a deep dive on new capabilities for Cloud SQL for SQL Server. We’ll go over how to run on a managed service the same SQL Server workloads that you’re running on-prem, making it easier than ever to enable high availability, data