Additional discovery and assessment tools

Ongoing discovery and dependency mapping is important to continuously calibrate your infrastructure data to workload mapping, cross-workload dependencies, and other workload-specific attributes such as performance and availability baselines. This enables improved decision making on migration grouping and prioritization, and optimization of landing zones.

The following tables list some common tools that you might use for the discovery and assessment of your enterprise workloads.

Google Cloud tools

Tool Description
StratoZone Google Cloud built-in tool that delivers a comprehensive assessment to help you migrate your infrastructure to Google Cloud. With the StratoProbe data collector, you can automatically discover and scan your servers into the StratoZone portal. Alternatively, you can import other sources of data, such as RVTools, directly into the StratoZone portal for a 1:1 cost comparison.

The StratoZone assessment provides you with actionable insights based on the configuration, utilization, network-dependencies, and installed applications, for each server.
Migvisor A cloud database migration assessment product by EPAM that helps companies analyze database workloads and generate a visual cloud migration roadmap that identifies potential quick wins and areas of challenge.
Oracle to BMS Migration Assessment Oracle Database assessment offers Google's Oracle migration experts accumulated experience that is totally automated and is designed to be a single assessment tool for the entire customer lifecycle engagement.

Note: This is an open source tool that is not supported by Google.

Third-party tools

Third-party tools commonly used for discovery and assessment include the following: