Add server assets

This document describes how you can add servers to the discovery client, and how you can use it to collect data from those servers.

You can automatically identify the server assets in your infrastructure using the discovery client IP scan feature, or you can manually add your servers' IP addresses.

Before you begin

Automatically add servers

The discovery client lets you scan the IP addresses of your infrastructure and automatically add servers to your credential with the IP range scan feature. Discovery client first pings all the IP addresses in the ranges provided, and then begins to authenticate those IP addresses using the credentials provided for Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) for Windows or Secure Shell (SSH) for Linux.

The discovery client then attempts to access each server sequentially using the credentials provided. After the login succeeds, each asset is placed under the first successful credential.

When the scan completes, discovery client starts collecting data from the assets that have successful credentials matches.

To access the IP range scan feature, in discovery client click Add assets > Machine > Scan IP address ranges from the top of the screen. To use this feature, you need to agree with the terms and conditions.


The IP range scan sends Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) requests with the ping command. To be able to use IP range scan, make sure that your firewall rules allow ICMP requests from the discovery client.

Add IP address ranges to scan

You can manually add IP ranges for discovery client to scan, or upload them in bulk with a CSV file.

Manually add IP ranges

To manually add an IP range and start a scan, follow these steps:

  1. In the discovery client application, click Add assets > Machine > Scan IP address ranges.
  2. From the Scan IP address ranges page, select Add IP address ranges > Enter ranges.
  3. In the IP Ranges section, enter the initial and final IP addresses of the range in the fields provided. Note that you can add at most a /16 subnet or 65,536 IP addresses to a single range.
  4. You can define additional ranges by clicking Add IP range.
  5. Click Start IP scan. Then, from the dialog, click Start scan.

After you enter your IP address ranges, they appear in the IP address ranges list. Scanning starts automatically.

Import IP ranges in bulk

To import a set of IP ranges in bulk, follow these steps:

  1. In the discovery client application, click Add assets > Machine > Scan IP address ranges.
  2. From the Scan IP address ranges page, select Add IP address ranges > Upload CSV of ranges.
  3. Click Download IP address range template and fill in the CSV template with the IP ranges that you want to scan.
  4. After you're finished, from the Upload section select IP address range file from the list and upload the filled-in CSV file into the discovery client.
  5. Click Save, then, from the dialog, click Dismiss.

Import a list of IP addresses

If you want to import a list of specific IP addresses for your assets, rather than relying on the IP range scan, follow these steps:

  1. In the discovery client application, click Add assets > Machine > Scan IP address ranges.
  2. From the Scan IP address ranges page, select Add IP address ranges > Upload CSV of ranges.
  3. Click Download IP address template and fill in the CSV template with the IP ranges that you want to scan.
  4. After you're finished, from the Upload section select IP address file from the list and upload the filled-in CSV file into the discovery client.
  5. Click Save, then, from the dialog, click Dismiss.

Start or stop a scan

By default, discovery client starts scanning all IP ranges automatically after you create them. However, you can start or stop scanning individual IP ranges or all ranges at once.

To stop a scan that is running, follow these steps:

  1. In the discovery client application, click Add assets > Machine > Scan IP address ranges.
  2. From the list of IP address ranges on the page, select the ranges for which you want to stop the scan.
  3. Click Stop IP scan. Then, from the dialog, click Stop scan.

In the Status column, the status of your IP ranges changes to Stopped.

To start again a stopped IP range, do the following:

  1. On the Scan IP address ranges page, from the list of IP address ranges, select the ranges for which you want to start the scan again.
  2. Click Start IP scan. Then, from the dialog, click Start scan.

The Status of your IP ranges changes to Scheduled to collect.

View and export the results

To view the results of a scan for specific IP address range, follow these steps:

  1. In the discovery client application, click Add assets > Machine > Scan IP address ranges.
  2. From the list of IP address ranges on the page, select the ranges that you want to edit, then click Edit IP range.
  3. In the Scan status section, review the overall summary of the IP addresses.
  4. In the Scan details section, review the details for the individual IP addresses in the range..

The Scan status section shows the following statistics about the scan.

  • Total scanned: The number of IP addresses scanned.
  • Successful: The number of IP addresses that discovery client was able to ping, log in to, and add to a credential for collection.
  • Authentication failed: The number of IP addresses that the discovery client was able to ping, but was not able to log in to with any of the credential sets provided.
  • Duplicate: The number of IP addresses that the discovery client was able to ping and log in to, but whose asset's hostname and domain already exist in one of the credentials for collection.

When the discovery client finishes the scan, you can export the results in bulk to a CSV file. Select the IP ranges you want to export from the list, then click Download results to download the report.

You can use the information in the results report to identify additional credentials that you might need to add. Failure to correctly identify assets can be due to incorrect credentials or firewall rules blocking the scan.

Editing and removing assets

To edit the credentials of an individual asset, follow these steps:

  1. In the discovery client application, click the Assets tab.
  2. From the list of assets, select the asset you want to modify, then click Edit asset.
  3. From the Edit page, modify the asset credentials.
  4. Click Save to confirm your changes.

If you don't want to send the information about a specific asset to the Google Cloud Migration Center portal, you can delete it from the list. To remove one or more assets, select them from the list, then click Delete asset.

Manually add machine assets

This section describes how you can manually add the IP addresses of the machines from which you want to collect data to the discovery client.

After you define the asset IPs and assign them to a valid credential, discovery client automatically starts collecting usage and performance data.

Manual entry

If you have a limited number of assets, you can manually add them to your credential in discovery client.

To manually add an asset to a credential, follow these steps:

  1. In the discovery client application, click Add assets > Machine > Enter IP addresses.
  2. From the list of credentials, select the credential that you want to add your asset to.
  3. Enter the name, IP address, and OS type of your asset.
  4. Optionally, modify the asset credentials by selecting the asset-specific credentials from the list. This overrides the global credential to which the asset is assigned.
  5. To finish, click Save.

CSV upload

You can upload your assets details in bulk by filling in the data in a pre-formatted CSV.

To upload a CSV file, follow these steps:

  1. In the discovery client application, click Add assets > Machine > Upload CSV of IP addresses.
  2. From the list of credentials, select the credentials group you want to add your assets to.
  3. To download the pre-formatted CSV template, click Download template.
  4. Use the template to fill in the details of your assets with a CSV editor.
  5. Upload your CSV file.
  6. To finish, click Save.

What's next