

test: historic_revenue_is_accurate {
  explore_source:  orders {
    column:  total_revenue {
      field:  orders.total_revenue 
    filters: [orders.created_date:  "2017"]
  assert:  revenue_is_expected_value {
    expression: ${orders.total_revenue} = 626000 ;;

- or -


- or -

Default Value

The identifier of the data test, plus subparameters defining the test assertions and query.


Looker has the LookML validator to verify that your LookML code is syntactically valid and the Content Validator to verify object references between your content and your model.

In addition to those validators, the test parameter lets you validate the logic of your model. For each data test, you create a query and a yesno assertion statement. The data test runs the test query and verifies that the assertion is true for each row of the test query. If the assertion statement returns yes for every row of the test query, the data test passes.

If your project settings are configured to require data tests to pass before deploying to production, and if your project has one or more test parameters, the IDE will present the Run Tests button after you commit changes to the project. LookML developers must run the data tests before deploying changes to production.

Regardless of whether your project requires data tests before deploying to production, a LookML developer in Development Mode can run data tests at any time to verify the model's logic.

You can create data tests in model files, view files, or in separate, dedicated data test files. When using a dedicated file to house your data tests, remember to include the data test file in any model file or view file where you want to run your data tests.

A data test cannot have the same name and explore_source as another data test in the same project. If you are using the same explore_source for multiple data tests in your project, be sure that the names of the data tests are all unique.

The test parameter has the following subparameters:

  • explore_source: Defines the query to use in the data test.
  • assert: Defines a Looker expression that is run on every row of the test query to verify the data.

Once you define the LookML for your test, you can run the data test to verify that your test works properly and to see if your model's logic passes the test (you must be in Development Mode to run data tests).

There are several ways to initiate data tests for a project:

  1. If your project settings are configured to require data tests to pass before deploying your files to production, the IDE will present the Run Tests button after you commit changes to the project. This will run all the tests for your project, no matter which file defines the test. You must pass the data tests before you can deploy your changes to production.
  2. In the Project Health panel, select the Run Data Tests button. This will run all data tests in your project, no matter which file defines the test.
  3. Select the Run LookML Tests option from the file's menu. This will run only the tests defined in the current file.

Once you run the data tests, the Project Health panel will display the progress and results.

You can select the Explore Query link below each test result to open an Explore with the query that is defined in the data test.


The explore_source parameter in a data test uses the same syntax and logic as the explore_source parameter of a derived table. The one difference is that a data test's explore_source doesn't support the derived_column, bind_filters, and bind_all_filters subparameters.

Handy Tip: An easy way to get the explore_source LookML is to use an existing Explore to create your query. In the Explore, select Get LookML from the Explore's gear menu and then select the Derived Table tab to get the LookML for the query. See the documentation on creating native derived tables for more information.

Note the following for the explore_source of a data test:

  • A data test's explore_source query is a standard Looker query, meaning that the test's explore_source query has a limit of 5,000 rows. Be sure that your query doesn't go over 5,000 rows so that you get a complete result set to test. You can incorporate filters or sorting in your explore_source to reduce the number of rows in your query, or to bring the relevant rows to the top of the query.

  • An explore with extension: required cannot be used as an explore_source for a data test. The LookML Validator will generate an error that the explore_source cannot be found.


The assert subparameter defines the criteria by which the explore_source query's result is considered valid. The expression subparameter accepts a Looker expression that results in a yesno (Boolean). After the explore_source query is run, the assertion's expression is evaluated for every row of the query's result set. If there is a no response for any row of the query, the data test fails. If the query itself has errors, the test also fails.

A test can have multiple assert declarations. For the test to pass, each assertion has to be true for every row of the explore_source query.

Handy Tip: You can use the table calculations dialog box to test the Looker expression syntax to use in your test's expression parameter.

For use in data tests, fields in the Looker expression must be fully scoped, meaning they are specified using the view_name.field_name format. For example, the following expression declares the field as aircraft_engine_types.aircraft_engine_type_id:

assert: engine_type_id_not_null {
  expression: NOT is_null(${aircraft_engine_types.aircraft_engine_type_id}) ;;


Ensuring that a primary key is unique

The following data test creates a query from the orders Explore and defines an expression to test that order IDs are unique in the result set. The explore_source query creates a count of rows associated with each ID in the database. If the ID is unique, the database should have only one row for an ID. Furthermore, it sorts on the count and limits the result set to one row, so the query response will be the ID with the highest count. If any ID has a count higher than 1, we know there are multiple rows for that ID and therefore the ID is not unique. If that's the case, this data test will fail.

test: order_id_is_unique {
  explore_source: orders {
    column: id {}
    column: count {}
    sorts: [orders.count: desc]
    limit: 1
  assert: order_id_is_unique {
    expression: ${orders.count} = 1 ;;

Verifying a known value

This next data test checks to make sure that the 2017 revenue value is always $626,000. In this dataset, that is a known value that should never change.

test: historic_revenue_is_accurate {
  explore_source: orders {
    column: total_revenue {
      field: orders.total_revenue
    filters: [orders.created_date: "2017"]
  assert: revenue_is_expected_value {
    expression: ${orders.total_revenue} = 626000 ;;

Confirming there are no null values

This next data test checks to make sure that there are no null values in the data. This explore_source uses a sort to be sure that any nulls will be returned at the top of query. Sorting for nulls can vary, based on your dialect. The following test uses desc: yes as an example.

test: status_is_not_null {
  explore_source: orders {
    column: status {}
    sorts: [orders.status: desc]
    limit: 1
  assert: status_is_not_null {
    expression: NOT is_null(${orders.status}) ;;