Join parameters

This page links to all the LookML parameters that are children of the join parameter. You can learn more about using joins on the Working with joins in LookML documentation page.

A join is what allows multiple views to be added to a single Explore, allowing users to access and compare fields from various views at the same time. You declare the Explore and any desired join parameters in a model file.

Example usage

Hover over a parameter name to see a quick description; click it to jump to that page. When a parameter can be set to one of several specific options, the default value is listed first.

explore: explore_name {
  # Desired Explore parameters (described on Explore Parameters page)

  join: join_name  {

    view_label: "desired label for the view"

    fields: [field_or_set, field_or_set, ...]
    foreign_key: dimension_name
    from: view_name
    outer_only: no | yes
    relationship: many_to_one | many_to_many | one_to_many | one_to_one 
    required_joins: [view_name, view_name, ...]
    sql_on: SQL ON clause ;;
    sql_table_name: table_name ;;
    type: left_outer | cross | full_outer | inner 

    required_access_grants: [access_grant_name, access_grant_name, ...]
    sql_where: SQL WHERE condition ;;
  # Possibly more join declarations

Parameter definitions

Parameter Name Description
Structural Parameters
join Joins an additional view to an Explore
Display Parameters
view_label (for join) Changes the way the join's view name appears in the field picker
Join Parameters
fields (for join) Determines which fields from a join are brought into an Explore
foreign_key Specifies a relationship between an Explore and a join using the joined view's primary key
from (for join) Specifies the view on which a join will be based
outer_only Specifies whether all queries must use an outer join
relationship Declares a join as having a one-to-one, many-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many relationship
required_joins Specifies which joins should be applied to an Explore when fields from a certain join are chosen
sql_on Specifies a relationship between an Explore and a join by writing a SQL ON clause
sql_table_name (for join) Specifies the database table on which a join will be based
type (for join) Declares a join as being a left, a full, an inner, or a cross type
Query Parameters
required_access_grants (for join) Limits access to the join to only users whose user attribute values match the access grants
sql_where If this join is included in the query, inserts conditions into the query's WHERE clause that a user cannot change or remove for this Explore. (For BigQuery only)
Parameters to Avoid
sql (for join) AVOID 3.10 Replaced by a combination of sql_on, foreign_key, type, and/or sql_table_name, as described here
sql_foreign_key AVOID 3.16 Replaced by foreign_key