Optimize storage performance and cost with Hyperdisk Storage Pools

This page describes how your Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters can pool and share storage capacity, throughput, and IOPS across disks by using GKE Hyperdisk Storage Pools.


Storage pools logically group physical storage devices, allowing you to segment your resources. You can provision Google Cloud Hyperdisks within these storage pools essentially creating Hyperdisk Storage Pools. Hyperdisk Storage Pools offer pre-provisioned capacity, throughput, and IOPS that your GKE cluster disks can share.

You can use Hyperdisk Storage Pools to manage your storage resources more efficiently and cost-effectively. This lets you take advantage of efficiency technologies such as deduplication and thin provisioning.

In this guide, you use the us-east4-c zone to create the Hyperdisk Balanced Storage Pool and other resources.

Planning considerations

Consider the following requirements and limitations before provisioning and consuming your Hyperdisk Storage Pool.

Creating and managing storage pools

Following requirements and limitations apply:

Provisioning boot disks in storage pools

Following requirements and limitations apply:

  • Ensure that the node locations of the cluster and node locations of the node pool exactly match the zones of the storage pool. This restriction doesn't apply if you have Node auto-provisioning enabled. Node auto-provisioning can automatically create node pools in the correct zones if needed.
  • Ensure that the machine type running your Pod supports attaching Hyperdisk Balanced disk type. Hyperdisk Throughput is not supported as a boot disk. See Hyperdisk Machine type support documentation.
  • You can provision boot disks in storage pools only on manually created or updated node pools.
  • When nodes are automatically created using node auto-provisioning, the boot disks for those nodes can't be placed within a storage pool.

Provisioning attached disk in storage pools

Following requirements and limitations apply:

  • The minimum required GKE version for provisioning attached disks in storage pools is 1.29.2-gke.1035000 and later.
  • Ensure that the Compute Engine Persistent Disk CSI driver is enabled. The Compute Engine Persistent Disk driver is enabled by default on new Autopilot and Standard clusters and cannot be disabled or edited in Autopilot clusters. To enable the driver, see Enabling the Compute Engine Persistent Disk CSI Driver on an existing cluster.
  • Ensure that the storage pool is in at least one of the node locations of the cluster and node locations of the node pool.
  • You can only provision Hyperdisk Throughput and Hyperdisk Balanced attached disks in storage pools. The type of the attached disk must match the type of the storage pool. For more information, see Types of Hyperdisk Storage Pools.
  • Ensure that the machine type running your Pod supports attaching the type of disk you're using from the storage pool. For more information, see Hyperdisk Machine type support.


When creating a Hyperdisk Storage Pool, you can configure it with either standard or advanced provisioning for capacity and performance. If you want to increase the quota for capacity, throughput, or IOPS, request higher quota for the relevant quota filter.

For more information, see View the quotas for your project and Request a higher quota.

Use the following quota filters for Hyperdisk Balanced Storage Pools:

  • HDB-STORAGE-POOL-TOTAL-ADVANCED-CAPACITY-per-project-region: to increase the capacity with Advanced capacity provisioning.
  • HDB-STORAGE-POOL-TOTAL-ADVANCED-IOPS-per-project-region: to increase the IOPS with Advanced performance provisioning.
  • HDB-STORAGE-POOL-TOTAL-ADVANCED-THROUGHPUT-per-project-region: to increase the throughput with Advanced performance provisioning.
  • HDB-TOTAL-GB-per-project-region: to increase the capacity with Standard capacity provisioning.
  • HDB-TOTAL-IOPS-per-project-region: to increase the IOPS with Standard performance provisioning.
  • HDB-TOTAL-THROUGHPUT-per-project-region: to increase the throughput with Standard performance provisioning.

Use the following quota filters for Hyperdisk Throughput Storage Pools:

  • HDT-STORAGE-POOL-TOTAL-ADVANCED-CAPACITY-per-project-region: to increase the capacity with Advanced capacity provisioning.
  • HDT-STORAGE-POOL-TOTAL-ADVANCED-THROUGHPUT-per-project-region: to increase the throughput with Advanced performance provisioning.
  • HDT-TOTAL-GB-per-project-region: to increase the capacity with Standard capacity provisioning.
  • HDT-TOTAL-THROUGHPUT-per-project-region: to increase the throughput with Standard performance provisioning.

For example, if you want to increase the total capacity for Hyperdisk Balanced Storage Pools with Advanced capacity provisioning, per project and per region, request a higher quota for the following filter:



See Hyperdisk Storage Pools pricing for pricing details.

Before you begin

Before you start, make sure you have performed the following tasks:

  • Enable the Google Kubernetes Engine API.
  • Enable Google Kubernetes Engine API
  • If you want to use the Google Cloud CLI for this task, install and then initialize the gcloud CLI. If you previously installed the gcloud CLI, get the latest version by running gcloud components update.

Create a Hyperdisk Storage Pool

Create a Hyperdisk Storage Pool before you provision boot disks or attached disks in that storage pool. For more information, see Create Hyperdisk Storage Pools.

Make sure you create storage pools in one of the supported zones.

For example, use the following command to create a Hyperdisk Balanced Storage Pool with Advanced capacity and Advanced performance, and provision 10 TB capacity, 10000 IOPS/s and 1024 MBps throughput in the us-east4-c zone:

export ZONE=us-east4-c
gcloud compute storage-pools create pool-$ZONE \
    --provisioned-capacity=10tb --storage-pool-type=hyperdisk-balanced \
    --zone=$ZONE --project=$PROJECT_ID --capacity-provisioning-type=advanced \
    --performance-provisioning-type=advanced --provisioned-iops=10000 \

Replace PROJECT_ID with your Google Cloud account project ID.

Inspect storage pool zones

  • For Autopilot clusters and Standard clusters with node auto-provisioning enabled, you can create a storage pool in any zone within the cluster's region. If no node pool exists in the zone where you created the storage pool, Pods remain in Pending state until the GKE Cluster Autoscaler can provision a new node pool in that zone.

  • For Standard clusters without node auto-provisioning, create storage pools in your cluster's default node zones as storage pools are zonal resources. You can set the node zones of your cluster using the --node-locations flag.

    • For zonal clusters, if you don't specify the --node-locations, all nodes are created in the cluster's primary zone.
    • For regional clusters, if you don't specify the --node-locations, GKE distributes your worker nodes in three randomly chosen zones within the region.

To inspect a cluster's default node zones, run the following command:

gcloud container clusters describe CLUSTER_NAME  | yq '.locations'

Replace CLUSTER_NAME with the name of the cluster you'd be creating while provisioning a boot disk or attached disk.

Provision a GKE boot disk in a Hyperdisk Storage Pool

You can provision a GKE boot disk in a Hyperdisk Storage Pool when doing any of the following:

  • When creating a new GKE cluster
  • When creating a new node pool
  • When updating an existing node pool

When creating a cluster

To create a GKE cluster with boot disks provisioned in a storage pool, use the following command:

gcloud container clusters create CLUSTER_NAME \
    --disk-type=DISK_TYPE --storage-pools=STORAGE_POOL,[...] \
    --node-locations=ZONE,[...] --machine-type=MACHINE_TYPE \

Replace the following:

  • CLUSTER_NAME: Provide a unique name for the cluster you're creating.
  • DISK_TYPE: Set this to hyperdisk-balanced. If left blank, the disk type defaults to Hyperdisk Balanced.
  • STORAGE_POOL,[...]: A comma-separated list of the storage pool resource paths (example, projects/my-project/zones/us-east4-c/storagePools/pool-us-east4-c) where the cluster's boot disks will be provisioned. Make sure the zones in the storage pool resource paths match the zones in --node-locations.
  • ZONE,[...]: A comma-separated list of zones where your node footprint should be replicated. For regional clusters, you can specify regions instead. All zones must be in the same region as the cluster, specified by the -location or the --zone or --region flags.
  • MACHINE_TYPE: The supported machine type you want to use for your nodes.
  • ZONE: The zone where you want to create your cluster. Use —region flag to create a regional cluster.

When creating a node pool

To create a GKE node pool with boot disks provisioned in a storage pool, use the following command:

gcloud container node-pools create NODE_POOL_NAME \
    --disk-type=DISK_TYPE --storage-pools=STORAGE_POOL,[...] \
    --node-locations=ZONE,[...] --machine-type=MACHINE_TYPE \
    --zone=ZONE --cluster=CLUSTER_NAME

Replace the following::

  • NODE_POOL_NAME: Provide a unique name for the node pool you're creating.
  • DISK_TYPE: Set this to hyperdisk-balanced. If left blank, the disk type defaults to Hyperdisk Balanced.
  • STORAGE_POOL,[...]: A comma-separated list of the storage pool resource paths (example, projects/my-project/zones/us-east4-c/storagePools/pool-us-east4-c) where the cluster's boot disks will be provisioned. Make sure the zones in storage pool resource paths match the values in --node-locations.
  • ZONE,[...]: A comma-separated list of zones where your node footprint should be replicated. All zones must be in the same region as the cluster, specified by the -location or the --zone or --region flags.
  • MACHINE_TYPE: The supported machine type you want to use for your nodes.
  • ZONE: The zone where you want to create the node pool.
  • CLUSTER_NAME: An existing cluster where you're creating the node pool.

When updating a node pool

You can use an update command to add or replace storage pools in a node pool. This command can't be used to remove storage pools from a node pool.

To update a GKE node pool so that its boot disks are provisioned in a storage pool, use the following command.

gcloud container node-pools update NODE_POOL_NAME \
  --storage-pools=STORAGE_POOL,[...] \
  --zone=ZONE --cluster=CLUSTER_NAME
  • NODE_POOL_NAME: The name of an existing node pool which you want to update to use a storage pool.
  • STORAGE_POOL,[...]: A comma-separated list of existing storage pool resource paths (example, projects/my-project/zones/us-east4-c/storagePools/pool-us-east4-c). Make sure the zones in the storage pool resource paths match the zone of the node pool you're updating.
  • ZONE: The zone where the node pool is located.
  • CLUSTER_NAME: The name of the GKE cluster this node pool belongs to.

GKE updates the node pool according to the node pool's upgrade strategy.

Provision a GKE attached disk in a Hyperdisk Storage Pool

In this section:

  • You create a new GKE cluster with attached disks provisioned in a storage pool.
  • Create a StorageClass for dynamically provisioning a PersistentVolume (PV) when a Pod requests it through a PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC). In order for a PV to consume the storage pool's shared resources, you specify the storage pool using the storage-pools parameter in your StorageClass. The StorageClass is then used in a PVC to provision the Hyperdisk Balanced volume that will be used by the Pod.
  • Create a PVC to request a PV--a piece of Hyperdisk storage--for a Pod from your GKE cluster. This lets you benefit from the storage pool's shared resources.
  • Create a Deployment that uses a PVC to ensure that your application has access to persistent storage even after Pod restarts and rescheduling.

Create a GKE cluster

Before you begin, review the considerations for provisioning an attached disk.


To create an Autopilot cluster using the gcloud CLI, see Create an Autopilot cluster.


gcloud container clusters create-auto CLUSTER_NAME --region=REGION

Replace the following:

  • CLUSTER_NAME: Provide a unique name for the cluster you're creating.
  • REGION: The region where you're creating the cluster.

To select a supported machine type, you specify the cloud.google.com/compute-class: Performance nodeSelector while creating a Deployment. For a list of Compute Engine machine series available with the Performance compute class, see Supported machine series.


To create a Standard Zonal cluster using the gcloud CLI, see Creating a zonal cluster.

To create a Standard Regional cluster using the gcloud CLI, see Creating a regional cluster.


gcloud container clusters create CLUSTER_NAME --zone=ZONE --project=PROJECT_ID --machine-type=MACHINE_TYPE --disk-type="DISK_TYPE"

Replace the following:

  • CLUSTER_NAME: Provide a unique name for the cluster you're creating.
  • ZONE: The zone where you're creating the cluster. Use —region flag to create a regional cluster.
  • PROJECT_ID: Your Google Cloud account project ID.
  • MACHINE_TYPE: The supported machine type you want to use for your nodes.
  • DISK_TYPE: Set this to hyperdisk-balanced. If left blank, the disk type defaults to Hyperdisk Balanced.

Create a StorageClass

In Kubernetes, to indicate that you want your PV to be created inside a storage pool, use a StorageClass. To learn more, see StorageClasses.

To create a new StorageClass with the throughput or IOPS level you want:

  • Use pd.csi.storage.gke.io in the provisioner field.
  • Specify the Hyperdisk Balanced storage type.
  • Specify the storage-poolsparameter with value as a list of specific storage pools that you want to use. Each storage pool in the list must be specified in the format: projects/PROJECT_ID/zones/ZONE/storagePools/STORAGE_POOL_NAME.
  • Optionally, specify the performance parameters provisioned-throughput-on-create and provisioned-iops-on-create.

Each Hyperdisk type has default values for performance determined by the initial disk size provisioned. When creating a StorageClass, you can optionally specify the following parameters depending on your Hyperdisk type. If you omit these parameters, GKE uses the capacity based disk type defaults.

Parameter Hyperdisk Type Usage
provisioned-throughput-on-create Hyperdisk Balanced, Hyperdisk Throughput Express the throughput value in MiBps using the "Mi" qualifier; for example, if your required throughput is 250 MiBps, specify "250Mi" when creating the StorageClass.
provisioned-iops-on-create Hyperdisk Balanced, Hyperdisk IOPS The IOPS value should be expressed without any qualifiers; for example, if you require 7,000 IOPS, specify "7000" when creating the StorageClass.

For guidance on allowable values for throughput or IOPS, see Plan the performance level for your Hyperdisk volume.

Use the following manifest to create and apply a StorageClass named storage-pools-sc for dynamically provisioning a PV in the storage pool projects/my-project/zones/us-east4-c/storagePools/pool-us-east4-c:

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
  name: storage-pools-sc
provisioner: pd.csi.storage.gke.io
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
allowVolumeExpansion: true
  type: hyperdisk-balanced
  provisioned-throughput-on-create: "140Mi"
  provisioned-iops-on-create: "3000"
  storage-pools: projects/my-project/zones/us-east4-c/storagePools/pool-us-east4-c

By utilizing the volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer in this StorageClass, the binding and provisioning of a PVC is delayed until a Pod using the PVC is created. This approach ensures that the PV is not provisioned prematurely, and there is zone matching between the PV, and the Pod consuming it. If their zones don't match, the Pod remains in a Pending state.

Create a PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC)

Create a PVC that references the storage-pools-sc StorageClass that you created.

Use the following manifest to create a PVC named my-pvc, with 2048 GiB as the target storage capacity for the Hyperdisk Balanced volume:

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: my-pvc
  storageClassName: storage-pools-sc
  - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 2048Gi

Create a Deployment that uses the PVC

Best practice:

When using Pods with PersistentVolumes, use a workload controller such as a Deployment or a StatefulSet.

To ensure that Pods can be scheduled on a node pool with a machine series supporting Hyperdisk Balanced, configure a Deployment with the cloud.google.com/machine-family node selector. For more information, see machine type support for Hyperdisks. You use c3 machine series in the following sample Deployment.

Create and apply the following manifest to configure a Pod for deploying a Postgres web server using the PVC created in the previous section:


On Autopilot clusters, specify the cloud.google.com/compute-class: Performance nodeSelector to provision a Hyperdisk Balanced volume. For more information, see Request a dedicated node for a Pod.

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: postgres
      app: postgres
        app: postgres
        cloud.google.com/machine-family: c3
        cloud.google.com/compute-class: Performance
      - name: postgres
        image: postgres:14-alpine
        args: [ "sleep", "3600" ]
        - name: sdk-volume
          mountPath: /usr/share/data/
      - name: sdk-volume
          claimName: my-pvc


On Standard clusters without node auto-provisioning enabled, make sure a node pool with the specified machine series is up and running before creating the Deployment. Otherwise the Pod fails to schedule.

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: postgres
      app: postgres
        app: postgres
        cloud.google.com/machine-family: c3
      - name: postgres
        image: postgres:14-alpine
        args: [ "sleep", "3600" ]
        - name: sdk-volume
          mountPath: /usr/share/data/
      - name: sdk-volume
          claimName: my-pvc

Confirm that the Deployment was successfully created:

  kubectl get deployment

It might take a few minutes for Hyperdisk instances to complete provisioning and display a READY status.

Confirm if the attached disk is provisioned

  1. Check if your PVC named my-pvc has been successfully bound to a PV:

    kubectl get pvc my-pvc

    The output is similar to the following:

    NAME          STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS       AGE
    my-pvc        Bound    pvc-1ff52479-4c81-4481-aa1d-b21c8f8860c6   2Ti        RWO            storage-pools-sc   2m24s
  2. Check if the volume has been provisioned as specified in your StorageClass and PVC:

    gcloud compute storage-pools list-disks pool-us-east4-c --zone=us-east4-c

    The output is similar to the following:

    pvc-1ff52479-4c81-4481-aa1d-b21c8f8860c6  READY   3000              140                     2048

Snapshot and restore attached disks in storage pools

Moving disks in or out of a storage pool is not permitted. To move a disk in or out of a storage pool, recreate the disk from a snapshot. For more information, see Change the disk type.

In this section:

Create a test file

To create and verify a test file:

  1. Get the Pod name of the Postgres Deployment:

    kubectl get pods -l app=postgres

    The output is similar to the following:

    NAME                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    postgres-78fc84c9ff-77vx6   1/1     Running   0          44s
  2. Create a test file hello.txt in the Pod:

    kubectl exec postgres-78fc84c9ff-77vx6 \
      -- sh -c 'echo "Hello World!" > /usr/share/data/hello.txt'
  3. Verify that the test file is created:

    kubectl exec postgres-78fc84c9ff-77vx6 \
      -- sh -c 'cat /usr/share/data/hello.txt'
    Hello World!

Create a volume snapshot and delete test file

To create and verify a snapshot:

  1. Create a VolumeSnapshotClass that specifies how the snapshot of your volumes should be taken and managed:

    kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
    apiVersion: snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1
    kind: VolumeSnapshotClass
      name: my-snapshotclass
    driver: pd.csi.storage.gke.io
    deletionPolicy: Delete
  2. Create a VolumeSnapshot and take the snapshot from the volume that's bound to the my-pvc PersistentVolumeClaim:

    kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
    apiVersion: snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1
    kind: VolumeSnapshot
      name: my-snapshot
      volumeSnapshotClassName: my-snapshotclass
        persistentVolumeClaimName: my-pvc
  3. Verify that the volume snapshot content is created:

    kubectl get volumesnapshotcontents

    The output is similar to the following:

    snapcontent-e778fde2-5f1c-4a42-a43d-7f9d41d093da   false        2199023255552   Delete           pd.csi.storage.gke.io   my-snapshotclass      my-snapshot      default                   33s
  4. Confirm that the snapshot is ready to use:

    kubectl get volumesnapshot \
      -o custom-columns='NAME:.metadata.name,READY:.status.readyToUse'

    The output is similar to the following:

    NAME          READY
    my-snapshot   true
  5. Delete the original test file hello.txt that was created in the Pod postgres-78fc84c9ff-77vx6:

    kubectl exec postgres-78fc84c9ff-77vx6 \
        -- sh -c 'rm /usr/share/data/hello.txt'

Restore the volume snapshot

To restore the volume snapshot and data, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new PVC that restores data from a snapshot, and ensures that the new volume is provisioned within the same storage pool (storage-pools-sc) as the original volume. Apply the following manifest:

    kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
      name: pvc-restore
        name: my-snapshot
        kind: VolumeSnapshot
        apiGroup: snapshot.storage.k8s.io
      storageClassName: storage-pools-sc
        - ReadWriteOnce
          storage: 2048Gi
  2. Update the existing Deployment named postgres so that it uses the newly restored PVC you just created. Apply the following manifest:

    kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: postgres
          app: postgres
            app: postgres
            cloud.google.com/machine-family: c3
          - name: postgres
            image: google/cloud-sdk:slim
            args: [ "sleep", "3600" ]
            - name: sdk-volume
              mountPath: /usr/share/data/
          - name: sdk-volume
              claimName: pvc-restore
  3. Get the name of the newly created Pod that is part of the postgres Deployment:

    kubectl get pods -l app=postgres

    The output is similar to the following:

    NAME                         READY   STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
    postgres-59f89cfd8c-42qtj   1/1     Running       0          40s
  4. Verify that the hello.txt file, which was previously deleted, now exists in the new Pod (postgres-59f89cfd8c-42qtj) after restoring the volume from the snapshot:

    kubectl exec postgres-59f89cfd8c-42qtj \
     -- sh -c 'cat /usr/share/data/hello.txt'
    Hello World!

    This validates that the snapshot and restore process was successfully completed and that the data from the snapshot has been restored to the new PV that's accessible to the Pod.

  5. Confirm that the volume created from the snapshot is located within the your storage pool:

    kubectl get pvc pvc-restore

    The output is similar to the following:

    NAME          STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS       AGE
    pvc-restore   Bound    pvc-b287c387-bc51-4100-a00e-b5241d411c82   2Ti        RWO            storage-pools-sc   2m24s
  6. Check if the new volume is provisioned as specified in your StorageClass and PVC:

    gcloud compute storage-pools list-disks pool-us-east4-c --zone=us-east4-c

    The output is similar to the following where you can see the new volume pvc-b287c387-bc51-4100-a00e-b5241d411c82 provisioned in the same storage pool.

    pvc-1ff52479-4c81-4481-aa1d-b21c8f8860c6  READY   3000              140                     2048
    pvc-b287c387-bc51-4100-a00e-b5241d411c82  READY   3000              140                     2048

    This ensures that the restored volume benefits from the shared resources and capabilities of the pool.

Migrate existing volumes into a storage pool

Use snapshot and restore to migrate volumes that exist outside of a storage pool, into a storage pool.

Ensure that the following conditions are met:

  • Your new PVC pvc-restore references a StorageClass that does specify the storage-pools parameter, pointing to the storage pool you want to move the volume into.
  • The source PV that's being snapshotted should be associated with a PVC with a StorageClass that doesn't specify the storage-pools parameter.

After you restore from a snapshot into a new volume, you can delete the source PVC and PV.

Clean up

To avoid incurring charges to your Google Cloud account, delete the storage resources you created in this guide. First delete all the disks within the storage pool and then delete the storage pool.

Delete the boot disk

When you delete a node (by scaling down the node pool) or an entire node pool, the associated boot disks are automatically deleted. You can also delete the cluster to automatically delete the boot disks of all node pools within it.

For more information, see:

Delete the attached disk

To delete the attached disk provisioned in a Hyperdisk Storage Pool:

  1. Delete the Pod that uses the PVC:

    kubectl delete deployments postgres
  2. Delete the PVC that uses the Hyperdisk Storage Pool StorageClass.

    kubectl delete pvc my-pvc

    Confirm that the PVC pvc-1ff52479-4c81-4481-aa1d-b21c8f8860c6 has been deleted:

    gcloud compute storage-pools list-disks pool-us-east4-c --zone=us-east4-c

Delete the Hyperdisk Storage Pool

Delete the Hyperdisk Storage Pool with the following command:

gcloud compute storage-pools delete pool-us-east4-c --zone=us-east4-c --project=my-project

What's next