Attribuer des rôles à l'aide des bibliothèques clientes

Découvrez comment débuter avec les méthodes IAM de l'API Resource Manager dans le langage de programmation de votre choix.

Pour obtenir des instructions détaillées sur cette tâche directement dans la console Google Cloud, cliquez sur Visite guidée :

Visite guidée

Avant de commencer

Créer un projet Google Cloud

Pour ce guide de démarrage rapide, vous avez besoin d'un nouveau projet Google Cloud.

  1. Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.
  2. Install the Google Cloud CLI.
  3. To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:

    gcloud init
  4. Create or select a Google Cloud project.

    • Create a Google Cloud project:

      gcloud projects create PROJECT_ID

      Replace PROJECT_ID with a name for the Google Cloud project you are creating.

    • Select the Google Cloud project that you created:

      gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID

      Replace PROJECT_ID with your Google Cloud project name.

  5. Enable the Resource Manager API:

    gcloud services enable
  6. Create local authentication credentials for your user account:

    gcloud auth application-default login
  7. Grant roles to your user account. Run the following command once for each of the following IAM roles: roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID --member="user:USER_IDENTIFIER" --role=ROLE
    • Replace PROJECT_ID with your project ID.
    • Replace USER_IDENTIFIER with the identifier for your user account. For example,

    • Replace ROLE with each individual role.

Installer la bibliothèque cliente

Pour savoir comment configurer votre environnement de développement C#, consultez le guide de configuration d'un environnement de développement C#.

install-package Google.Apis.Iam.v1
install-package Google.Apis.CloudResourceManager.v1
go get
go get

Pour savoir comment configurer votre environnement de développement Java, consultez le guide de configuration d'un environnement de développement Java.

Si vous utilisez Maven, ajoutez les lignes suivantes à votre fichier pom.xml.

Pour savoir comment configurer votre environnement de développement Python, consultez le guide de configuration d'un environnement de développement Python.

pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth google-auth-httplib2

Lire, modifier et rédiger une stratégie d'autorisation

L'extrait de code de ce guide de démarrage rapide permet d'effectuer les opérations suivantes :

  • Initialisation du service Resource Manager, qui gère les projets Google Cloud
  • Lecture de la stratégie d'autorisation pour votre projet
  • Modification de la stratégie d'autorisation en attribuant le rôle "Rédacteur de journal" (roles/logging.logWriter) à votre compte Google
  • Écriture de la stratégie d'autorisation mise à jour
  • Affichage de tous les comptes principaux disposant du rôle "Rédacteur de journal" (roles/logging.logWriter) au niveau du projet
  • Révocation du rôle "Rédacteur de journal".

Avant d'exécuter l'extrait de code, remplacez les valeurs suivantes :

  • your-project : ID de votre projet.
  • your-member : adresse e-mail de votre compte utilisateur. Exemple :

Pour savoir comment installer et utiliser la bibliothèque cliente pour Resource Manager, consultez la page Bibliothèques clientes Resource Manager. Pour en savoir plus, consultez la documentation de référence de l'API Resource Manager en langage C#.

Pour vous authentifier auprès de Resource Manager, configurez les identifiants par défaut de l'application. Pour en savoir plus, consultez Configurer l'authentification pour un environnement de développement local.

using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2;
using Google.Apis.CloudResourceManager.v1;
using Google.Apis.CloudResourceManager.v1.Data;
using Google.Apis.Iam.v1;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

public class QuickStart
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        // TODO: Replace with your project ID
        var projectId = "your-project";
        // TODO: Replace with the ID of your member in the form ""
        var member = "your-member";
        // Role to be granted
        var role = "roles/logging.logWriter";

        // Initialize service
        CloudResourceManagerService crmService = InitializeService();

        // Grant your member the "Log Writer" role for your project
        AddBinding(crmService, projectId, member, role);

        // Get the project's policy and print all members with the the "Log Writer" role
        var policy = GetPolicy(crmService, projectId);
        var binding = policy.Bindings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Role == role);
        Console.WriteLine("Role: " + binding.Role);
        Console.Write("Members: ");
        foreach (var m in binding.Members)
            Console.Write("[" + m + "] ");

        // Remove member from the "Log Writer" role
        RemoveMember(crmService, projectId, member, role);

    public static CloudResourceManagerService InitializeService()
        // Get credentials
        var credential = GoogleCredential.GetApplicationDefault()

        // Create the Cloud Resource Manager service object
        CloudResourceManagerService crmService = new CloudResourceManagerService(
            new CloudResourceManagerService.Initializer
                HttpClientInitializer = credential

        return crmService;

    public static Policy GetPolicy(CloudResourceManagerService crmService, String projectId)
        // Get the project's policy by calling the
        // Cloud Resource Manager Projects API
        var policy = crmService.Projects.GetIamPolicy(
            new GetIamPolicyRequest(),
        return policy;

    public static void SetPolicy(CloudResourceManagerService crmService, String projectId, Policy policy)
        // Set the project's policy by calling the
        // Cloud Resource Manager Projects API
           new SetIamPolicyRequest
               Policy = policy
           }, projectId).Execute();

    public static void AddBinding(
        CloudResourceManagerService crmService,
        string projectId,
        string member,
        string role)
        // Get the project's policy
        var policy = GetPolicy(crmService, projectId);

        // Find binding in policy
        var binding = policy.Bindings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Role == role);

        // If binding already exists, add member to binding
        if (binding != null)
        // If binding does not exist, add binding to policy
            binding = new Binding
                Role = role,
                Members = new List<string> { member }

        // Set the updated policy
        SetPolicy(crmService, projectId, policy);

    public static void RemoveMember(
        CloudResourceManagerService crmService,
        string projectId,
        string member,
        string role)
        // Get the project's policy 
        var policy = GetPolicy(crmService, projectId);

        // Remove the member from the role
        var binding = policy.Bindings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Role == role);
        if (binding == null)
            Console.WriteLine("Role does not exist in policy.");
            if (binding.Members.Contains(member))
                Console.WriteLine("The member has not been granted this role.");

            if (binding.Members.Count == 0)

        // Set the updated policy
        SetPolicy(crmService, projectId, policy);

Pour savoir comment installer et utiliser la bibliothèque cliente pour Resource Manager, consultez la page Bibliothèques clientes Resource Manager. Pour en savoir plus, consultez la documentation de référence de l'API Resource Manager en langage Go.

Pour vous authentifier auprès de Resource Manager, configurez les identifiants par défaut de l'application. Pour en savoir plus, consultez Configurer l'authentification pour un environnement de développement local.

package main

import (


func main() {
	// TODO: Add your project ID
	projectID := flag.String("project_id", "", "Cloud Project ID")
	// TODO: Add the ID of your member in the form ""
	member := flag.String("member_id", "", "Your member ID")

	// The role to be granted
	var role string = "roles/logging.logWriter"

	// Initializes the Cloud Resource Manager service
	ctx := context.Background()
	crmService, err := cloudresourcemanager.NewService(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("cloudresourcemanager.NewService: %v", err)

	// Grants your member the "Log writer" role for your project
	addBinding(crmService, *projectID, *member, role)

	// Gets the project's policy and prints all members with the "Log Writer" role
	policy := getPolicy(crmService, *projectID)
	// Find the policy binding for role. Only one binding can have the role.
	var binding *cloudresourcemanager.Binding
	for _, b := range policy.Bindings {
		if b.Role == role {
			binding = b
	fmt.Println("Role: ", binding.Role)
	fmt.Print("Members: ", strings.Join(binding.Members, ", "))

	// Removes member from the "Log writer" role
	removeMember(crmService, *projectID, *member, role)


// addBinding adds the member to the project's IAM policy
func addBinding(crmService *cloudresourcemanager.Service, projectID, member, role string) {

	policy := getPolicy(crmService, projectID)

	// Find the policy binding for role. Only one binding can have the role.
	var binding *cloudresourcemanager.Binding
	for _, b := range policy.Bindings {
		if b.Role == role {
			binding = b

	if binding != nil {
		// If the binding exists, adds the member to the binding
		binding.Members = append(binding.Members, member)
	} else {
		// If the binding does not exist, adds a new binding to the policy
		binding = &cloudresourcemanager.Binding{
			Role:    role,
			Members: []string{member},
		policy.Bindings = append(policy.Bindings, binding)

	setPolicy(crmService, projectID, policy)


// removeMember removes the member from the project's IAM policy
func removeMember(crmService *cloudresourcemanager.Service, projectID, member, role string) {

	policy := getPolicy(crmService, projectID)

	// Find the policy binding for role. Only one binding can have the role.
	var binding *cloudresourcemanager.Binding
	var bindingIndex int
	for i, b := range policy.Bindings {
		if b.Role == role {
			binding = b
			bindingIndex = i

	// Order doesn't matter for bindings or members, so to remove, move the last item
	// into the removed spot and shrink the slice.
	if len(binding.Members) == 1 {
		// If the member is the only member in the binding, removes the binding
		last := len(policy.Bindings) - 1
		policy.Bindings[bindingIndex] = policy.Bindings[last]
		policy.Bindings = policy.Bindings[:last]
	} else {
		// If there is more than one member in the binding, removes the member
		var memberIndex int
		for i, mm := range binding.Members {
			if mm == member {
				memberIndex = i
		last := len(policy.Bindings[bindingIndex].Members) - 1
		binding.Members[memberIndex] = binding.Members[last]
		binding.Members = binding.Members[:last]

	setPolicy(crmService, projectID, policy)


// getPolicy gets the project's IAM policy
func getPolicy(crmService *cloudresourcemanager.Service, projectID string) *cloudresourcemanager.Policy {

	ctx := context.Background()

	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Second*10)
	defer cancel()
	request := new(cloudresourcemanager.GetIamPolicyRequest)
	policy, err := crmService.Projects.GetIamPolicy(projectID, request).Do()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Projects.GetIamPolicy: %v", err)

	return policy

// setPolicy sets the project's IAM policy
func setPolicy(crmService *cloudresourcemanager.Service, projectID string, policy *cloudresourcemanager.Policy) {

	ctx := context.Background()

	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Second*10)
	defer cancel()
	request := new(cloudresourcemanager.SetIamPolicyRequest)
	request.Policy = policy
	policy, err := crmService.Projects.SetIamPolicy(projectID, request).Do()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Projects.SetIamPolicy: %v", err)

Pour savoir comment installer et utiliser la bibliothèque cliente pour Resource Manager, consultez la page Bibliothèques clientes Resource Manager. Pour en savoir plus, consultez la documentation de référence de l'API Resource Manager en langage Java.

Pour vous authentifier auprès de Resource Manager, configurez les identifiants par défaut de l'application. Pour en savoir plus, consultez Configurer l'authentification pour un environnement de développement local.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class Quickstart {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    // TODO: Replace with your project ID.
    String projectId = "your-project";
    // TODO: Replace with your service account name.
    String serviceAccount = "your-service-account";
    // TODO: Replace with the ID of your member in the form ""
    String member = "your-member";
    // The role to be granted.
    String role = "roles/logging.logWriter";

    quickstart(projectId, serviceAccount, member, role);

  // Creates new policy and adds binding.
  // Checks if changes are present and removes policy.
  public static void quickstart(String projectId, String serviceAccount,
                                String member, String role) throws IOException {

    // Construct the service account email.
    // You can modify the "" to match the name of the service account
    // to use for authentication.
    serviceAccount = serviceAccount + "@" + projectId + "";

    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests.
    // This client only needs to be created once, and can be reused for multiple requests.
    try (IAMClient iamClient = IAMClient.create()) {

      // Grants your member the "Log writer" role for your project.
      addBinding(iamClient, projectId, serviceAccount, member, role);

      // Get the project's policy and print all members with the "Log Writer" role
      Policy policy = getPolicy(iamClient, projectId, serviceAccount);

      Binding binding = null;
      List<Binding> bindings = policy.getBindingsList();

      for (Binding b : bindings) {
        if (b.getRole().equals(role)) {
          binding = b;

      System.out.println("Role: " + binding.getRole());
      System.out.print("Members: ");

      for (String m : binding.getMembersList()) {
        System.out.print("[" + m + "] ");

      // Removes member from the "Log writer" role.
      removeMember(iamClient, projectId, serviceAccount, member, role);

  public static void addBinding(IAMClient iamClient, String projectId, String serviceAccount,
                                String member, String role) {
    // Gets the project's policy.
    Policy policy = getPolicy(iamClient, projectId, serviceAccount);

    // If policy is not retrieved, return early.
    if (policy == null) {

    Policy.Builder updatedPolicy = policy.toBuilder();

    // Get the binding if present in the policy.
    Binding binding = null;
    for (Binding b : updatedPolicy.getBindingsList()) {
      if (b.getRole().equals(role)) {
        binding = b;

    if (binding != null) {
      // If binding already exists, adds member to binding.
    } else {
      // If binding does not exist, adds binding to policy.
      binding = Binding.newBuilder()

    // Sets the updated policy.
    setPolicy(iamClient, projectId, serviceAccount,;

  public static void removeMember(IAMClient iamClient, String projectId, String serviceAccount,
                                  String member, String role) {
    // Gets the project's policy.
    Policy.Builder policy = getPolicy(iamClient, projectId, serviceAccount).toBuilder();

    // Removes the member from the role.
    Binding binding = null;
    for (Binding b : policy.getBindingsList()) {
      if (b.getRole().equals(role)) {
        binding = b;

    if (binding != null && binding.getMembersList().contains(member)) {
      List<String> newMemberList = new ArrayList<>(binding.getMembersList());

      Binding newBinding = binding.toBuilder().clearMembers()
      List<Binding> newBindingList = new ArrayList<>(policy.getBindingsList());

      if (!newBinding.getMembersList().isEmpty()) {


    // Sets the updated policy.
    setPolicy(iamClient, projectId, serviceAccount,;

  public static Policy getPolicy(IAMClient iamClient, String projectId, String serviceAccount) {
    // Gets the project's policy by calling the
    // IAMClient API.
    GetIamPolicyRequest request = GetIamPolicyRequest.newBuilder()
            .setResource(ServiceAccountName.of(projectId, serviceAccount).toString())
    return iamClient.getIamPolicy(request);

  private static void setPolicy(IAMClient iamClient, String projectId,
                                String serviceAccount, Policy policy) {
    List<String> paths = Arrays.asList("bindings", "etag");
    // Sets a project's policy.
    SetIamPolicyRequest request = SetIamPolicyRequest.newBuilder()
            .setResource(ServiceAccountName.of(projectId, serviceAccount).toString())
            // A FieldMask specifying which fields of the policy to modify. Only
            // the fields in the mask will be modified. If no mask is provided, the
            // following default mask is used:
            // `paths: "bindings, etag"`

Pour savoir comment installer et utiliser la bibliothèque cliente pour Resource Manager, consultez la page Bibliothèques clientes Resource Manager. Pour en savoir plus, consultez la documentation de référence de l'API Resource Manager en langage Python.

Pour vous authentifier auprès de Resource Manager, configurez les identifiants par défaut de l'application. Pour en savoir plus, consultez Configurer l'authentification pour un environnement de développement local.

from import resourcemanager_v3
from google.iam.v1 import iam_policy_pb2, policy_pb2

def quickstart(project_id: str, member: str) -> None:
    """Gets a policy, adds a member, prints their permissions, and removes the member.

    project_id: ID or number of the Google Cloud project you want to use.
    member: The principals requesting the access.

    # Role to be granted.
    role = "roles/logging.logWriter"
    crm_service = resourcemanager_v3.ProjectsClient()

    # Grants your member the 'Log Writer' role for the project.
    modify_policy_add_role(crm_service, project_id, role, member)

    # Gets the project's policy and prints all members with the 'Log Writer' role.
    policy = get_policy(crm_service, project_id)
    binding = next(b for b in policy.bindings if b.role == role)
    print(f"Role: {(binding.role)}")
    print("Members: ")
    for m in binding.members:

    # Removes the member from the 'Log Writer' role.
    modify_policy_remove_member(crm_service, project_id, role, member)

def get_policy(
    crm_service: resourcemanager_v3.ProjectsClient, project_id: str
) -> policy_pb2.Policy:
    """Gets IAM policy for a project."""

    request = iam_policy_pb2.GetIamPolicyRequest()
    request.resource = f"projects/{project_id}"

    policy = crm_service.get_iam_policy(request)
    return policy

def set_policy(
    crm_service: resourcemanager_v3.ProjectsClient,
    project_id: str,
    policy: policy_pb2.Policy,
) -> None:
    """Adds a new role binding to a policy."""

    request = iam_policy_pb2.SetIamPolicyRequest()
    request.resource = f"projects/{project_id}"


def modify_policy_add_role(
    crm_service: resourcemanager_v3.ProjectsClient,
    project_id: str,
    role: str,
    member: str,
) -> None:
    """Adds a new role binding to a policy."""

    policy = get_policy(crm_service, project_id)

    for bind in policy.bindings:
        if bind.role == role:
        binding = policy_pb2.Binding()
        binding.role = role

    set_policy(crm_service, project_id, policy)

def modify_policy_remove_member(
    crm_service: resourcemanager_v3.ProjectsClient,
    project_id: str,
    role: str,
    member: str,
) -> None:
    """Removes a  member from a role binding."""

    policy = get_policy(crm_service, project_id)

    for bind in policy.bindings:
        if bind.role == role:
            if member in bind.members:

    set_policy(crm_service, project_id, policy)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # TODO: replace with your project ID
    project_id = "your-project-id"
    # TODO: Replace with the ID of your member in the form ''.
    member = "your-member"
    quickstart(project_id, member)

Félicitations ! Vous avez utilisé les méthodes IAM de l'API Resource Manager pour modifier l'accès à un projet.

Comment ça s'est passé ?

Effectuer un nettoyage

  1. Optional: Revoke the authentication credentials that you created, and delete the local credential file.

    gcloud auth application-default revoke
  2. Optional: Revoke credentials from the gcloud CLI.

    gcloud auth revoke

Étapes suivantes