Use custom organization policies for allow policies

This page shows you how to use Organization Policy Service custom constraints to restrict specific operations on the following Google Cloud resources:


To learn more about Organization Policy, see Custom organization policies.

About organization policies and constraints

The Google Cloud Organization Policy Service gives you centralized, programmatic control over your organization's resources. As the organization policy administrator, you can define an organization policy, which is a set of restrictions called constraints that apply to Google Cloud resources and descendants of those resources in the Google Cloud resource hierarchy. You can enforce organization policies at the organization, folder, or project level.

Organization Policy provides predefined constraints for various Google Cloud services. However, if you want more granular, customizable control over the specific fields that are restricted in your organization policies, you can also create custom constraints and use those custom constraints in an organization policy.

Policy inheritance

By default, organization policies are inherited by the descendants of the resources on which you enforce the policy. For example, if you enforce a policy on a folder, Google Cloud enforces the policy on all projects in the folder. To learn more about this behavior and how to change it, refer to Hierarchy evaluation rules.


You can use custom organization policies that reference IAM attributes to control how your allow policies can be modified. Specifically, you can control the following:

  • Who can be granted roles
  • Who can have their roles revoked
  • Which roles can be granted
  • Which roles can be revoked

For example, you can prevent roles that contain the word admin from being granted to principals whose email addresses end in


  • Custom organization policies in dry-run mode that reference IAM attributes have some limitations. Namely, audit logs for violations that involve the setIamPolicy method might be missing the following fields:

    • resourceName
    • serviceName
    • methodName
  • Audit logs aren't generated for all IAM-related custom organization policy violations. Namely, if a custom organization policy causes a setIamPolicy operation on the organization resource to fail, then Google Cloud doesn't generate an audit log for that event.

  • Custom organization policies that reference IAM attributes don't affect the following:

  • Users can be sent invitations to become owners, even if you have a custom organization policy that prevents the Owner role (roles/owner) from being granted. However, while the custom organization policy doesn't prevent an invitation from being sent, it does prevent invited users from being granted the Owner role. If invited users try to accept the invitation, they'll encounter an error and won't be granted the Owner role.

  • Some actions in Google Cloud, such as creating resources or enabling APIs, involve automatically granting a role to a service agent or default service account. If an action involves automatically granting a role and an organization policy prevents that role from being granted, then the entire operation might fail.

    If you encounter this issue, you can use tags to temporarily disable the constraint that prevents the role grant. Then, perform the action. After the action finishes, re-enable the constraint.

Before you begin

  • If you want to test out custom organization policies that reference IAM resources, create a new project. Testing these organization policies in an existing project could disrupt security workflows.

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the project selector page.

      Go to project selector

    2. Select or create a Google Cloud project.

Required roles

To get the permissions that you need to manage organization policies, ask your administrator to grant you the following IAM roles:

For more information about granting roles, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.

These predefined roles contain the permissions required to manage organization policies. To see the exact permissions that are required, expand the Required permissions section:

The following permissions are required to manage organization policies:

  • orgpolicy.* on the organization
  • Test the organization policies described on this page: resourcemanager.projects.setIamPolicy on the project

You might also be able to get these permissions with custom roles or other predefined roles.

Create a custom constraint

A custom constraint is defined in a YAML file by the resources, methods, conditions, and actions that are supported by the service on which you are enforcing the organization policy. Conditions for your custom constraints are defined using Common Expression Language (CEL). For more information about how to build conditions in custom constraints using CEL, see the CEL section of Creating and managing custom constraints.

To create a custom constraint, create a YAML file using the following format:

name: organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID/customConstraints/CONSTRAINT_NAME
condition: "CONDITION"
actionType: ACTION
displayName: DISPLAY_NAME
description: DESCRIPTION

Replace the following:

  • ORGANIZATION_ID: your organization ID, such as 123456789.

  • CONSTRAINT_NAME: the name you want for your new custom constraint. A custom constraint must start with custom., and can only include uppercase letters, lowercase letters, or numbers. For example, custom.denyProjectIAMAdmin. The maximum length of this field is 70 characters.

  • RESOURCE_NAME: the fully qualified name of the Google Cloud resource containing the object and field you want to restrict. For example,

  • CONDITION: a CEL condition that is written against a representation of a supported service resource. This field has a maximum length of 1000 characters. See Supported resources for more information about the resources available to write conditions against. For example, resource.bindings.exists(binding, RoleNameMatches(binding.role, ['roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin'])).

  • ACTION: the action to take if the condition is met. Possible values are ALLOW and DENY.

  • DISPLAY_NAME: a human-friendly name for the constraint. This field has a maximum length of 200 characters.

  • DESCRIPTION: a human-friendly description of the constraint to display as an error message when the policy is violated. This field has a maximum length of 2000 characters.

For more information about how to create a custom constraint, see Defining custom constraints.

Set up a custom constraint

After you have created the YAML file for a new custom constraint, you must set it up to make it available for organization policies in your organization. To set up a custom constraint, use the gcloud org-policies set-custom-constraint command:
gcloud org-policies set-custom-constraint CONSTRAINT_PATH
Replace CONSTRAINT_PATH with the full path to your custom constraint file. For example, /home/user/customconstraint.yaml. Once completed, your custom constraints are available as organization policies in your list of Google Cloud organization policies. To verify that the custom constraint exists, use the gcloud org-policies list-custom-constraints command:
gcloud org-policies list-custom-constraints --organization=ORGANIZATION_ID
Replace ORGANIZATION_ID with the ID of your organization resource. For more information, see Viewing organization policies.

Enforce a custom organization policy

You can enforce a boolean constraint by creating an organization policy that references it, and then applying that organization policy to a Google Cloud resource.
  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Organization policies page.

    Go to Organization policies

  2. From the project picker, select the project for which you want to set the organization policy.
  3. From the list on the Organization policies page, select your constraint to view the Policy details page for that constraint.
  4. To configure the organization policy for this resource, click Manage policy.
  5. On the Edit policy page, select Override parent's policy.
  6. Click Add a rule.
  7. In the Enforcement section, select whether enforcement of this organization policy is on or off.
  8. Optional: To make the organization policy conditional on a tag, click Add condition. Note that if you add a conditional rule to an organization policy, you must add at least one unconditional rule or the policy cannot be saved. For more information, see Setting an organization policy with tags.
  9. If this is a custom constraint, you can click Test changes to simulate the effect of this organization policy. For more information, see Test organization policy changes with Policy Simulator.
  10. To finish and apply the organization policy, click Set policy. The policy requires up to 15 minutes to take effect.

To create an organization policy that enforces a boolean constraint, create a policy YAML file that references the constraint:

      name: projects/PROJECT_ID/policies/CONSTRAINT_NAME
        - enforce: true

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the project on which you want to enforce your constraint.
  • CONSTRAINT_NAME: the name you defined for your custom constraint. For example, custom.denyProjectIAMAdmin.

To enforce the organization policy containing the constraint, run the following command:

    gcloud org-policies set-policy POLICY_PATH

Replace POLICY_PATH with the full path to your organization policy YAML file. The policy requires up to 15 minutes to take effect.

Test the custom organization policy

Optionally, you can test the organization policy by setting the policy and then trying to take an action that the policy should prevent.

Create the constraint

  1. Save the following file as constraint-deny-project-iam-admin.

    name: organizations/ORG_ID/customConstraints/custom.denyProjectIAMAdmin
      - CREATE
      - UPDATE
        RoleNameMatches(binding.role, ['roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin']) &&
          MemberSubjectMatches(member, ['user:EMAIL_ADDRESS'])
    actionType: DENY
    displayName: Do not allow EMAIL_ADDRESS to be granted the Project IAM Admin role.

    Replace the following values:

    • ORG_ID: the numeric ID of your Google Cloud organization.
    • MEMBER_EMAIL_ADDRESS: the email address of the principal that you want to use to test the custom constraint. While the constraint is active, this principal won't be able to be granted the Project IAM Admin role (roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin) on the project that you enforce the constraint for.
  2. Apply the constraint:

    gcloud org-policies set-custom-constraint ~/constraint-deny-project-iam-admin.yaml
  3. Verify that the constraint exists:

    gcloud org-policies list-custom-constraints --organization=ORGANIZATION_ID

Create the policy

  1. Save the following file as policy-deny-project-iam-admin.yaml:

    name: projects/PROJECT_ID/policies/custom.denyProjectIamAdmin
      - enforce: true

    Replace PROJECT_ID with your project ID.

  2. Apply the policy:

    gcloud org-policies set-policy ~/policy-deny-project-iam-admin.yaml
  3. Verify that the policy exists:

    gcloud org-policies list --project=PROJECT_ID

After you apply the policy, wait for about two minutes for Google Cloud to start enforcing the policy.

Test the policy

Try to grant the Project IAM Admin role (roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin) to the principal whose email address you included in the custom constraint. Before running the command, replace the following values:

  • PROJECT_ID: The ID of the Google Cloud project where you enforced the constraint
  • EMAIL_ADDRESS: The email address of the principal that you specified when you created the organization policy constraint.
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \
    --member=user:EMAIL_ADDRESS --role=roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin

The output is the following:

Operation denied by custom org policies: ["customConstraints/custom.denyProjectIAMAdmin": "EMAIL_ADDRESS can't be granted the Project IAM Admin role."]

Example custom organization policies for common use cases

The following table provides the syntax of some custom constraints for common use cases.

The following examples use the CEL macros all and exists. For more information about these macros, see Macros to evaluate lists.

Description Constraint syntax
Block the ability to grant a specific role.
name: organizations/ORG_ID/customConstraints/custom.denyRole
    RoleNameMatches(binding.role, ['ROLE'])
actionType: DENY
displayName: Do not allow the ROLE role to be granted
Only allow specific roles to be granted.
name: organizations/ORG_ID/customConstraints/custom.specificRolesOnly
    RoleNameMatches(binding.role, ['ROLE_1', 'ROLE_2'])
actionType: ALLOW
displayName: Only allow the ROLE_1 role and ROLE_2 role to be granted
Prevent any roles that start with roles/storage. from being granted.
name: organizations/ORG_ID/customConstraints/custom.dontgrantStorageRoles
    RoleNameStartsWith(binding.role, ['roles/storage.'])
actionType: DENY
displayName: Prevent roles that start with "roles/storage." from being granted
Prevent any roles with admin in the name from being revoked.
name: organizations/ORG_ID/customConstraints/custom.dontRevokeAdminRoles
    RoleNameContains(binding.role, ['admin'])
actionType: DENY
displayName: Prevent roles with "admin" in their names from being revoked
Only allow specific principals to be granted roles.
name: organizations/ORG_ID/customConstraints/custom.allowSpecificPrincipals
      MemberSubjectMatches(member, ['user:USER','serviceAccount:SERVICE_ACCOUNT'])
actionType: ALLOW
displayName: Only allow roles to be granted to USER and SERVICE_ACCOUNT
Prevent any roles from being revoked from specific principals.
name: organizations/ORG_ID/customConstraints/custom.denyRemovalOfSpecificPrincipals
      MemberSubjectMatches(member, ['user:USER_1','user:USER_2'])
actionType: DENY
displayName: Do not allow roles to be revoked from USER_1 or USER_2
Prevent principals with email addresses ending in from being granted roles.
name: organizations/ORG_ID/customConstraints/custom.dontGrantToGmail
      MemberSubjectEndsWith(member, [''])
actionType: DENY
displayName: Do not allow members whose email addresses end with "" to be granted roles
Only allow specific roles to be granted, and only to specific principals.
name: organizations/ORG_ID/customConstraints/custom.allowSpecificRolesAndPrincipals
    RoleNameMatches(binding.role, ['ROLE_1', 'ROLE_2'])  &&
      MemberSubjectMatches(member, ['serviceAccount:SERVICE_ACCOUNT', 'group:GROUP'])
actionType: ALLOW
displayName: Only allow ROLE_1 and ROLE_2 to be granted to SERVICE_ACCOUNT and GROUP
Prevent Cloud Storage roles from being granted to allUsers and allAuthenticatedUsers.
name: organizations/ORG_ID/customConstraints/custom.denyStorageRolesForPrincipalAllUsers
    RoleNameStartsWith(binding.role, ['roles/storage.']) &&
      MemberSubjectMatches(member, ['allUsers', 'allAuthenticatedUsers'])
actionType: DENY
displayName: Do not allow storage roles to be granted to allUsers or allAuthenticatedUsers
Prevent any identities outside of your organization from being granted roles.
name: organizations/ORG_ID/customConstraints/custom.allowInternaldentitiesOnly
      MemberInPrincipalSet(member, ['//'])
actionType: ALLOW
displayName: Only allow organization members to be granted roles
Only allow service accounts to be granted roles.
name: organizations/ORG_ID/customConstraints/custom.allowServiceAccountsOnly
      MemberTypeMatches(member, [''])
actionType: ALLOW
displayName: Only allow service accounts to be granted roles
Prevent removal of Google-managed service agents from role bindings.
name: organizations/ORG_ID/customConstraints/custom.denyRemovalOfGoogleManagedServiceAgents
condition: |-
        MemberTypeMatches(member, [''])
action_type: DENY
display_name: Deny Removal Of Google-Managed Service Agents
description: Restricts the removal of Google-managed service agents from role bindings. Please reach out to your organization admins for if you have any questions.

Identity and Access Management supported resources

IAM supports the AllowPolicy resource. This resource has the attribute resources.bindings attribute, which is returned for all methods that modify a resource's allow policy. All of the methods that modify a resource's allow policy end with setIamPolicy.

The resource.bindings attribute has the following structure, where BINDINGS is an array of role bindings that were modified during a change to an allow policy:

  "bindings": {

Each binding in resource.bindings has the following structure, where ROLE is the name of the role in the role binding and MEMBERS is a list of identifiers for all principals that were added to or removed from the role binding:

  "role": "ROLE"
  "members": {

To see the formats that principal identifiers can have, see Principal identifiers.

You can only evaluate the resource.bindings attribute and its fields using the supported functions. Other operators and functions—like ==, !=, in, contains, startsWith, and endsWith—are not supported.

Supported functions

You can use the following CEL functions to evaluate individual roles and members in a binding.

To evaluate all bindings in the bindings array or all members in the members array, use the all and exists macros. For more information, see Macros to evaluate lists on this page.

You can also use the logical operators && (and) and || (or) to write multipart conditions.

Function Description
  roleNames: list

Returns true if the role role fully matches at least one of the roles listed in roleNames.

role: the role to evaluate.
roleNames: a list of role names to match against.

Returns true if the role in the specified binding is roles/storage.admin or roles/compute.admin:

RoleNameMatches(binding.role, ['roles/storage.admin', 'roles/compute.admin'])
  rolePrefixes: list

Returns true if the role role starts with at least one of the strings listed in rolePrefixes.

role: the role to evaluate.
rolePrefixes: a list of strings to match the start of the role against.

Returns true if the role in the specified binding starts with roles/storage:

RoleNameStartsWith(binding.role, ['roles/storage'])
  roleSuffixes: list

Returns true if the role role ends with at least one of the strings listed in roleSuffixes.

role: the role to evaluate.
roleSuffixes: a list of strings to match the end of the role against.

Returns true if the role in the specified binding ends with .admin:

RoleNameEndsWith(binding.role, ['.admin'])
  roleSubstrings: list

Returns true if the role role contains at least one of the strings listed in roleSubstrings.

role: the role to evaluate.
roleSubstrings: a list of strings to match any part of the role to.

Returns true if the role in the specified binding contains the string admin:

RoleNameContains(binding.role, ['admin'])
  memberNames: list

Returns true if the member member fully matches at least one of the members listed in memberNames.

If the identifier for member is an email address, this function evaluates only that email address—it doesn't evaluate any aliases for that email address.

member: the member to evaluate.
memberNames: a list of member names to match against.

Returns true if the member member is

MemberSubjectMatches(member, [''])
  memberPrefixes: list

Returns true if the member member starts with at least one of the strings listed in memberPrefixes.

If the identifier for member is an email address, this function evaluates only that email address—it doesn't evaluate any aliases for that email address.

member: the member to evaluate.
memberPrefixes: a list of strings to match the beginning of the member name against.

Returns true if the member member begins with user:prod-:

MemberSubjectStartsWith(member, ['user:prod-'])
  memberSuffixes: list

Returns true if the member member ends with at least one of the strings listed in memberSuffixes.

If the identifier for member is an email address, this function evaluates only that email address—it doesn't evaluate any aliases for that email address.

member: the member to evaluate.
memberSuffixes: a list of strings to match the end of the member name against.

Returns true if the member member ends with

MemberSubjectEndsWith(member, [''])
  principalSets: list

Returns true if the member belongs to at least one of the listed principal sets.

member: the member to evaluate.

principalSets: a list of principal sets. For the function to evaluate to true, the member must be in at least one of these principal sets.

The only principal set that is supported is the organization principal set, which has the format // When used in the MemberInPrincipalSet function, this principal set includes the following principals:

  • All identities in all domains associated with your Google Workspace customer ID
  • All workforce identity pools in your organization
  • All service accounts and workload identity pools in any project in the organization
  • All service agents associated with resources in your organization.

Returns true if the member member belongs to the organization, which has the ID 123456789012:

MemberInPrincipalSet(member, ['//'])
  principalType: list

Returns true if the member is one of the listed principal types.

member: the member to evaluate.
principalType: a list of principal types. For the function to evaluate to true, the member must be one of the listed principal types. To learn which principal types are supported, see Supported principal types for MemberTypeMatches.

Returns true if the member member has the principal type or

MemberTypeMatches(member, ['', ''])

Macros to evaluate lists

Use the all and exists macros to evaluate a condition expression for a list of items.

Macro Description

Returns true if conditionExpression evaluates to true for every item in list.

This macro is typically used for custom organization policies with the actionType ALLOW. For example, you can use this macro to ensure that an action is only allowed if all modified principals meet the condition.

list: the list of items to evaluate.
item: the list item to evaluate. For example, if you call this method on the list resource.bindings, then use the value binding.
conditionExpression: the condition expression to evaluate each item against.

Returns true if all of the bindings in resource.bindings have roles that start with roles/storage.. Returns false if any of the bindings have roles that don't start with roles/storage.:

resource.bindings.all(binding, RoleNameStartsWith(binding.role, ['roles/storage.']))

Returns true if conditionExpression evaluates to true for any item in list.

This macro is typically used for custom organization policies with the actionType DENY. For example, you can use this macro to ensure that an action is denied if any of the modified principals meet the condition.

list: the list of items to evaluate.
item: the list item to evaluate. For example, if you call this method on the list resource.bindings, then use the value binding.
conditionExpression: the condition expression to evaluate each item against.

Returns true if any of the bindings in resource.bindings have roles that start with roles/storage.. Returns false if none of the bindings have roles that start with roles/storage.:

resource.bindings.exists(binding, RoleNameStartsWith(binding.role, ['roles/storage.']))

Conditions with nested lists

In general, if your condition includes nested lists, you should use the same macro for all lists in the condition.

Consider the following examples:

  • If your policy has the actionType ALLOW, then use the all macro for both the members list and the bindings list to ensure that policy modifications are only allowed if all members in all modified bindings satisfy the condition.
  • If your policy has the actionType DENY, then use the exists macro for both the members list and the bindings list to ensure that policy modifications aren't allowed if any member in any modified binding satisfies the condition.

Mixing macros in a single condition might result in a condition that doesn't behave how you intended.

For example, imagine that you want to prevent roles from being granted to members outside of the organization. The organization has the ID 123456789012.

To accomplish this goal, you write the following condition:

Not recommended — misconfigured condition

    MemberInPrincipalSet(member, ['//'])

This condition appears to prevent roles from being granted to members outside of the organization. However, the condition evaluates to true if any member in each of the modified role bindings is in the organization. As a result, you can still grant roles to members outside of the organization if you also grant the same role to a member in the organization.

For example, the condition evaluates to true for the following set of bindings, even though one of the members isn't in the organization:

 "bindings": [
      "members": [
      "role": "roles/resourcemanager.projectCreator"

Instead, you should write a condition like the following:

Recommended — correctly configured condition

    MemberInPrincipalSet(member, ['//'])

Using the all macro for both the members.bindings array and the resource.bindings array ensures that the condition evaluates to true only if all members in all bindings are in the principal set.

Supported principal types for MemberTypeMatches

The MemberTypeMatches function requires you to specify which principal type the specified member must match.

The following table lists the principal types that you can enter and a description of what the principal type represents. It also lists the principal identifiers that correspond with each principal type. These identifiers are the values that are used in IAM policies.

Principal type Description Principal identifiers A consumer Google Account. The email addresses for these accounts typically end in user:USER_EMAIL_ADDRESS A Google Account that is part of a Cloud Identity or Google Workspace account. These accounts are also called managed user accounts. user:USER_EMAIL_ADDRESS A Google group created by a consumer Google Account. These groups aren't owned by a Cloud Identity or Google Workspace account. The email addresses for these groups typically end in group:GROUP_EMAIL_ADDRESS A Google group that's owned by a Cloud Identity or Google Workspace account. group:GROUP_EMAIL_ADDRESS A Cloud Identity or Google Workspace account. domain:DOMAIN A single principal in a workforce identity pool. principal:// A principal set that contains a set of identities in a workforce identity pool. For example, a principal set containing all principals in a workforce identity pool.
  • principalSet://
  • principalSet://
  • principalSet://* A single identity in a workload identity pool principal:// A principal set that contains a set of identities in a workload identity pool. For example, a principal set containing all principals in a workload identity pool.
  • principalSet://
  • principalSet://
  • principalSet://*

Any service account. A service account is a special type of account that represents a workload rather than a human user.

In the context of the MemberTypeMatches function, this principal type doesn't include service agents.

serviceAccount:SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL_ADDRESS Any service agent. A service agent is a special type of service account that Google Cloud creates and manages. When granted roles in your projects, service agents let Google Cloud services can perform actions on your behalf. serviceAccount:SERVICE_AGENT_EMAIL_ADDRESS The principals allUsers and allAuthenticatedUsers.
  • allUsers
  • allAuthenticatedUsers Principals that are defined based on the role granted to them. These principals are also called convenience values.
  • projectOwner:PROJECT_ID
  • projectEditor:PROJECT_ID
  • projectViewer:PROJECT_ID A resource with a built-in identity. Any of the principal identifiers listed in Principal identifiers for single resources. Resources with built-in identities that share certain characteristics, such as type or ancestor. Any of the identifiers listed in Principal identifiers for sets of resources.

What's next