Playbook instructions

Playbook instructions define the process that should be taken to accomplish the playbook goal.

Each step contains a natural language instruction that may contain any of the following:

  • A basic instruction that the LLM can understand.
  • An instruction to route the user to another playbook. Playbooks are referenced using the form ${AGENT: playbook_name}.
  • An instruction to use a specific playbook tool. Tools are referenced using the form ${TOOL: tool_name}.
  • An instruction to route the user to a Conversational Agents (Dialogflow CX) flow. Flows are referenced using the form ${FLOW: flow_name}.

Each step description starts with -, and you can define subinstructions using indentation.

For example:

- greet the customer and ask them how you can help.
    - If the customer wants to book flights, route them to ${AGENT: flight_booking}.
    - If the customer wants to book hotels, route them to  ${AGENT: hotel_booking}.
    - If the customer wants to know trending attractions, use the ${TOOL: attraction_tool} to show them the list.
- help the customer to pay for their booking by routing them to ${FLOW: make_payment}.