Create and use internal ranges

This document describes how to create, use, and delete internal ranges.

Internal ranges help you manage a unified IP address space across Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) networks by letting you allocate blocks of internal IP addresses and specify how those blocks can be used.

Before you begin

Required roles

To get the permissions that you need to work with internal ranges, ask your administrator to grant you the Compute Network Admin (roles/compute.networkAdmin) IAM role on your project. For more information about granting roles, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.

You might also be able to get the required permissions through custom roles or other predefined roles.

Reserve internal ranges

You specify at least two things when creating an internal range: the IP addresses to allocate and the network to allocate the addresses in. You can create an IPv4 or IPv6 (Preview) internal range with a specific CIDR block, or you can have Google Cloud allocate an IPv4 block automatically. You can't create an IPv6 internal range with an automatically allocated address block.

When you request an automatically allocated IPv4 CIDR block, you provide a prefix length and one or more optional target IPv4 CIDR blocks. If you don't specify a target CIDR block, Google Cloud uses the default ranges of for custom mode VPC networks or for auto mode VPC networks. Google Cloud accounts for existing IP address allocations and allocates the internal range a free CIDR block of the chosen size from within the target CIDR blocks. You can further refine this allocation by providing an optional list of CIDR blocks to exclude (Preview) by using gcloud CLI or sending an API request. Google Cloud allocates an IP address block to the internal range that doesn't overlap with any excluded block. The list of excluded blocks can't be updated after you create an internal range.

IPv6 (Preview) internal ranges let you prevent the automatic assignment of IP addresses to new IPv6-only or dual-stack subnets. IPv6 internal ranges must have the usage type EXTERNAL_TO_VPC and the peering type FOR_SELF. You must include a specific IPv6 CIDR block, and the overlaps field must be empty or unspecified.

To prevent users from updating an internal range's CIDR block or overlap configuration, you can create an immutable internal range (Preview). Immutable internal ranges prevent changes to these properties, but you can still update the description. Immutability can't be changed after the internal range is created.

By default, Google Cloud blocks the creation of internal ranges or resources if they share overlapping IP addresses in the same VPC network. You can configure an IPv4 internal range to allow overlap with the address ranges of routes, subnets, or both. You can't create Google Cloud resources that use IP addresses from an existing internal range, unless you explicitly associate the resource with the internal range (for subnets) or configure overlapping (for routes). To create an internal range with overlap, use the Google Cloud CLI or send an API request.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Internal ranges page.

    Go to Internal ranges

  2. Click Reserve internal range.

  3. Enter a name.

  4. Optional: Enter a description.

  5. Select an IP version.

    • If you select IPv4, do the following:
      1. Specify whether the internal range is immutable (Preview).
      2. Select a reservation method.
        • If you select Automatic, select a prefix length, and then enter a target IP address range in CIDR notation.
        • If you select Let me specify, enter an IP range in CIDR notation.
      3. Select a network.
      4. Select a peering type.
      5. Select a usage type.
    • If you select IPv6 (Preview), do the following:
      1. Specify whether the internal range is immutable (Preview).
      2. Select Let me specify, and then enter an IPv6 or IPv4-mapped IPv6 CIDR block.
      3. Select a network.
      4. Click Peering, and then select For self.
      5. Click Usage, and then select External to VPC.
  6. Click Reserve.


  • To reserve an internal range for a specific IPv4 or IPv6 (Preview) CIDR block, use the gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges create command.

    gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges create RANGE_NAME \
        --ip-cidr-range=CIDR_RANGE \
        --network=NETWORK_NAME \
        --description="DESCRIPTION" \
        --peering=PEERING_TYPE \

    Replace the following:

    • RANGE_NAME: the name of the new internal range
    • CIDR_RANGE: the IPv4, IPv6, or IPv4-mapped IPv6 CIDR block to allocate to the new internal range
      • If you specify an IPv6 block (Preview), your options are limited in the following ways:
        • The peering type is restricted to FOR_SELF.
        • The usage type is restricted to EXTERNAL_TO_VPC.
    • NETWORK_NAME: the name of the network to create the internal range in
    • DESCRIPTION: an optional description of the internal range
    • PEERING_TYPE: the peering type of the internal range

      Options are FOR_SELF, FOR_PEER, and NOT_SHARED. FOR_SELF is the default.

    • USAGE_TYPE: the usage type of the internal range

      Options are FOR_VPC, EXTERNAL_TO_VPC, and FOR_MIGRATION. The default value is FOR_VPC.

  • To reserve an IPv4 internal range with an automatically allocated CIDR block, use the following command:

    gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges create RANGE_NAME \
        --network=NETWORK_NAME \
        --prefix-length=PREFIX_LENGTH \
        --target-cidr-range=TARGET_CIDR_RANGE \
        --peering=PEERING_TYPE \
        --usage=USAGE_TYPE \

    Replace the following:

    • PREFIX_LENGTH: the prefix length of the allocated IP addresses
    • TARGET_CIDR_RANGE: the target CIDR block from which to allocate an IPv4 address block

      You can enter multiple CIDR blocks in a comma-separated list. The default is for custom mode VPC networks or for auto mode VPC networks.

  • If you want to exclude IP address ranges when reserving an IPv4 internal range with an automatically allocated CIDR block (Preview), use the following command:

    gcloud alpha network-connectivity internal-ranges create RANGE_NAME \
        --network=NETWORK_NAME \
        --prefix-length=PREFIX_LENGTH \
        --target-cidr-range=TARGET_CIDR_RANGE \
        --peering=PEERING_TYPE \
        --usage=USAGE_TYPE \
        --description="DESCRIPTION" \

    Replace EXCLUDED_RANGES with a comma-separated list of one or more IPv4 CIDR blocks to exclude. Google Cloud allocates an IP address block to the internal range that doesn't overlap with any excluded block. The list can't be updated after the internal range is created.

  • To reserve an IPv4 internal range with overlap, use the following command:

    gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges create RANGE_NAME \
        --ip-cidr-range=CIDR_RANGE \
        --network=NETWORK_NAME \
        --description="DESCRIPTION" \
        --peering=PEERING_TYPE \
        --usage=USAGE_TYPE \

    Replace OVERLAPS with the type of overlap to allow. Options are OVERLAP_EXISTING_SUBNET_RANGE and OVERLAP_ROUTE_RANGE. You can include both values in a comma-separated list.

  • To reserve an immutable (Preview) internal range, use the following command:

    gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges create RANGE_NAME \
        --ip-cidr-range=CIDR_RANGE \
        --network=NETWORK_NAME \
        --description="DESCRIPTION" \
        --peering=PEERING_TYPE \
        --usage=USAGE_TYPE \


  • To reserve an internal range for a specific IPv4 or IPv6 (Preview) CIDR block, make a POST request to the projects.locations.internalRanges.create method.

      "ipCidrRange": "CIDR_RANGE",
      "network": "NETWORK_NAME",
      "description": "DESCRIPTION",
      "peering": "PEERING_TYPE",
      "usage": "USAGE_TYPE"

    Replace the following:

    • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the parent project for the internal range
    • RANGE_NAME: the name of the internal range
    • CIDR_RANGE: the IPv4, IPv6, or IPv4-mapped IPv6 CIDR block to allocate to the internal range
      • If you specify an IPv6 block (Preview), your options are limited in the following ways:
        • The peering type is restricted to FOR_SELF.
        • The usage type is restricted to EXTERNAL_TO_VPC.
    • NETWORK_NAME: the name of the network to create the internal range in
    • DESCRIPTION: an optional description of the new internal range
    • PEERING_TYPE: the peering type of the internal range

      Options are FOR_SELF, FOR_PEER, and NOT_SHARED. FOR_SELF is the default.

    • USAGE_TYPE: the usage type of the internal range

      Options are FOR_VPC, EXTERNAL_TO_VPC, and FOR_MIGRATION. The default value is FOR_VPC.

  • To reserve an IPv4 internal range with an automatically allocated CIDR block, make the following request:

      "prefixLength": PREFIX_LENGTH,
      "targetCidrRange": "TARGET_CIDR_RANGE",
      "network": "NETWORK_NAME",
      "description": "DESCRIPTION",
      "peering": "PEERING_TYPE",
      "usage": "USAGE_TYPE"

    Replace the following:

    • PREFIX_LENGTH: the CIDR prefix length for the range's IP address block
    • TARGET_CIDR_RANGE: the target CIDR block from which to allocate an IPv4 address block

      You can specify multiple CIDR ranges in a JSON array. The default is for custom mode VPC networks or for auto mode VPC networks.

  • If you want to exclude IP address ranges when reserving an IPv4 internal range with an automatically allocated CIDR block (Preview), make the following request:

      "prefixLength": PREFIX_LENGTH,
      "targetCidrRange": "TARGET_CIDR_RANGE",
      "network": "NETWORK_NAME",
      "description": "DESCRIPTION",
      "peering": "PEERING_TYPE",
      "usage": "USAGE_TYPE",
      "excludeCidrRanges": ["EXCLUDED_RANGE_1","EXCLUDED_RANGE_2"]

    Replace EXCLUDED_RANGE_1 and EXCLUDED_RANGE_2 with one or more IPv4 CIDR blocks to exclude. Google Cloud allocates an IP address block to the internal range that doesn't overlap with any excluded block. The list can't be updated after the internal range is created.

  • To reserve an IPv4 internal range with overlap, make the following request:

      "ipCidrRange": "CIDR_RANGE",
      "network": "NETWORK_NAME",
      "description": "DESCRIPTION",
      "peering": "PEERING_TYPE",
      "usage": "USAGE_TYPE",
      "overlaps": ["OVERLAPS"]

    Replace OVERLAPS with the type of overlap to allow. Options are OVERLAP_EXISTING_SUBNET_RANGE and OVERLAP_ROUTE_RANGE. You can include both values in a JSON array.

  • To reserve an immutable (Preview) internal range, make the following request:

      "ipCidrRange": "CIDR_RANGE",
      "network": "NETWORK_NAME",
      "description": "DESCRIPTION",
      "peering": "PEERING_TYPE",
      "usage": "USAGE_TYPE",
      "immutable": true

Reserve IPv4 internal ranges for subnet migration

You can use an internal range to migrate a CIDR range from one subnet to another. For more information, see Migrating IPv4 subnet ranges.


Use the gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges create command.

gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges create RANGE_NAME \
    --ip-cidr-range=CIDR_RANGE \
    --network=NETWORK_NAME \
    --peering=FOR_SELF \
    --usage=FOR_MIGRATION \
    --migration-source=SOURCE_SUBNET \

Replace the following:

  • RANGE_NAME: the name of the internal range to create
  • CIDR_RANGE: the IPv4 CIDR block of the subnet that you want to migrate
  • NETWORK_NAME: the name of the network to create the internal range in
  • SOURCE_SUBNET: the URI of the source subnet
  • TARGET_SUBNET: the URI of the target subnet


Make a POST request to the projects.locations.internalRanges.create method.

  "ipCidrRange": "CIDR_RANGE",
  "network": "NETWORK_NAME",
  "peering": "FOR_SELF",
  "usage": "FOR_MIGRATION",
  "migration": {
    "source": "SOURCE_SUBNET",
    "target": "TARGET_SUBNET"

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the parent project for the internal range
  • RANGE_NAME: the name of the new internal range
  • CIDR_RANGE: the IPv4 CIDR block of the subnet that you want to migrate
  • NETWORK_NAME: the name of the network to create the internal range in
  • SOURCE_SUBNET: the URI of the source subnet
  • TARGET_SUBNET: the URI of the target subnet

Create subnetworks with IPv4 internal ranges

You can create an IPv4-only or dual-stack subnet and use an internal range to specify the subnet's primary internal IPv4 address range. The subnet can be associated with an entire internal range or only part of the range. Secondary ranges for subnets can also be associated with internal ranges.


  1. Reserve an IPv4 internal range in the network where you want to create a new subnet. Set the usage type on this internal range to For VPC, and set the peering type to For self.

  2. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VPC networks page.

    Go to VPC networks

  3. Click the name of a VPC network to show its VPC network details page.

  4. Click Add subnet. In the dialog that appears:

    1. Provide a name.
    2. Select a region.
    3. Select the Associate with an internal range checkbox.
    4. For Reserved internal range, make a selection.
    5. Optional: To associate the subnet with part of the internal range, enter an IPv4 range.
    6. Click Add.


  1. Reserve an IPv4 internal range in the network where you want to create a new subnet. Set the usage type on this internal range to FOR_VPC, and set the peering type to FOR_SELF.
  2. Do one of the following:

    • To create a subnet that is associated with an entire internal range, use the gcloud compute networks subnets create command.

      gcloud compute networks subnets create SUBNET_NAME \
          --network=NETWORK_NAME \

      Replace the following:

      • SUBNET_NAME: the name of the subnet
      • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the project to create the subnet in
      • RANGE_NAME: the name of the internal range to associate with the subnet
      • NETWORK_NAME: the name of the network to create the subnet in
      • REGION: the region to create the subnet in
    • To create a subnet that is associated with part of an internal range, use the following command:

      gcloud compute networks subnets create SUBNET_NAME \
          --range=IP_RANGE \
          --network=NETWORK_NAME \

      Replace IP_RANGE with an IPv4 CIDR range that is a subset of the internal range.

For example, the following commands create a subnet that is associated with only the part of an internal range that reserves the CIDR block.

gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges create reserved-range-one \
    --ip-cidr-range= \
gcloud compute networks subnets create subnet-one \ \
    --range= \
    --network=vpc-one \


  1. Reserve an IPv4 internal range in the network where you want to create a new subnet. Set the usage type on this internal range to FOR_VPC, and set the peering type to FOR_SELF.
  2. Do one of the following:

    • To create a subnet that is associated with an entire internal range, make a POST request to the subnetworks.insert method.

        "name" : "SUBNET_NAME",
        "reservedInternalRange" : "",
        "network" : "NETWORK"

      Replace the following:

      • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the parent project for the new subnet
      • REGION: the region to create the subnet in
      • SUBNET_NAME: the name of the new subnet
      • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the project to create a subnet in
      • RANGE_NAME: the name of the internal range to use for the new subnet
      • NETWORK: the name of the network to create the subnet in
    • To create a subnet that is associated with part of an internal range, make the following request:

        "name" : "SUBNET_NAME",
        "reservedInternalRange" : "",
        "range" : "IP_RANGE",
        "network" : "NETWORK"

      Replace IP_RANGE with an IPv4 CIDR range that is a subset of the internal range.

For example, the following requests create a subnet that is associated with only the part of an internal range that contains the CIDR block.

  "targetCidrRange": "",
  "network": "network-b"
  "name" : "subnet-with-partial-range",
  "reservedInternalRange" : "",
  "range" : "",
  "network" : "network-b"

Create GKE clusters with IPv4 internal ranges

You can use IPv4 internal ranges to allocate IP addresses for Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) VPC-native clusters.


  1. Create the following IPv4 internal ranges by using the gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges create command.

    gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges create gke-nodes-1 \
        --prefix-length=NODE_PREFIX_LENGTH \
    gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges create gke-pods-1 \
        --prefix-length=POD_PREFIX_LENGTH \
    gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges create gke-services-1 \
        --prefix-length=SERVICE_PREFIX_LENGTH \

    Replace the following:

    • NODE_PREFIX_LENGTH: the prefix length for the internal range that is associated with GKE nodes
    • POD_PREFIX_LENGTH: the prefix length for the internal range that is associated with GKE pods
    • SERVICE_PREFIX_LENGTH: the prefix length for the internal range that is associated with GKE services
    • NETWORK: the name of the network
  2. Create a subnet with the internal ranges that you created in the previous step by using the gcloud compute networks subnets create command.

    gcloud compute networks subnets create gke-subnet-1 \
        --network=NETWORK \
        --region=REGION \
        --reserved-internal-range="//" \

    Replace the following:

    • REGION: the region of the subnet
    • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the project
  3. Create the VPC-native cluster by using the gcloud container clusters create command.

    gcloud container clusters create CLUSTER_NAME \
        --network=NETWORK \
        --subnetwork=gke-subnet-1 \
        --zone=ZONE \
        --cluster-secondary-range-name=pods \
        --services-secondary-range-name=services \

    Replace ZONE with the zone of the cluster.


  1. Create the following internal ranges by making POST requests to the projects.locations.internalRanges.create method.

      "network": "NETWORK",
      "prefixLength": NODE_PREFIX_LENGTH,
      "peering": "FOR_SELF",
      "usage": "FOR_VPC"
      "network": "NETWORK",
      "prefixLength": POD_PREFIX_LENGTH,
      "peering": "FOR_SELF",
      "usage": "FOR_VPC"
      "network": "NETWORK",
      "prefixLength": SERVICE_PREFIX_LENGTH,
      "peering": "FOR_SELF",
      "usage": "FOR_VPC"

    Replace the following:

    • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the project
    • NETWORK: the name of the network
    • NODE_PREFIX_LENGTH: the prefix length for the internal range that is associated with GKE nodes
    • POD_PREFIX_LENGTH: the prefix length for the internal range that is associated with GKE pods
    • SERVICE_PREFIX_LENGTH: the prefix length for the internal range that is associated with GKE services
  2. Create a subnet with the internal ranges that you created in the previous step by making a POST request to the subnetworks.insert method.

      "name": "gke-subnet-1",
      "network": "",
      "privateIpGoogleAccess": false,
      "reservedInternalRange": "//",
      "secondaryIpRanges": [
          "rangeName": "pods",
          "reservedInternalRange": "//"
          "rangeName": "services",
          "reservedInternalRange": "//"

    Replace the following:

    • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the project
    • REGION: the region of the subnet
    • NETWORK: the network of the subnet
  3. Create the VPC-native cluster by making a POST request to the clusters.create method.

      "cluster": {
        "ipAllocationPolicy": {
          "clusterSecondaryRangeName": "pods",
          "createSubnetwork": false,
          "servicesSecondaryRangeName": "services",
          "useIpAliases": true
        "name": "CLUSTER_NAME",
        "network": "NETWORK",
        "nodePools": [
            "config": {
              "oauthScopes": [
            "initialNodeCount": 3,
            "management": {
              "autoRepair": true,
              "autoUpgrade": true
            "name": "default-pool",
            "upgradeSettings": {
              "maxSurge": 1
        "subnetwork": "gke-subnet-1"
      "parent": "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/ZONE"

    Replace the following:

    • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the project
    • ZONE: the zone of the cluster
    • CLUSTER_NAME: the name of the new cluster
    • NETWORK: the network of the cluster

List internal ranges

You can list internal ranges to view all internal ranges in your current project or a specific VPC network. To list projects in a VPC network, use the Google Cloud CLI or send an API request.



  • To view all internal ranges in your current project, use the gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges list command.

    gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges list
  • To view all internal ranges in a VPC network, use the internal-ranges list command and include a filter.

    gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges list \
        --filter=network:NETWORK_NAME \

    Replace the following:

    • NETWORK_NAME: the name of the VPC network to list internal ranges in
    • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the project that contains the VPC network


  • To view all internal ranges in a project, make a GET request to the projects.locations.internalRanges.list method.


    Replace PROJECT_ID with the ID of the project to view internal ranges in.

  • To view all internal ranges in a VPC network, make a GET request to the projects.locations.internalRanges.list method and include a filter.


    Replace NETWORK_NAME with the name of the VPC network to list internal ranges in.

Describe internal ranges

You can describe an internal range to view details about the chosen range, including any subnets that are associated with the internal range.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Internal ranges page.

    Go to Internal ranges

  2. Click the Name of the internal range that you want to describe.


Use the gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges describe command.

gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges describe RANGE_NAME

Replace RANGE_NAME with the name of the internal range to describe.


Make a GET request to the projects.locations.internalRanges.get method.


Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the parent project for the internal range
  • RANGE_NAME: the name of the internal range to describe

Update internal ranges

If an internal range is immutable, you can only update the description. If an internal range is mutable, you can expand the range's CIDR block and update its overlap property and description.

To expand an internal range, you can either update the range's CIDR block or decrease its prefix length, and the updated CIDR block must contain the previous block.

If you want to narrow the allocated range or modify another element, delete the internal range and create a new one.

To update an IPv4 internal range's overlap property, send an API request or use the Google Cloud CLI.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Internal ranges page.

    Go to Internal ranges

  2. Click the name of the internal range that you want to update.

  3. To expand the range's CIDR block, click Expand range, and then do one of the following:

    • For IPv4 internal ranges, click Prefix length, and then do the following:
      1. In the Prefix length field, select a prefix length that is smaller than the previous prefix.
      2. Click Expand.
    • For IPv4 or IPv6 internal ranges, click IP range, and then do the following:
      1. Enter an IPv4, IPv6, or IPv4-mapped IPv6 CIDR block. The new block must contain the earlier one.
      2. Click Expand.
  4. To update the range's description, do the following:

    1. Click Edit description
    2. Enter a new description.
    3. Click Save.


  • To update an internal range, use the gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges update command. Omit flags for properties that you don't want to modify.

    gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges update RANGE_NAME \
        --ip-cidr-range=CIDR_RANGE \
        --overlaps=OVERLAPS \

    Replace the following:

    • RANGE_NAME: the name of the internal range
    • CIDR_RANGE: the expanded IPv4, IPv6, IPv4-mapped IPv6 CIDR block, which must contain the previous block
    • OVERLAPS: the type of overlap to allow (IPv4 ranges only)

      Options are OVERLAP_EXISTING_SUBNET_RANGE and OVERLAP_ROUTE_RANGE. You can include both values in a comma-separated list. To disable overlap, include the flag but don't specify a value (--overlaps=).

    • DESCRIPTION: the updated description

  • To expand an internal range by decreasing its prefix length, use the following command:

    gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges update RANGE_NAME \

    Replace PREFIX_LENGTH with the updated prefix length, which must be less than the previous prefix length.


  • To expand an internal range by updating its CIDR range, make a PATCH request to the projects.locations.internalRanges.patch method.

      "ipCidrRange": "CIDR_RANGE"

    Replace the following:

    • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the parent project for the internal range
    • RANGE_NAME: the name of the internal range
    • CIDR_RANGE: the expanded IPv4, IPv6, or IPv4-mapped IPv6 CIDR block, which must contain the previous block
  • To expand an internal range by decreasing its prefix length, make the following request:

      "prefixLength": PREFIX_LENGTH

    Replace PREFIX_LENGTH with the updated prefix length, which must be less than the previous prefix length.

  • To update an IPv4 internal range's overlap property, make the following request:

      "overlaps": ["OVERLAPS"]

    Replace OVERLAPS with the type of overlap to allow. Options are OVERLAP_EXISTING_SUBNET_RANGE and OVERLAP_ROUTE_RANGE. You can include both values in a JSON array. To disable overlap, include the field but don't specify a value ("overlaps": []).

  • To update an internal range's description, make the following request:

      "description": "DESCRIPTION"

    Replace DESCRIPTION with the updated description.

Delete internal ranges

You can delete an internal range if it is not associated with a Google Cloud resource such as a subnet. To delete an internal range that is associated with a Google Cloud resource, first delete the associated resource.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Internal ranges page.

    Go to Internal ranges

  2. Click the name of the internal range that you want to delete.

  3. Click Delete.

  4. To confirm, click Delete.


Use the gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges delete command.

gcloud network-connectivity internal-ranges delete RANGE_TO_DELETE

Replace RANGE_TO_DELETE with the name of the internal range to delete.


Make a DELETE request to the projects.locations.internalRanges.delete method.


Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the parent project for the internal range
  • RANGE_NAME: the name of the internal range