gcloud beta logging buckets create

gcloud beta logging buckets create - create a bucket
gcloud beta logging buckets create BUCKET_ID --location=LOCATION [--async] [--cmek-kms-key-name=CMEK_KMS_KEY_NAME] [--description=DESCRIPTION] [--enable-analytics] [--index=[KEY=VALUE, …,…]] [--restricted-fields=[RESTRICTED_FIELD,…]] [--retention-days=RETENTION_DAYS] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
(BETA) After creating a bucket, use a log sink to route logs into the bucket.
To create a bucket 'my-bucket' in location 'global', run:
gcloud beta logging buckets create my-bucket --location=global --description="my custom bucket"

To create a bucket with extended retention, run:

gcloud beta logging buckets create my-bucket --location=global --retention-days=365

To create a bucket in cloud region 'us-central1', run:

gcloud beta logging buckets create my-bucket --location=us-central1

To create a bucket with custom index of 'jsonPayload.foo', run:

gcloud beta logging buckets create my-bucket --index=fieldPath=jsonPayload.foo,type=INDEX_TYPE_STRING

To create a bucket with custom CMEK, run:

gcloud beta logging buckets create my-bucket --location=us-central1 --cmek-kms-key-name=CMEK_KMS_KEY_NAME

To asynchronously create a bucket enrolled into Log Analytics, run:

gcloud beta logging buckets create my-bucket --location=global --async --enable-analytics
ID of the bucket to create.
Location in which to create the bucket. Once the bucket is created, the location cannot be changed.
Return immediately, without waiting for the operation in progress to complete.
A valid kms_key_name will enable CMEK for the bucket.
A textual description for the bucket.
Whether to opt the bucket into Log Analytics. Once opted in, the bucket cannot be opted out of Log Analytics.
--index=[KEY=VALUE, …,…]
Specify an index to be added to the log bucket. This flag can be repeated. The fieldPath and type attributes are required. For example: --index=fieldPath=jsonPayload.foo,type=INDEX_TYPE_STRING. The following keys are accepted:
The LogEntry field path to index. For example: jsonPayload.request.status. Paths are limited to 800 characters and can include only letters, digits, underscores, hyphens, and periods.
The type of data in this index. For example: INDEX_TYPE_STRING Supported types are INDEX_TYPE_STRING and INDEX_TYPE_INTEGER.
Comma-separated list of field paths that require permission checks in this bucket. The following fields and their children are eligible: textPayload, jsonPayload, protoPayload, httpRequest, labels, sourceLocation.
The period logs will be retained, after which logs will automatically be deleted. The default is 30 days.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

This command is currently in beta and might change without notice. These variants are also available:
gcloud logging buckets create
gcloud alpha logging buckets create