gcloud beta batch jobs submit

gcloud beta batch jobs submit - submit a Batch job
gcloud beta batch jobs submit [[JOB] --location=LOCATION] (--config=PATH_TO_FILE --container-commands-file=CONTAINER_COMMANDS_FILE --container-entrypoint=CONTAINER_ENTRYPOINT --container-image-uri=CONTAINER_IMAGE_URI     | --script-file-path=SCRIPT_FILE_PATH     | --script-text=SCRIPT_TEXT) [--job-prefix=JOB_PREFIX] [--machine-type=MACHINE_TYPE] [--priority=PRIORITY] [--provisioning-model=PROVISIONING_MODEL] [--network=NETWORK --subnetwork=SUBNETWORK : --no-external-ip-address] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
(BETA) This command creates and submits a Batch job. After you create and submit the job, Batch automatically queues, schedules, and executes it.
To submit a job with a sample JSON configuration file (config.json) and name projects/foo/locations/us-central1/jobs/bar, run:
gcloud beta batch jobs submit projects/foo/locations/us-central1/jobs/bar --config=config.json

To submit a job with a sample YAML configuration file (config.yaml) and name projects/foo/locations/us-central1/jobs/bar, run:

gcloud beta batch jobs submit projects/foo/locations/us-central1/jobs/bar --config=config.yaml

To submit a job through stdin with a sample job configuration and name projects/foo/locations/us-central1/jobs/bar, run:

gcloud beta batch jobs submit projects/foo/locations/us-central1/jobs/bar --config=-
then input json job config via stdin
  job config

To submit a job through HereDoc with a sample job configuration and name projects/foo/locations/us-central1/jobs/bar, run:

gcloud beta batch jobs submit projects/foo/locations/us-central1/jobs/bar --config=- << EOF
  job config

For details about how to define a job's configuration using JSON, see the projects.locations.jobs resource in the Batch API Reference. If you want to define a job's configuration using YAML, convert the JSON syntax to YAML.

Job resource - The Batch job resource. If --location not specified,the current batch/location is used. The arguments in this group can be used to specify the attributes of this resource. (NOTE) Some attributes are not given arguments in this group but can be set in other ways.

To set the project attribute:

  • provide the argument JOB on the command line with a fully specified name;
  • job ID is optional and will be generated if not specified with a fully specified name;
  • provide the argument --project on the command line;
  • set the property core/project.
ID of the job or fully qualified identifier for the job.

To set the job attribute:

  • provide the argument JOB on the command line;
  • job ID is optional and will be generated if not specified.
Google Cloud location for the job.

To set the location attribute:

  • provide the argument JOB on the command line with a fully specified name;
  • job ID is optional and will be generated if not specified with a fully specified name;
  • provide the argument --location on the command line;
  • set the property batch/location.
At least one of these must be specified:
The file path of the job config file in either JSON or YAML format. It also supports direct input from stdin with '-' or HereDoc (in shells with HereDoc support like Bash) with '- <<DELIMITER'.

Use a full or relative path to a local file containing the value of config.

Either specify the config file for the job or the first runnable in the task spec. Specify either a script file or container arguments for the first runnable in the task spec.

At most one of these can be specified:

Options to specify the container arguments for the first runnable in the task spec.
Overrides the CMD specified in the container. If there is an ENTRYPOINT (either in the container image or with the entrypoint field below) then commands are appended as arguments to the ENTRYPOINT.
Overrides the ENTRYPOINT specified in the container.
The URI to pull the container image from.
Either specify a path to a script file to run or provide inline text to execute directly.

At most one of these can be specified:

Path to script file to run as first runnable in task spec. File path should be a valid path on the instance volume.
Text to run as first runnable in task spec.
Specify the job prefix. A job ID in the format of job prefix + %Y%m%d-%H%M%S will be generated. Note that job prefix cannot be specified while JOB ID positional argument is specified.
Specify the Compute Engine machine type, for example, e2-standard-4. Currently only one machine type is supported.
Job priority [0-99] 0 is the lowest priority.
Specify the allowed provisioning model for the compute instances. PROVISIONING_MODEL must be one of:
The SPOT VM provisioning model. Ideal for fault-tolerant workloads that can withstand preemption.
The STANDARD VM provisioning model
The URL for the network resource. Must specify subnetwork as well if network is specified
The URL for the subnetwork resource. Must specify network as well if subnetwork is specified
Required if no external public IP address is attached to the VM. If no external public IP address, additional configuration is required to allow the VM to access Google Services.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

This command is currently in beta and might change without notice. These variants are also available:
gcloud batch jobs submit
gcloud alpha batch jobs submit