gcloud kms raw-encrypt

gcloud kms raw-encrypt - encrypt a plaintext file using a raw key
gcloud kms raw-encrypt --ciphertext-file=CIPHERTEXT_FILE --plaintext-file=PLAINTEXT_FILE --version=VERSION [--additional-authenticated-data-file=ADDITIONAL_AUTHENTICATED_DATA_FILE] [--initialization-vector-file=INITIALIZATION_VECTOR_FILE] [--key=KEY] [--keyring=KEYRING] [--location=LOCATION] [--skip-integrity-verification] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
Encrypts the given plaintext file using the given CryptoKey containing a raw key and writes the result to the named ciphertext file. The plaintext file must not be larger than 64KiB. For the AES-CBC algorithms, no server-side padding is being done, so the plaintext must be a multiple of the block size.

The supported algorithms are: AES-128-GCM, AES-256-GCM, AES-128-CBC, AES-256-CBC, AES-128-CTR, and AES-256-CTR.

AES-GCM provides authentication which means that it accepts additional authenticated data (AAD). So, the flag --additional-authenticated-data-file is only valid with AES-128-GCM and AES-256-GCM algorithms.

The initialization vector (flag --initialization-vector-file) is only supported for AES-CBC and AES-CTR algorithms, and must be 16B in length.

Therefore, both additional authenticated data and initialization vector can't be provided during encryption. If an additional authenticated data file is provided, its contents must also be provided during decryption. The file must not be larger than 64KiB.

The flag --version indicates the version of the key to use for encryption.

If --plaintext-file or --additional-authenticated-data-file or --initialization-vector-file is set to '-', that file is read from stdin. Similarly, if --ciphertext-file is set to '-', the ciphertext is written to stdout.

By default, the command performs integrity verification on data sent to and received from Cloud KMS. Use --skip-integrity-verification to disable integrity verification.

The following command reads and encrypts the file path/to/input/plaintext. The file will be encrypted using the AES-GCM CryptoKey KEYNAME from the KeyRing KEYRING in the global location using the additional authenticated data file path/to/input/aad. The resulting ciphertext will be written to path/to/output/ciphertext.
gcloud kms raw-encrypt --key=KEYNAME --keyring=KEYRING --location=global --plaintext-file=path/to/input/plaintext --additional-authenticated-data-file=path/to/input/aad --ciphertext-file=path/to/output/ciphertext

The following command reads and encrypts the file path/to/input/plaintext. The file will be encrypted using the AES-CBC CryptoKey KEYNAME from the KeyRing KEYRING in the global location using the initialization vector stored at path/to/input/aad. The resulting ciphertext will be written to path/to/output/ciphertext.

gcloud kms raw-encrypt --key=KEYNAME --keyring=KEYRING --location=global --plaintext-file=path/to/input/plaintext --initialization-vector-file=path/to/input/iv --ciphertext-file=path/to/output/ciphertext
File path of the ciphertext file to output.
File path of the plaintext file to encrypt.
Version to use for encryption.
File path to the optional file containing the additional authenticated data.
File path to the optional file containing the initialization vector for encryption.
The key to use for encryption.
Key ring of the key.
Location of the keyring.
Skip integrity verification on request and response API fields.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

These variants are also available:
gcloud alpha kms raw-encrypt
gcloud beta kms raw-encrypt