gcloud alpha storage management-hub update

gcloud alpha storage management-hub update - updates Management Hub
gcloud alpha storage management-hub update (--organization=ORGANIZATION     | --project=PROJECT     | --sub-folder=SUB_FOLDER) (--inherit-from-parent     | --exclude-bucket-id-regexes=[EXCLUDE_BUCKET_ID_REGEXES,…] --exclude-bucket-ids=[EXCLUDE_BUCKET_IDS,…]     | --include-bucket-id-regexes=[INCLUDE_BUCKET_ID_REGEXES,…] --include-bucket-ids=[INCLUDE_BUCKET_IDS,…] --exclude-locations=[EXCLUDE_LOCATIONS,…]     | --include-locations=[INCLUDE_LOCATIONS,…]) [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
(ALPHA) Update management hub plan for the organization, sub-folder or project.
To limit buckets in the management hub plan, Use the following command with --include-bucket-ids and --include-bucket-regexes flags to specify list of bucket ids and bucket id regexes.,
$gcloud alpha storage management-hub update --organization=my-org --include-bucket-ids=my-bucket --include-bucket-regexes=my-bucket-.*

To apply location based filters in the management hub plan, Use --include-locations or --exclude-locations flags to specify allowed list of locations or excluded list of locations. The following command updates management hub plan of sub-folder 123456 with the specified list of excluded locations.,

$gcloud alpha storage management-hub update --sub-folder=123456 --exclude-locations=us-east1,us-west1

The following command updates management hub for the given project by inheriting existing management hub plan from the hierarchical parent resource.,

$gcloud alpha storage management-hub update --project=my-project --inherit-from-parent

To clear included locations from the project management hub, Use the following command.,

$gcloud alpha storage management-hub update --project=my-project --include-locations=

To clear excluded bucket ids from the project management hub and to replace existing excluded bucket ids regexes, Use the following command.,

$gcloud alpha storage management-hub update --project=my-project --exclude-bucket-id-regexes="test1*","test2*" --exclude-bucket-ids=""

Alternatively, use the following command to do same operation since the absense of cloud storage bucket filter flags will be considered as empty list,

$gcloud alpha storage management-hub update --project=my-project --exclude-bucket-id-regexes="test1*","test2*"
Exactly one of these must be specified:
Specifies organization id for the management hub.
Specifies project for the management hub.
Specifies sub-folder id for the management hub.
Exactly one of these must be specified:
Specifies management hub config to be inherited from parent.
At most one of these can be specified:
Sets the cloud storage buckets exclusion filter. Full filters should be specified using available flags in this group, gcloud CLI infers missing flags of this group as empty which will result in clearing of the individual filters.
Sets filter for bucket id regexes to exclude. Accepts list of bucket id regexes in comma separated format. If the regex contains special characters that may have a specific meaning in the shell (like $, &, , etc.), escape them using backslashes(\). To clear bucket id regexes list, provide flag with an empty list. e.g --exclude-bucket-id-regexes="" or --exclude-bucket-id-regexes= .
Comma separated list of bucket ids to exclude in the management hub filter. To clear bucket id list, provide flag with an empty list. e.g --exclude-bucket-ids="" or --exclude-bucket-ids= .
Sets the cloud storage buckets inclusion filter. Full filters should be specified using available flags in this group, gcloud CLI infers missing flags of this group as empty which will result in clearing of the individual filters.
Sets filter for bucket id regexes to include. Accepts list of bucket id regexes in comma separated format. If the regex contains special characters that may have a specific meaning in the shell (like $, &, , etc.), escape them using backslashes(\). To clear bucket id regexes list, provide flag with empty list. e.g --include-bucket-id-regexes="" or --include-bucket-id-regexes= .
Comma separated list of bucket ids to include in the management hub filter. To clear bucket id list, provide flag with empty list. e.g --include-bucket-ids="" or --include-bucket-ids= .
At most one of these can be specified:
Comma separated list of locationsto exclude in Management Hub filter. To clear excluded locations, provide flag with empty list. e.g --exclude-locations="" or --exclude-locations= .
Comma separated list of locations to include in management hub filter. To clear included locations, provide flag with empty list. e.g --include-locations="" or --include-locations= .
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

This command is currently in alpha and might change without notice. If this command fails with API permission errors despite specifying the correct project, you might be trying to access an API with an invitation-only early access allowlist.