gcloud topic uninstall

gcloud topic uninstall - supplementary help for uninstalling Google Cloud CLI
Uninstalling Google Cloud CLI
Note: For installations completed using an OS package (such as apt-get, yum, etc.), uninstall Google Cloud CLI via the OS package manager.

Note: For Windows installations, execute the uninstaller.exe found under your Google Cloud CLI directory.

To completely remove Google Cloud CLI, follow these instructions:

  • Locate your installation directory by running:
gcloud info --format="value(installation.sdk_root)"
  • Locate your user config directory (typically ~/.config/gcloud on MacOS and Linux) by running:
gcloud info --format="value(config.paths.global_config_dir)"
  • Delete both these directories.
  • Additionally, remove lines sourcing completion.bash.inc and paths.bash.inc in your .bashrc or equivalent shell init file, if you added them during installation.
  • Review the contents of the .boto file in your home directory and remove the sections '[GoogleCompute]' and '[GSUtil]'. In addition, review the sections '[OAuth2]' and '[Credentials]' for settings that are no longer needed.
  • Some systems may have Cache directories such as ~/Library/Caches/ on Mac OS X. Find and delete these directories for your system:
find ~/Library/Caches/ -type d -name "google-cloud-sdk" | xargs rm -r
These variants are also available:
gcloud alpha topic uninstall
gcloud beta topic uninstall