gcloud firebase test network-profiles

gcloud firebase test network-profiles - explore network profiles available for testing
gcloud firebase test network-profiles COMMAND [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
A network traffic profile consists of a set of parameters to emulate network conditions when running a test. This feature only works on physical devices. The network shaping parameters are:
  • RULE: Where to apply traffic shaping. The UP rule shapes the connection from the device to the internet. The DOWN rule shapes the connection from the internet to the device.
  • DELAY: The delay in packet transmission, in ms.
  • LOSS_RATIO: The ratio of packets dropped during transmission.
  • DUPLICATION_RATIO: The ratio of packets duplicated during transmission.
  • BANDWIDTH: The average packet transmission rate in kbits/s, as defined by the token bucket algorithm.
  • BURST: The total size, in kbits, by which packets can exceed the bandwidth, as defined by the token bucket algorithm.
To list all network profiles which can be used for testing, run:
gcloud firebase test network-profiles list

To view information about a specific network profile, run:

gcloud firebase test network-profiles describe PROFILE_ID
These flags are available to all commands: --help.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

COMMAND is one of the following:
Describe a network profile.
List all network profiles available for testing.
These variants are also available:
gcloud alpha firebase test network-profiles
gcloud beta firebase test network-profiles