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Achieve up to 10x faster time-to-value in the cloud: it’s all about your teams (not just tech)

Who exactly will execute your cloud strategy? In what kinds of teams will these individuals come together? How will you ensure they build only the right things and build those things quickly? And how will you measure true success?

Before you rearchitect your software, consider rearchitecting your teams

Moving to the cloud is about innovation and agility. But are you experiencing the speed and efficiency you envisioned? Many organizations struggle to unlock the full potential of cloud adoption due to a critical factor: their teams’ ability to execute.

This guide, developed by Google Cloud, explores five simple design principles to gauge how fast you will be able to execute and to help you identify small improvements to your team structures that can make a big difference. We reveal a powerful truth: designing how your IT teams collaborate can significantly accelerate your cloud journey.

Forget the traditional monolithic Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE) approach. We propose two specialized, dedicated teams designed to tackle specific cloud migration challenges:

  • One dedicated Cloud Office to project manage the implementation of the cloud strategy
  • One or more Cloud Platform Teams who each design, build, and operate a platform like a product and serve the needs of their respective users—the business/application teams

Download the guide and discover:

  1. Why team size matters and why smaller is often better
  2. What the differences between projects and products are and how to measure success for each
  3. How to employ platform teams and enabling teams to accelerate your application teams
  4. How to leverage personas, critical user journeys (CUJs), and OKRs to steer autonomous teams towards the same priorities
  5. How to effectively communicate in the physical office, the virtual world, and the hybrid—and the challenges when bridging both

Bonus: Get access to additional resources and expert tips to help you build your dream cloud migration team.

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