Google Maps APIs Premium Plan: Included APIs

For SKUs that begin with GGB-, GM-, GPB-, or M4B-, please reference this included APIs document.

Unless otherwise specified on your order form, the following APIs are included with the Google Maps APIs Premium Plan:

  Google Maps Android API (

  Google Maps Directions API (

  Google Maps Distance Matrix API (

  Google Maps Elevation API (

  Google Maps Geocoding API (

  Google Maps Geolocation API (

  Google Maps JavaScript API (

  Google Maps SDK for iOS (

  Google Maps Roads API (

  Google Maps Time Zone API (

  Google Places API Web Service** (

  Google Static Maps API (

  Google Street View Image API (

** Note: Google Places API Web Service is not included with Asset Tracking licenses.

Usage rates

For consumption-based usage with the new Premium Plan, your application's requests to our APIs consume Maps APIs Credits at different rates from a common pool of credits that you purchase. The following table shows how many credits the different Maps API services consume.

Google Maps APIs Services

Maps APIs Credits

JavaScript API map loads


Google Static Maps API, Google Street View Image API map loads


Mobile APIs (Android, iOS) map loads


Places API server-side (including Zagat) and client-side requests; excluding Autocomplete


Places API Autocomplete (server-side and client-side) requests


Web service APIs (server-side) requests: Geocoding, Directions, Distance Matrix (per element), Elevation, Geolocation, Timezone, Roads

0.25 (after included daily limit)

Client-side requests: Geocoding, Directions, Distance Matrix, Elevation

0.25 (after included daily limit)

Google Maps APIs Services

Maps APIs Credits

JavaScript API map loads


Google Static Maps API, Google Street View Image API map loads


Mobile APIs (Android, iOS) map loads


Places API server-side (including Zagat) and client-side requests; excluding Autocomplete


Places API Autocomplete (server-side and client-side) requests


Web service APIs (server-side) requests: Geocoding, Directions, Distance Matrix (per element), Elevation, Geolocation, Timezone, Roads

0.25 (after included daily limit)

Client-side requests: Geocoding, Directions, Distance Matrix, Elevation

0.25 (after included daily limit)

Zuletzt geändert: 22. Oktober 2015
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