Set a default Google Cloud project for Looker Studio Pro

This article is intended for organization administrators.

As an organization administrator, you can set a default project for content that is created by Looker Studio Pro subscribers. When you set a default project, Pro subscribers can create content only in their Pro Sandbox or a team workspace. Their existing content will be moved to their personal Sandbox location under the default project, and they will no longer have Owned by me as an available location in which to create Looker Studio content.

Before you begin

You must be a Workspace Services Admin to perform the steps that are outlined in this article.

Set a default project for Pro content

To set a default Pro project, follow these steps:

  1. <<_shared/>>

  2. <<_shared/>>

  3. Select the Google Group or organizational unit that you want this setting to apply to.

  4. Expand the Looker Studio Pro settings panel.

  5. Edit the Default Pro project settings.

  6. Enter the ID of the Google Cloud project that you want to use as the default location for Looker Studio Pro content.

  7. Click SAVE.

Note : Users in your organization must be Looker Studio Pro subscribers in the project that you select. If not, their content will not be moved and they will still be able to create content in Owned by me.

Effects of setting a default Pro project

Setting a default project for Looker Studio Pro content has the following effects:

  • All Looker Studio Pro users in the selected group or organizational unit who belong to the default Pro project no longer have Owned by me as an available location in the Looker Studio Pro navigation.
  • Any content that was previously owned by these users moves to their personal Sandbox location under the default project.
  • New users who are added to the Looker Studio Pro subscription that is associated with the default project have their content moved to their personal Sandbox location under the default project.

Note : Moving existing content from a user's Owned by me location to the default Pro project can take up to 48 hours.

Change the default Pro project

You can change the default Pro project at any time. However, existing content in the previous default Pro project will not be moved to the new default project. Users may manually move their content to the new project if they are members of that project's Pro subscription.