CASE (Searched)

CASE statements evaluate one or more conditions and return a result when the first condition is met, or a default result if none of the conditions are met.

See also: IF.

Sample usage

A common use for CASE is to create new categories or groupings of data. For example, to group selected country values into a Sales Region dimension, you might create a CASE statement like this:

        WHEN Country IN ("USA","Canada","Mexico") THEN "North America"
        WHEN Country IN ("England","France") THEN "Europe"
        ELSE "Other"


        WHEN condition THEN result
        [WHEN condition THEN result]
        [ELSE else_result]


  • condition - A logical field or expression. WHEN clauses evaluate condition and return true if the specified condition is met, or false if the condition isn't met.

  • result - A field or expression of any type. Each WHEN clause must have a matching THEN clause, which specifies the results if that WHEN condition is true. If there are multiple WHEN clauses, the CASE statement returns the result for the first true condition.

  • else_result (optional) - A field or expression of any type. The ELSE else_result clause specifies a default result for the CASE statement. This clause is returned if none of the WHEN clauses are true. If a CASE statement has no ELSE clause, and none of the WHEN clauses are true, the CASE statement returns NULL.

A CASE statement can have only one ELSE clause.

How searched CASE works

A searched CASE statement begins with the CASE keyword and ends with the END keyword. In between, you'll have a number of sections or clauses:

  • WHEN: A condition that you want to evaluate. You can have multiple WHEN clauses in a single CASE statement.
  • THEN: The result to return if the WHEN clause's condition is true. You must have one THEN clause for each WHEN clause in your CASE statement.
  • ELSE: Optional. If none of the WHEN clause conditions are true, CASE returns the value in the ELSE clause, or NULL if no ELSE clause is specified.

CASE evaluates each successive WHEN clause and returns the first result where the condition is true. Any remaining WHEN clauses and the ELSE result are not evaluated. If all WHEN conditions are false or NULL, CASE returns the ELSE result, or if no ELSE clause is present, returns NULL.


Check for inequality

    CASE WHEN Medium != "cpc" THEN "free" ELSE "paid" END

Classify numeric dimension values into discrete buckets

For example, you can separate orders into "Small", "Medium", or "Large" based on order amount:

        WHEN Amount < 20 THEN "Small"
        WHEN Amount >= 20 and Amount < 100 THEN "Medium"
        WHEN Amount >= 100 THEN "Large"

Evaluate a logical AND condition

        WHEN Country ISO Code = "US" AND Medium = "cpc"
        THEN "US - Paid"
        ELSE "other"

Evaluate a logical AND/OR condition

        WHEN REGEXP_MATCH(Video Title, ".*Google Analytics*")
        AND is_livestream = TRUE
        OR Video Length > 600
        THEN "GA Livestream or long video"

Return a different field or value depending on a parameter value

Example 1: Return a dimension based on the parameter value selected. You can use this technique to let users switch the breakdown dimension used by a chart.

        WHEN Breakdown = "Product Category" THEN Product Category
        WHEN Breakdown = "Store" THEN Store

You could also write this using simple CASE syntax:

    CASE Breakdown
        WHEN "Product Category" THEN Product Category
        WHEN "Store" THEN Store

Example 2: Return a different metric based on a parameter value.

CASE WHEN Show Adjusted Cost = TRUE THEN Cost + Adjustments ELSE Cost END

Nested CASE statements

You can nest CASE statements to create more complex branching logic:

        CASE WHEN Color = "blue"
        ELSE "NOT A HAT"