The guide shows you how to use the Zalando Postgres operator to deploy Postgres clusters to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).
PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system with several decades of active development that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, feature robustness, and performance.
This guide is intended for platform administrators, cloud architects, and operations professionals interested in running PostgreSQL as a database application on GKE instead of using Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL.
- Plan and deploy GKE infrastructure for Postgres
- Deploy and configure the Zalando Postgres operator
- Configure Postgres using the operator to ensure availability, security, observability and performance
Zalando offers the following benefits:
- A declarative and Kubernetes-native way to manage and configure the PostgreSQL clusters
- High availability provided by Patroni
- Backup management support using Cloud Storage buckets
- Rolling updates on Postgres cluster changes, including quick minor version updates
- Declarative User management with password generation and rotation using custom resources
- Support for TLS, certificate rotation, and connection pools
- Cluster cloning and data replication
Deployment architecture
In this tutorial, you use the Zalando Postgres operator to deploy and configure a highly available Postgres cluster to GKE. The cluster has one leader replica and two standby (read-only) replicas managed by Patroni. Patroni is an open source solution maintained by Zalando to provide high-availability and auto-failover capabilities to Postgres. In case of leader failure, one standby replica is automatically promoted to a leader role.
You also deploy a highly available regional GKE cluster for Postgres, with multiple >Kubernetes nodes spread across several availability zones. This setup helps ensure fault tolerance, scalability, and geographic redundancy. It allows for rolling updates and maintenance while providing SLAs for uptime and availability. For more information, see Regional clusters.
The following diagram shows a Postgres cluster running on multiple nodes and zones in a GKE cluster:
In the diagram, the Postgres StatefulSet
is deployed across three nodes in
three different zones. You can control how GKE deploys to nodes by
setting the required Pod
affinity and anti-affinity
rules on the
custom resource specification. If one zone fails, using the recommended
configuration, GKE reschedules Pods on other available nodes in your cluster. For
persisting data, you use SSD disks (premium-rwo
StorageClass), which are
recommended in most cases for highly loaded
databases due to their
low latency and high IOPS.
In this document, you use the following billable components of Google Cloud:
To generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage,
use the pricing calculator.
When you finish the tasks that are described in this document, you can avoid continued billing by deleting the resources that you created. For more information, see Clean up.
Before you begin
Cloud Shell is preinstalled with the software you need
for this tutorial, including
, the
gcloud CLI, Helm,
and Terraform. If you don't use Cloud Shell, you must
install the gcloud CLI.
- Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.
- Install the Google Cloud CLI.
If you're using an external identity provider (IdP), you must first sign in to the gcloud CLI with your federated identity.
To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:
gcloud init
Create or select a Google Cloud project.
Create a Google Cloud project:
gcloud projects create PROJECT_ID
with a name for the Google Cloud project you are creating. -
Select the Google Cloud project that you created:
gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
with your Google Cloud project name.
Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.
Enable the Compute Engine, IAM, GKE, Backup for GKE APIs:
gcloud services enable - Install the Google Cloud CLI.
If you're using an external identity provider (IdP), you must first sign in to the gcloud CLI with your federated identity.
To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:
gcloud init
Create or select a Google Cloud project.
Create a Google Cloud project:
gcloud projects create PROJECT_ID
with a name for the Google Cloud project you are creating. -
Select the Google Cloud project that you created:
gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
with your Google Cloud project name.
Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.
Enable the Compute Engine, IAM, GKE, Backup for GKE APIs:
gcloud services enable -
Grant roles to your user account. Run the following command once for each of the following IAM roles:
roles/storage.objectViewer, roles/container.admin, roles/iam.serviceAccountAdmin, roles/compute.admin, roles/gkebackup.admin, roles/monitoring.viewer
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID --member="user:USER_IDENTIFIER" --role=ROLE
- Replace
with your project ID. -
with the identifier for your user account. For example,
. - Replace
with each individual role.
- Replace
Set up your environment
To set up your environment, follow these steps
Set environment variables:
export PROJECT_ID=PROJECT_ID export KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_PREFIX=postgres export REGION=us-central1
with your Google Cloud project ID.Clone the GitHub repository:
git clone
Change to the working directory:
cd kubernetes-engine-samples/databases/postgres-zalando
Create your cluster infrastructure
In this section, you run a Terraform script to create a private, highly-available, regional GKE cluster.
You can install the operator using a Standard or Autopilot cluster.
The following diagram shows a private regional Standard GKE cluster deployed across three different zones:
Deploy this infrastructure:
export GOOGLE_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-access-token)
terraform -chdir=terraform/gke-standard init
terraform -chdir=terraform/gke-standard apply \
-var project_id=${PROJECT_ID} \
-var region=${REGION} \
-var cluster_prefix=${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_PREFIX}
When prompted, type yes
. It might take several minutes for this command to
complete and for the cluster to show a ready status.
Terraform creates the following resources:
- A VPC network and private subnet for the Kubernetes nodes
- A router to access the internet through NAT
- A private GKE cluster in the
region - A node pools with auto scaling enabled (one to two nodes per zone, one node per zone minimum)
- A
with logging and monitoring permissions - Backup for GKE for disaster recovery
- Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus for cluster monitoring
The output is similar to the following:
Apply complete! Resources: 14 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
The following diagram shows a private regional Autopilot GKE cluster:
Deploy the infrastructure:
export GOOGLE_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-access-token)
terraform -chdir=terraform/gke-autopilot init
terraform -chdir=terraform/gke-autopilot apply \
-var project_id=${PROJECT_ID} \
-var region=${REGION} \
-var cluster_prefix=${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_PREFIX}
When prompted, type yes
. It might take several minutes for this command to
complete and for the cluster to show a ready status.
Terraform creates the following resources:
- A VPC network and private subnet for the Kubernetes nodes
- A router to access the internet through NAT
- A private GKE cluster in the
region - A
with logging and monitoring permission - Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus for cluster monitoring
The output is similar to the following:
Apply complete! Resources: 12 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
Connect to the cluster
Configure kubectl
to communicate with the cluster:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_PREFIX}-cluster --region ${REGION}
Deploy the Zalando operator to your cluster
Deploy the Zalando operator to your Kubernetes cluster using a Helm chart.
Add the Zalando operator Helm Chart repository:
helm repo add postgres-operator-charts
Create a namespace for the Zalando operator and the Postgres cluster:
kubectl create ns postgres kubectl create ns zalando
Deploy the Zalando operator using the Helm command-line tool:
helm install postgres-operator postgres-operator-charts/postgres-operator -n zalando \ --set configKubernetes.enable_pod_antiaffinity=true \ --set configKubernetes.pod_antiaffinity_preferred_during_scheduling=true \ --set configKubernetes.pod_antiaffinity_topology_key="" \ --set configKubernetes.spilo_fsgroup="103"
You can't configure
settings directly on the custom resource representing the Postgres cluster. Instead, setpodAntiAffinity
settings globally for all Postgres clusters in the operator settings.Check the deployment status of the Zalando operator using Helm:
helm ls -n zalando
The output is similar to the following:
NAME NAMESPACE REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION postgres-operator zalando 1 2023-10-13 16:04:13.945614 +0200 CEST deployed postgres-operator-1.10.1 1.10.1
Deploy Postgres
The basic configuration for the Postgres cluster instance includes the following components:
- Three Postgres replicas: one leader and two standby replicas.
- CPU resource allocation of one CPU request and two CPU limits, with 4 GB memory requests and limits.
- Tolerations,
, andtopologySpreadConstraints
configured for each workload, ensuring proper distribution across Kubernetes nodes, utilizing their respective node pools and different availability zones.
This configuration represents the minimal setup required to create a production-ready Postgres cluster.
The following manifest describes a Postgres cluster:
This manifest has the following fields:
: a prefix for the cluster objects that you choosespec.numberOfInstances
: the total number of instances for a clusterspec.users
: the user list with privilegesspec.databases
: the database list in the formatdbname: ownername
: postgres parametersspec.volume
: Persistent Disk parametersspec.tolerations
: the tolerations Pod template that allows cluster Pods to be scheduled onpool-postgres
: thenodeAffinity
Pod template that tells GKE that cluster Pods prefer to be scheduled onpool-postgres
: requests and limits for cluster Podsspec.sidecars
: a list of sidecar containers, which containspostgres-exporter
For more information, see Cluster manifest reference in the Postgres documentation.
Create a basic Postgres cluster
Create a new Postgres cluster using the basic configuration:
kubectl apply -n postgres -f manifests/01-basic-cluster/my-cluster.yaml
This command creates a PostgreSQL Custom Resource of the Zalando operator with:
- CPU and memory requests and limits
- Taints and affinities to distribute the provisioned Pod replicas across GKE nodes.
- A database
- Two users with database owner permissions
- A user with no permissions
Wait for GKE to start the required workloads:
kubectl wait pods -l cluster-name=my-cluster --for condition=Ready --timeout=300s -n postgres
This command might take a few minutes to complete.
Verify that GKE created the Postgres workloads:
kubectl get pod,svc,statefulset,deploy,pdb,secret -n postgres
The output is similar to the following:
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/my-cluster-0 1/1 Running 0 6m41s pod/my-cluster-1 1/1 Running 0 5m56s pod/my-cluster-2 1/1 Running 0 5m16s pod/postgres-operator-db9667d4d-rgcs8 1/1 Running 0 12m NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/my-cluster ClusterIP <none> 5432/TCP 6m43s service/my-cluster-config ClusterIP None <none> <none> 5m55s service/my-cluster-repl ClusterIP <none> 5432/TCP 6m43s service/postgres-operator ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP 12m NAME READY AGE statefulset.apps/my-cluster 3/3 6m43s NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE deployment.apps/postgres-operator 1/1 1 1 12m NAME MIN AVAILABLE MAX UNAVAILABLE ALLOWED DISRUPTIONS AGE poddisruptionbudget.policy/postgres-my-cluster-pdb 1 N/A 0 6m44s NAME TYPE DATA AGE secret/ Opaque 2 6m45s secret/ Opaque 2 6m44s secret/sh.helm.release.v1.postgres-operator.v1 1 12m secret/ Opaque 2 6m44s secret/ Opaque 2 6m44s
The operator creates the following resources:
- A Postgres StatefulSet, which controls three Pod replicas for Postgres
- A
, ensuring a minimum of one available replica - The
Service, which targets the leader replica only - The
Service, which exposes the Postgres port for incoming connections and for replication between Postgres replicas - The
headless Service, to get the list of running Postgres Pod replicas - Secrets with user credentials for accessing the database and replication between Postgres nodes
Authenticate to Postgres
You can create Postgres users and assign them database permissions. For example, the following manifest describes a custom resource that assigns users and roles:
apiVersion: ""
kind: postgresql
name: my-cluster
- superuser
- createdb
myuser: []
mydatabase: mydatabaseowner
In this manifest:
- The
user has theSUPERUSER
roles, which permit full administrator rights (i.e. manage Postgres configuration, create new databases, tables, and users). You shouldn't share this user with clients. For example Cloud SQL doesn't allow customers to have access to users with theSUPERUSER
role. - The
user has no roles assigned. This follows the best practice of using theSUPERUSER
to create users with least privileges. Granular rights are granted tomyuser
. To maintain security, you should only sharemyuser
credentials with client applications.
Store passwords
You should use the scram-sha-256
recommended method for storing passwords. For example, the following manifest describes a custom
resource that specifies scram-sha-256
encryption using the
apiVersion: ""
kind: postgresql
name: my-cluster
password_encryption: scram-sha-256
Rotate user credentials
You can
rotate user credentials
that are stored in Kubernetes Secrets with Zalando. For example, the following
manifest describes a custom resource that defines user credential rotation using
the usersWithSecretRotation
apiVersion: ""
kind: postgresql
name: my-cluster
- myuser
- myanotheruser
- ...
Authentication example: connect to Postgres
This section shows you how to deploy an example Postgres client and connect to the database using the password from a Kubernetes Secret.
Run the client Pod to interact with your Postgres cluster:
kubectl apply -n postgres -f manifests/02-auth/client-pod.yaml
The credentials of the
users are taken from the related Secrets and mounted as environment variables to the Pod.Connect to the Pod when it is ready:
kubectl wait pod postgres-client --for=condition=Ready --timeout=300s -n postgres kubectl exec -it postgres-client -n postgres -- /bin/bash
Connect to Postgres and attempt to create a new table using
credentials:PGPASSWORD=$CLIENTPASSWORD psql \ -h my-cluster \ -U $CLIENTUSERNAME \ -d mydatabase \ -c "CREATE TABLE test (id serial PRIMARY KEY, randomdata VARCHAR ( 50 ) NOT NULL);"
The command should fail with an error similar to the following:
ERROR: permission denied for schema public LINE 1: CREATE TABLE test (id serial PRIMARY KEY, randomdata VARCHAR...
The command fails because users without assigned privileges by default can only login to Postgres and list databases.
Create a table with
credentials and grant all privileges on the table tomyuser
:PGPASSWORD=$OWNERPASSWORD psql \ -h my-cluster \ -U $OWNERUSERNAME \ -d mydatabase \ -c "CREATE TABLE test (id serial PRIMARY KEY, randomdata VARCHAR ( 50 ) NOT NULL);GRANT ALL ON test TO myuser;GRANT ALL ON SEQUENCE test_id_seq TO myuser;"
The output is similar to the following:
Insert random data into the table using
credentials:for i in {1..10}; do DATA=$(tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 13) PGPASSWORD=$CLIENTPASSWORD psql \ -h my-cluster \ -U $CLIENTUSERNAME \ -d mydatabase \ -c "INSERT INTO test(randomdata) VALUES ('$DATA');" done
The output is similar to the following:
Get the values that you inserted:
PGPASSWORD=$CLIENTPASSWORD psql \ -h my-cluster \ -U $CLIENTUSERNAME \ -d mydatabase \ -c "SELECT * FROM test;"
The output is similar to the following:
id | randomdata ----+--------------- 1 | jup9HYsAjwtW4 2 | 9rLAyBlcpLgNT 3 | wcXSqxb5Yz75g 4 | KoDRSrx3muD6T 5 | b9atC7RPai7En 6 | 20d7kC8E6Vt1V 7 | GmgNxaWbkevGq 8 | BkTwFWH6hWC7r 9 | nkLXHclkaqkqy 10 | HEebZ9Lp71Nm3 (10 rows)
Exit the Pod shell:
Understand how Prometheus collects metrics for your Postgres cluster
The following diagram shows how Prometheus metrics collecting works:
In the diagram, a GKE private cluster contains:
- A Postgres Pod that gathers metrics on path
and port9187
- Prometheus-based collectors that process the metrics from the Postgres Pod
- A
resource that sends metrics to Cloud Monitoring
Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus supports metrics collection in the Prometheus format. Cloud Monitoring uses an integrated dashboard for Postgres metrics.
Zalando exposes cluster metrics in the Prometheus format using the postgres_exporter component as a sidecar container.
Create the
resource to scrape metrics bylabelSelector
:kubectl apply -n postgres -f manifests/03-prometheus-metrics/pod-monitoring.yaml
In the Google Cloud console, go to the GKE Clusters Dashboard page.
The dashboard shows a non-zero metrics ingestion rate.
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Dashboards page.
Open the PostgreSQL Prometheus Overview dashboard. The dashboard shows the number of fetched rows. It might take several minutes for the dashboard to auto-provision.
Connect to the client Pod:
kubectl exec -it postgres-client -n postgres -- /bin/bash
Insert random data:
for i in {1..100}; do DATA=$(tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 13) PGPASSWORD=$CLIENTPASSWORD psql \ -h my-cluster \ -U $CLIENTUSERNAME \ -d mydatabase \ -c "INSERT INTO test(randomdata) VALUES ('$DATA');" done
Refresh the page. The Rows and Blocks graphs update to show the actual database state.
Exit the Pod shell:
Clean up
Delete the project
Delete a Google Cloud project:
gcloud projects delete PROJECT_ID
Delete individual resources
Set environment variables.
export PROJECT_ID=${PROJECT_ID} export KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_PREFIX=postgres export REGION=us-central1
Run the
terraform destroy
command:export GOOGLE_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-access-token) terraform -chdir=terraform/FOLDER destroy \ -var project_id=${PROJECT_ID} \ -var region=${REGION} \ -var cluster_prefix=${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_PREFIX}
with eithergke-autopilot
.When prompted, type
.Find all unattached disks:
export disk_list=$(gcloud compute disks list --filter="-users:* AND${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_PREFIX}-cluster" --format "value[separator=|](name,zone)")
Delete the disks:
for i in $disk_list; do disk_name=$(echo $i| cut -d'|' -f1) disk_zone=$(echo $i| cut -d'|' -f2|sed 's|.*/||') echo "Deleting $disk_name" gcloud compute disks delete $disk_name --zone $disk_zone --quiet done
Delete the GitHub repository:
rm -r ~/kubernetes-engine-samples/
What's next
- Explore reference architectures, diagrams, and best practices about Google Cloud. Take a look at our Cloud Architecture Center.