Troubleshoot Cloud DNS in GKE

This page shows you how to resolve issues with Cloud DNS in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).

Errors like dial tcp: i/o timeout, no such host, or Could not resolve host often signal problems with the ability of Cloud DNS to resolve queries.

If you've seen one of those errors, but don't know the cause, use the following sections to help you find it. The sections are arranged to start with the steps that are most likely to help you, so try each section in order.

If your Pod is unable to resolve DNS lookups, make sure that Cloud DNS is configured the way that you want. This section helps you verify if you're using Cloud DNS, confirm the existence of a private DNS zone for the GKE cluster, and ensure the accuracy of DNS records for the target service.

To verify these settings, complete the following commands:

  1. Check which DNS server your Pod is using:

    kubectl exec -it POD_NAME -- cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver

    Replace POD_NAME with the name of the Pod experiencing issues with DNS resolution.

    If you're using Cloud DNS, the output is the following:


    If you see any other value, then you're not using Cloud DNS. Check that Cloud DNS was properly enabled.

  2. Verify that the managed zones exist:

    gcloud dns managed-zones list --format list

    The output is similar to the following:

    - creationTime: 2021-02-12T19:24:37.045Z
      description: Private zone for GKE cluster "" with cluster suffix "CLUSTER_DOMAIN" in project "PROJECT_ID"
      dnsName: CLUSTER_DOMAIN.
      id: 5887499284756055830
      kind: dns#managedZone
      name: gke-CLUSTER_NAME-aa94c1f9-dns
      nameServers: ['']
      privateVisibilityConfig: {'kind': 'dns#managedZonePrivateVisibilityConfig'}
      visibility: private

    This output includes the following values:

    • CLUSTER_DOMAIN: the DNS domain suffix that was automatically assigned to your cluster.
    • PROJECT_ID: your project ID.
    • CLUSTER_NAME: the name of the cluster with the private zone.

    In this output, the value in the name field shows that Google Cloud created a zone named gke-CLUSTER_NAME-aa94c1f9-dns.

    If you don't see a managed zone, it means that a private zone wasn't created for your cluster, or you might not be authenticated correctly. To troubleshoot, see Private zones in the Cloud DNS documentation.

  3. Verify the DNS records for your Service:

    gcloud dns record-sets list --zone ZONE_NAME | grep SERVICE_NAME

    Replace the following:

    • ZONE_NAME: the name of the private zone.
    • SERVICE_NAME: the name of the Service.

    The output similar to the following:

    dns-test.default.svc.cluster.local.                A     30

    This output shows that Cloud DNS contains an A record for the domain dns-test.default.svc.cluster.local. and the IP address of your cluster is

    If the records look incorrect, see Patch a resource record set in the Cloud DNS documentation to update them.

Verify response policies

Verify that your response policies exist and are correctly named:

  1. View a list of all of your response policies:

    gcloud dns response-policies list --format="table(responsePolicyName, description)"

    The output is similar to the following:

    gke-CLUSTER_NAME-52c8f518-rp  Response Policy for GKE cluster "CLUSTER_NAME" with cluster suffix "cluster.local." in project "gke-dev" with scope "CLUSTER_SCOPE".

    In this output, gke-CLUSTER_NAME-52c8f518-rp shows that Google Cloud created a private zone named gke-CLUSTER_NAME-aa94c1f9-rp. Response policies that Google Cloud creates have the gke- prefix.

  2. View response policies in a specific private zone:

    gcloud dns response-policies rules list ZONE_NAME \
        --format="table(localData.localDatas[0].name, localData.localDatas[0].rrdatas[0])"

    Replace ZONE_NAME with the name of the private zone experiencing issues.

    The output is similar to the following:    kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local.   default-http-backend.kube-system.svc.cluster.local.   kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.local.  metrics-server.kube-system.svc.cluster.local.

    The first column shows you the IP address or domain name pattern that the rule matches. The second column is the hostname associated with the IP address.

If you notice any issues in the output of these commands, see update a response policy rule in the Cloud DNS documentation.

Investigate with logs, dashboards, and metrics

Cloud DNS includes multiple logging and monitoring options to help you further investigate your DNS issues:

Check for new records

Review the logs to see if any new records were created in the managed Cloud DNS private zone. This can be helpful if you suddenly experience failing DNS resolutions in the cluster.

To check for new records, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Explorer page.

    Go to Logs Explorer

  2. In the query pane, enter the following query:

  3. Click Run query.

  4. Review the output. If you find changes that correspond to when you first noticed errors, consider reverting them.

Verify custom stub domains and name servers

If you're using a GKE Standard cluster with a custom stub domain or upstream name server, review the ConfigMap and verify that the values are correct.

Cloud DNS translates the stubDomains and upstreamNameservers values into Cloud DNS forwarding zones. Google manages these resources, so if you notice any errors, contact Cloud Customer Care for assistance.

Contact Cloud Customer Care

If you've worked through the preceding sections, but still can't diagnose the cause of your issue, contact Cloud Customer Care.

Resolve specific errors

If you've experienced a specific error or issue, use the advice in the following sections.

Issue: Can't resolve GKE cluster Service from a Compute Engine VM

If you're unable to resolve a GKE cluster Service from a Compute Engine VM, verify the cluster's Cloud DNS scope.

The scope you use with Cloud DNS determines which resources can be resolved:

  • Cluster scope: DNS resolution is restricted to resources within the Kubernetes cluster (Pods and Services). This is the default setting and it's suitable when you don't need to resolve external resources outside of the Kubernetes cluster or GKE Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).

  • VPC scope: DNS resolution extends to the entire VPC, including resources like Compute Engine VMs. This lets the cluster resolve internal DNS records for resources outside the GKE cluster, but within the same VPC, such as Google Cloud VMs.

To verify your cluster's Cloud DNS scope, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Kubernetes clusters page.

    Go to Kubernetes clusters

  2. Click the name of the cluster experiencing issues with DNS.

  3. In the Cluster networking section of the cluster details page, review the information in the DNS provider row.

  4. If you see Cloud DNS (cluster scope), you're using cluster scope. To change the DNS scope, recreate the cluster with the appropriate DNS scope.

Issue: Pods still using kube-dns after Cloud DNS enabled

If your Pods use kube-dns even after Cloud DNS is enabled on an existing cluster, ensure you have upgraded or recreated your node pools after you enable Cloud DNS on the cluster. Until this step is complete, Pods continue to use kube-dns.

Issue: Unable to update existing cluster or create cluster with Cloud DNS enabled

Ensure you are using the correct version. Cloud DNS for GKE requires GKE version 1.19 or later for clusters using VPC scope, or GKE version 1.24.7-gke.800, 1.25.3-gke.700 or later for clusters using cluster scope.

Issue: DNS lookups on nodes fail after enabling Cloud DNS on a cluster

If you enable cluster scope Cloud DNS in a GKE cluster that has custom stub domains or upstream name servers, the custom config applies to both nodes and Pods in the cluster because Cloud DNS cannot distinguish between Pod and node DNS requests. DNS lookups on nodes might fail if the custom upstream server cannot resolve the queries.

Issue: Unable to update or create cluster with Cloud DNS additive VPC scope enabled

Ensure you're using the correct version. Cloud DNS Additive VPC scope requires GKE version 1.28 or later.

Error: Cloud DNS disabled

The following event occurs when the Cloud DNS API is disabled:

Warning   FailedPrecondition        service/default-http-backend
Failed to send requests to Cloud DNS: Cloud DNS API Disabled. Please enable the Cloud DNS API in your project PROJECT_NAME: Cloud DNS API has not been used in project PROJECT_NUMBER before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.

This error occurs because the Cloud DNS API is not enabled by default. You must enable the Cloud DNS API manually.

To resolve the issue, enable the Cloud DNS API.

Error: Failed to send requests to Cloud DNS: API rate limit exceeded.

The following event occurs when a project has exceeded a Cloud DNS quota or limit:

kube-system   27s         Warning   InsufficientQuota
managedzone/gke-cluster-quota-ee1bd2ca-dns     Failed to send requests to Cloud DNS: API rate limit exceeded. Contact Google Cloud support team to request a quota increase for your project PROJECT_NAME: Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Write requests' and limit 'Write limit for a minute for a region' of service '' for consumer 'project_number:PROJECT_NUMBER.

To resolve this issue, review the Cloud DNS quotas and Compute Engine quotas and limits. You can increase quota using the Google Cloud console.

Error: Failed to send to requests to Cloud DNS due to a previous error

The following event occurs when errors cause cascading failures:

kube-system   27s         Warning   InsufficientQuota
managedzone/gke-cluster-quota-ee1bd2ca-dns     Failed to send requests to Cloud DNS: API rate limit exceeded. Contact Google Cloud support team to request a quota increase for your project PROJECT_NAME: Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Write requests' and limit 'Write limit for a minute for a region' of service '' for consumer 'project_number:PROJECT_NUMBER.
kube-system   27s         Warning   FailedPrecondition               service/default-http-backend                         Failed to send requests to Cloud DNS due to a previous error. Please check the cluster events.

To resolve this issue, check the cluster events to find the source of the original error, and follow the instructions to resolve that root issue.

In the preceding example, the InsufficientQuota error for the managed zone triggered cascading failures. The second error for FailedPrecondition indicates that a previous error occurred, which was that initial insufficient quota problem. To resolve this example issue, you would follow the guidance for the Cloud DNS quota error.

Error: Failed to bind response policy

The following event occurs when a response policy is bound to the network of the cluster and Cloud DNS for GKE attempts to bind a response policy to the network:

kube-system   9s          Warning   FailedPrecondition               responsepolicy/gke-2949673445-rp
Failed to bind response policy gke-2949673445-rp to test. Please verify that another Response Policy is not already associated with the network: Network '' cannot be bound to this response policy because it is already bound to another response policy.
kube-system   9s          Warning   FailedPrecondition               service/kube-dns
Failed to send requests to Cloud DNS due to a previous error. Please check the cluster events.

To resolve the issue, complete the following steps:

  1. Get the response policy bound to the network:

    gcloud dns response-policies list --filter='networks.networkUrl: NETWORK_URL'

    Replace NETWORK_URL with the network URL from the error, such as

    If the output is empty, the response policy might not be in the same project. Proceed to the next step to search for the response policy.

    If the output is similar to the following, skip to step 4 to delete the response policy.

          "description": "Response Policy for GKE cluster \"CLUSTER_NAME\" with cluster suffix \"cluster.local.\" in project \"PROJECT_ID\" with scope \"CLUSTER_SCOPE\".",
          "kind": "dns#responsePolicy",
          "responsePolicyName": "gke-CLUSTER_NAME-POLICY_ID-rp"
  2. Get a list of projects with the dns.networks.bindDNSResponsePolicy permission using the IAM Policy Analyzer.

  3. Check if each project has the response policy that is bound to the network:

    gcloud dns response-policies list --filter='networks.networkUrl:NETWORK_URL' \
  4. Delete the response policy.

Error: Invalid configuration specified in kube-dns

The following event occurs when you apply a custom kube-dns ConfigMap that is not valid for Cloud DNS for GKE:

kube-system   49s         Warning   FailedValidation                 configmap/kube-dns
Invalid configuration specified in kube-dns: error parsing stubDomains for ConfigMap kube-dns: dnsServer [] validation: IP address "" invalid

To resolve this issue, review the details in the error for the invalid part of the ConfigMap. In the preceding example, is not a valid IP address.

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