Troubleshoot connectivity issues in your cluster

This page shows you how to resolve connectivity issues in your cluster.

This section describes how to troubleshoot connectivity issues related to capturing network packets, including symptoms like connection timeouts, connection refused errors, or unexpected application behavior. These connectivity issues can occur at the node level or at the Pod level.

Connectivity problems in your cluster network are often in the following categories:

  • Pods not reachable: A Pod might not be accessible from inside or outside the cluster due to network misconfigurations.
  • Service disruptions: A Service might be experiencing interruptions or delays.
  • Inter-Pod communication issues: Pods might not be able to communicate with each other effectively.

Connectivity issues in your GKE cluster can originate from various causes, including the following:

  • Network misconfigurations: Incorrect network policies, firewall rules, or routing tables.
  • Application bugs: Errors in application code affecting network interactions.
  • Infrastructure problems: Network congestion, hardware failures, or resource limitations.

The following section shows how to resolve the issue on the problematic nodes or Pods.

  1. Identify the node on which the problematic Pod is running by using the following command:

    kubectl get pods POD_NAME -o=wide -n NAMESPACE

    Replace the following:

    • POD_NAME with the name of the Pod.
    • NAMESPACE with the Kubernetes namespace.
  2. Connect to the node:

    gcloud compute ssh NODE_NAME \

    Replace the following:

    • NODE_NAME: name of your node.
    • ZONE: name of the zone in which the node runs.
  3. To debug a specific Pod, identify the veth interface associated with the Pod:

    ip route | grep POD_IP

    Replace POD_IP with Pod IP address.

  4. Run the toolbox commands.

toolbox commands

toolbox is a utility that provides a containerized environment within your GKE nodes for debugging and troubleshooting. This section describes how to install the toolbox utility and use it to troubleshoot the node.

  1. While connected to the node, start the toolbox tool:


    This downloads the files that facilitate the toolbox utility.

  2. In the toolbox root prompt, install tcpdump:

    • For clusters with external IP addresses or Cloud NAT:

      apt update -y && apt install -y tcpdump
    • For private clusters without Cloud NAT:

      If you have a private cluster without Cloud NAT, you can't install tcpdump using apt. Instead, download the libpcap and tcpdump release files from the official repository and copy the files to the VM using gcloud compute scp or gsutil. Then, install the libraries manually using the following steps:

      cp /media/root/home/USER_NAME/tcpdump-VERSION.tar.gz  /usr/sbin/
      cp /media/root/home/USER_NAME/libpcap-VERSION.tar.gz  /usr/sbin/
      cd /usr/sbin/
      tar -xvzf tcpdump-VERSION.tar.gz
      tar -xvzf libpcap-VERSION.tar.gz
      cd libpcap-VERSION
      ./configure ; make ; make install
      cd ../tcpdump-VERSION
      ./configure ; make ; make install
      tcpdump --version

      Replace the following:

      • USER_NAME: Your username on the system where the files are located.
      • VERSION: The specific version number of the tcpdump and libpcap packages.
  3. Start the packet capture:

    tcpdump -i eth0 -s 100 "port PORT" \
    -w /media/root/mnt/stateful_partition/CAPTURE_FILE_NAME

    Replace the following:

    • PORT: name of your port number.
    • CAPTURE_FILE_NAME: name of your capture file.
  4. Stop the packet capture and interrupt the tcpdump.

  5. Leave the toolbox by typing exit.

  6. List the packet capture file and check its size:

    ls -ltr /mnt/stateful_partition/CAPTURE_FILE_NAME
  7. Copy the packet capture from the node to the current working directory on your computer:

    gcloud compute scp NODE_NAME:/mnt/stateful_partition/CAPTURE_FILE_NAME \

    Replace the following:

    • NODE_NAME: name of your node.
    • CAPTURE_FILE_NAME: name of your capture file.
    • ZONE: name of your zone.

Alternative commands

You can also use the following ways to troubleshoot connectivity issues on the problematic Pods:

  • Ephemeral debug workload attached to the Pod container.

  • Run a shell directly on the target Pod using kubectl exec, then install and launch the tcpdump command.

Pod network connectivity issues

As mentioned in the Network Overview discussion, it is important to understand how Pods are wired from their network namespaces to the root namespace on the node in order to troubleshoot effectively. For the following discussion, unless otherwise stated, assume that the cluster uses GKE's native CNI rather than Calico's. That is, no network policy has been applied.

Pods on select nodes have no availability

If Pods on select nodes have no network connectivity, ensure that the Linux bridge is up:

ip address show cbr0

If the Linux bridge is down, raise it:

sudo ip link set cbr0 up

Ensure that the node is learning Pod MAC addresses attached to cbr0:

arp -an

Pods on select nodes have minimal connectivity

If Pods on select nodes have minimal connectivity, you should first confirm whether there are any lost packets by running tcpdump in the toolbox container:

sudo toolbox bash

Install tcpdump in the toolbox if you have not done so already:

apt install -y tcpdump

Run tcpdump against cbr0:

tcpdump -ni cbr0 host HOSTNAME and port PORT_NUMBER and [TCP|UDP|ICMP]

Should it appear that large packets are being dropped downstream from the bridge (for example, the TCP handshake completes, but no SSL hellos are received), ensure that the MTU for each Linux Pod interface is correctly set to the MTU of the cluster's VPC network.

ip address show cbr0

When overlays are used (for example, Weave or Flannel), this MTU must be further reduced to accommodate encapsulation overhead on the overlay.


The MTU selected for a Pod interface is dependent on the Container Network Interface (CNI) used by the cluster Nodes and the underlying VPC MTU setting. For more information, see Pods.

The Pod interface MTU value is either 1460 or inherited from the primary interface of the Node.

CNI MTU GKE Standard
kubenet 1460 Default
(GKE version 1.26.1 and later)
Inherited Default
Calico 1460

Enabled by using --enable-network-policy.

For details, see Control communication between Pods and Services using network policies.

netd Inherited Enabled by using any of the following:
GKE Dataplane V2 Inherited

Enabled by using --enable-dataplane-v2.

For details, see Using GKE Dataplane V2.

Intermittent failed connections

Connections to and from the Pods are forwarded by iptables. Flows are tracked as entries in the conntrack table and, where there are many workloads per node, conntrack table exhaustion may manifest as a failure. These can be logged in the serial console of the node, for example:

nf_conntrack: table full, dropping packet

If you are able to determine that intermittent issues are driven by conntrack exhaustion, you may increase the size of the cluster (thus reducing the number of workloads and flows per node), or increase nf_conntrack_max:

new_ct_max=$(awk '$1 == "MemTotal:" { printf "%d\n", $2/32; exit; }' /proc/meminfo)
sysctl -w net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_max="${new_ct_max:?}" \
  && echo "net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_max=${new_ct_max:?}" >> /etc/sysctl.conf

You can also use NodeLocal DNSCache to reduce connection tracking entries.

"bind: Address already in use " reported for a container

A container in a Pod is unable to start because according to the container logs, the port where the application is trying to bind to is already reserved. The container is crash looping. For example, in Cloud Logging:

textPayload:"bind: Address already in use"

2018-10-16 07:06:47.000 CEST 16 Oct 05:06:47.533 # Creating Server TCP listening socket *:60250: bind: Address already in use
2018-10-16 07:07:35.000 CEST 16 Oct 05:07:35.753 # Creating Server TCP listening socket *:60250: bind: Address already in use

When Docker crashes, sometimes a running container gets left behind and is stale. The process is still running in the network namespace allocated for the Pod, and listening on its port. Because Docker and the kubelet don't know about the stale container they try to start a new container with a new process, which is unable to bind on the port as it gets added to the network namespace already associated with the Pod.

To diagnose this problem:

  1. You need the UUID of the Pod in the .metadata.uuid field:

    kubectl get pod -o custom-columns=",UUID:.metadata.uid" ubuntu-6948dd5657-4gsgg
    name                      UUID
    ubuntu-6948dd5657-4gsgg   db9ed086-edba-11e8-bdd6-42010a800164
  2. Get the output of the following commands from the node:

    docker ps -a
    ps -eo pid,ppid,stat,wchan:20,netns,comm,args:50,cgroup --cumulative -H | grep [Pod UUID]
  3. Check running processes from this Pod. Because the UUID of the cgroup namespaces contain the UUID of the Pod, you can grep for the Pod UUID in ps output. Grep also the line before, so you will have the docker-containerd-shim processes having the container ID in the argument as well. Cut the rest of the cgroup column to get a simpler output:

    # ps -eo pid,ppid,stat,wchan:20,netns,comm,args:50,cgroup --cumulative -H | grep -B 1 db9ed086-edba-11e8-bdd6-42010a800164 | sed s/'blkio:.*'/''/
    1283089     959 Sl   futex_wait_queue_me  4026531993       docker-co       docker-containerd-shim 276e173b0846e24b704d4 12:
    1283107 1283089 Ss   sys_pause            4026532393         pause           /pause                                     12:
    1283150     959 Sl   futex_wait_queue_me  4026531993       docker-co       docker-containerd-shim ab4c7762f5abf40951770 12:
    1283169 1283150 Ss   do_wait              4026532393         sh              /bin/sh -c echo hello && sleep 6000000     12:
    1283185 1283169 S    hrtimer_nanosleep    4026532393           sleep           sleep 6000000                            12:
    1283244     959 Sl   futex_wait_queue_me  4026531993       docker-co       docker-containerd-shim 44e76e50e5ef4156fd5d3 12:
    1283263 1283244 Ss   sigsuspend           4026532393         nginx           nginx: master process nginx -g daemon off; 12:
    1283282 1283263 S    ep_poll              4026532393           nginx           nginx: worker process
  4. From this list, you can see the container ids, which should be visible in docker ps as well.

    In this case:

    • docker-containerd-shim 276e173b0846e24b704d4 for pause
    • docker-containerd-shim ab4c7762f5abf40951770 for sh with sleep (sleep-ctr)
    • docker-containerd-shim 44e76e50e5ef4156fd5d3 for nginx (echoserver-ctr)
  5. Check those in the docker ps output:

    # docker ps --no-trunc | egrep '276e173b0846e24b704d4|ab4c7762f5abf40951770|44e76e50e5ef4156fd5d3'
    44e76e50e5ef4156fd5d383744fa6a5f14460582d0b16855177cbed89a3cbd1f                   "nginx -g 'daemon off;'"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     14 hours ago        Up 14 hours                             k8s_echoserver-cnt_ubuntu-6948dd5657-4gsgg_default_db9ed086-edba-11e8-bdd6-42010a800164_0
    ab4c7762f5abf40951770d3e247fa2559a2d1f8c8834e5412bdcec7df37f8475   ubuntu@sha256:acd85db6e4b18aafa7fcde5480872909bd8e6d5fbd4e5e790ecc09acc06a8b78                                                "/bin/sh -c 'echo hello && sleep 6000000'"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   14 hours ago        Up 14 hours                             k8s_sleep-cnt_ubuntu-6948dd5657-4gsgg_default_db9ed086-edba-11e8-bdd6-42010a800164_0

    In normal cases, you see all container ids from ps showing up in docker ps. If there is one you don't see, it's a stale container, and probably you will see a child process of the docker-containerd-shim process listening on the TCP port that is reporting as already in use.

    To verify this, execute netstat in the container's network namespace. Get the pid of any container process (so NOT docker-containerd-shim) for the Pod.

    From the preceding example:

    • 1283107 - pause
    • 1283169 - sh
    • 1283185 - sleep
    • 1283263 - nginx master
    • 1283282 - nginx worker
    # nsenter -t 1283107 --net netstat -anp
    Active Internet connections (servers and established)
    Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
    tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      1283263/nginx: mast
    Active UNIX domain sockets (servers and established)
    Proto RefCnt Flags       Type       State         I-Node   PID/Program name     Path
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     3097406  1283263/nginx: mast
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     3097405  1283263/nginx: mast
    gke-zonal-110-default-pool-fe00befa-n2hx ~ # nsenter -t 1283169 --net netstat -anp
    Active Internet connections (servers and established)
    Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
    tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      1283263/nginx: mast
    Active UNIX domain sockets (servers and established)
    Proto RefCnt Flags       Type       State         I-Node   PID/Program name     Path
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     3097406  1283263/nginx: mast
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     3097405  1283263/nginx: mast

    You can also execute netstat using ip netns, but you need to link the network namespace of the process manually, as Docker is not doing the link:

    # ln -s /proc/1283169/ns/net /var/run/netns/1283169
    gke-zonal-110-default-pool-fe00befa-n2hx ~ # ip netns list
    1283169 (id: 2)
    gke-zonal-110-default-pool-fe00befa-n2hx ~ # ip netns exec 1283169 netstat -anp
    Active Internet connections (servers and established)
    Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
    tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      1283263/nginx: mast
    Active UNIX domain sockets (servers and established)
    Proto RefCnt Flags       Type       State         I-Node   PID/Program name     Path
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     3097406  1283263/nginx: mast
    unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     3097405  1283263/nginx: mast
    gke-zonal-110-default-pool-fe00befa-n2hx ~ # rm /var/run/netns/1283169


The short term mitigation is to identify stale processes by the method outlined preceding, and end the processes using the kill [PID] command.

Long term mitigation involves identifying why Docker is crashing and fixing that. Possible reasons include:

  • Zombie processes piling up, so running out of PID namespaces
  • Bug in docker
  • Resource pressure / OOM

What's next