Multi Cluster Ingress

Multi Cluster Ingress is a cloud-hosted controller for Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters. It's a Google-hosted service that supports deploying shared load balancing resources across clusters and across regions. To deploy Multi Cluster Ingress across multiple clusters, complete Setting up Multi Cluster Ingress then see Deploying Ingress across multiple clusters.

For a detailed comparison between Multi Cluster Ingress (MCI), Multi-cluster Gateway (MCG), and load balancer with Standalone Network Endpoint Groups (LB and Standalone NEGs), see Choose your multi-cluster load balancing API for GKE.

Many factors drive multi-cluster topologies, including close user proximity for apps, cluster and regional high availability, security and organizational separation, cluster migration, and data locality. These use cases are rarely isolated. As the reasons for multiple clusters grow, the need for a formal and productized multi-cluster platform becomes more urgent.

Multi Cluster Ingress is designed to meet the load balancing needs of multi-cluster, multi-regional environments. It's a controller for the external HTTP(S) load balancer to provide ingress for traffic coming from the internet across one or more clusters.

Multi Cluster Ingress's multi-cluster support satisfies many use cases including:

  • A single, consistent virtual IP (VIP) for an app, independent of where the app is deployed globally.
  • Multi-regional, multi-cluster availability through health checking and traffic failover.
  • Proximity-based routing through public Anycast VIPs for low client latency.
  • Transparent cluster migration for upgrades or cluster rebuilds.

Default quotas

Multi Cluster Ingress has the following default quotas:

  • For details about member limits for fleets, see fleet management quotas. for how many members are supported in a fleet.
  • 100 MultiClusterIngress resources and 100 MultiClusterService resources per project. You can create up to 100 MultiClusterIngress and 100 MultiClusterService resources in a config cluster for any number of backend clusters up to the per-project cluster maximum.

Pricing and trials

To learn about Multi Cluster Ingress pricing, see Multi Cluster Ingress pricing.

How Multi Cluster Ingress works

Multi Cluster Ingress builds on the architecture of the global external Application Load Balancer. The global external Application Load Balancer is a globally distributed load balancer with proxies deployed at 100+ Google points of presence (PoPs) around the world. These proxies, called Google Front Ends (GFEs), sit at the edge of Google's network, positioned close to clients. Multi Cluster Ingress creates external Application Load Balancers in the Premium Tier. These load balancers use global external IP addresses advertised using anycast. Requests are served by GFEs and the cluster that is closest to the client. Internet traffic goes to the closest Google PoP and uses the Google backbone to get to a GKE cluster. This load balancing configuration results in lower latency from the client to the GFE. You can also reduce latency between serving GKE clusters and GFEs by running your GKE clusters in regions that are closest to your clients.

Terminating HTTP and HTTPS connections at the edge allows the Google load balancer to decide where to route traffic by determining backend availability before traffic enters a data center or region. This gives traffic the most efficient path from the client to the backend while considering the backends' health and capacity.

Multi Cluster Ingress is an Ingress controller that programs the external HTTP(S) load balancer using network endpoint groups (NEGs). When you create a MultiClusterIngress resource, GKE deploys Compute Engine load balancer resources and configures the appropriate Pods across clusters as backends. The NEGs are used to track Pod endpoints dynamically so the Google load balancer has the right set of healthy backends.

Multi Cluster Ingress traffic flow

As you deploy applications across clusters in GKE, Multi Cluster Ingress ensures that the load balancer is in sync with events that occur in the cluster:

  • A Deployment is created with the right matching labels.
  • A Pod's process dies and fails its health check.
  • A cluster is removed from the pool of backends.

Multi Cluster Ingress updates the load balancer, keeping it consistent with the environment and desired state of Kubernetes resources.

Multi Cluster Ingress architecture

Multi Cluster Ingress uses a centralized Kubernetes API server to deploy Ingress across multiple clusters. This centralized API server is called the config cluster. Any GKE cluster can act as the config cluster. The config cluster uses two custom resource types: MultiClusterIngress and MultiClusterService. By deploying these resources on the config cluster, the Multi Cluster Ingress controller deploys load balancers across multiple clusters.

The following concepts and components make up Multi Cluster Ingress:

  • Multi Cluster Ingress controller - This is a globally distributed control plane that runs as a service outside of your clusters. This allows the lifecycle and operations of the controller to be independent of GKE clusters.

  • Config cluster - This is a chosen GKE cluster running on Google Cloud where the MultiClusterIngress and MultiClusterService resources are deployed. This is a centralized point of control for these multi-cluster resources. These multi-cluster resources exist in and are accessible from a single logical API to retain consistency across all clusters. The Ingress controller watches the config cluster and reconciles the load balancing infrastructure.

  • A fleet lets you logically group and normalize GKE clusters, making administration of infrastructure easier and enabling the use of multi-cluster features such as Multi Cluster Ingress. You can learn more about the benefits of fleets and how to create them in the fleet management documentation. A cluster can only be a member of a single fleet.

  • Member cluster - Clusters registered to a fleet are called member clusters. Member clusters in the fleet comprise the full scope of backends that Multi Cluster Ingress is aware of. The Google Kubernetes Engine cluster management view provides a secure console to view the state of all your registered clusters.

Multi Cluster Ingress arch

Deployment workflow

The following steps illustrate a high-level workflow for using Multi Cluster Ingress across multiple clusters.

  1. Register GKE clusters to a fleet in your chosen project.

  2. Configure a GKE cluster as the central config cluster. This cluster can be a dedicated control plane, or it can run other workloads.

  3. Deploy applications to the GKE clusters where they need to run.

  4. Deploy one or more MultiClusterService resources in the config cluster with label and cluster matches to select clusters, namespace, and Pods that are considered backends for a given Service. This creates NEGs in Compute Engine, which begins to register and manage service endpoints.

  5. Deploy a MultiClusterIngress resource in the config cluster that references one or more MultiClusterService resources as backends for the load balancer. This deploys the Compute Engine external load balancer resources and exposes the endpoints across clusters through a single load balancer VIP.

Ingress concepts

Multi Cluster Ingress uses a centralized Kubernetes API server to deploy Ingress across multiple clusters. The following sections describe the Multi Cluster Ingress resource model, how to deploy Ingress, and concepts important for managing this highly available network control plane.

MultiClusterService resources

A MultiClusterService is a custom resource used by Multi Cluster Ingress to represent sharing services across clusters. A MultiClusterService resource selects Pods, similar to the Service resource, but a MultiClusterService can also select labels and clusters. The pool of clusters that a MultiClusterService selects across are called member clusters. All of the clusters registered to the fleet are member clusters.

A MultiClusterService only exists in the config cluster and does not route anything like a ClusterIP, LoadBalancer, or NodePort Service does. Instead, it lets the Multi Cluster Ingress controller refer to a singular distributed resource.

The following sample manifest describes a MultiClusterService for an application named foo:

kind: MultiClusterService
  name: foo
  namespace: blue
        app: foo
      - name: web
        protocol: TCP
        port: 80
        targetPort: 80

This manifest deploys a Service in all member clusters with the selector app: foo. If app: foo Pods exist in that cluster, then those Pod IP addresses are added as backends for the MultiClusterIngress.

The following mci-zone1-svc-j726y6p1lilewtu7 is a derived Service generated in one of the target clusters. This Service creates a NEG which tracks Pod endpoints for all pods that match the specified label selector in this cluster. A derived Service and NEG will exist in every target cluster for every MultiClusterService (unless using cluster selectors). If no matching Pods exist in a target cluster then the Service and NEG will be empty. The derived Services are managed fully by the MultiClusterService and are not managed by users directly.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  annotations: '{"exposed_ports":{"8080":{}}}' '{"network_endpoint_groups":{"8080":"k8s1-a6b112b6-default-mci-zone1-svc-j726y6p1lilewt-808-e86163b5"},"zones":["us-central1-a"]}' '{"Namespace":"default","Name":"zone1"}'
  name: mci-zone1-svc-j726y6p1lilewtu7
  namespace: blue
    app: foo
  - name: web
    protocol: TCP
    port: 80
    targetPort: 80

A few notes about the derived Service:

  • Its function is as a logical grouping of endpoints as backends for Multi Cluster Ingress.
  • It manages the lifecycle of the NEG for a given cluster and application.
  • It's created as a headless Service. Note that only the Selector and Ports fields are carried over from the MultiClusterService to the derived service.
  • The Ingress controller manages its lifecycle.

MultiClusterIngress resource

A MultiClusterIngress resource behaves identically in many ways to the core Ingress resource. Both have the same specification for defining hosts, paths, protocol termination and backends.

The following manifest describes a MultiClusterIngress that routes traffic to the foo and bar backends depending on the HTTP host headers:

kind: MultiClusterIngress
  name: foobar-ingress
  namespace: blue
        serviceName: default-backend
        servicePort: 80
      - host:
          serviceName: foo
          servicePort: 80
      - host:
          serviceName: bar
          servicePort: 80

This MultiClusterIngress resource matches traffic to the virtual IP address on and by sending this traffic to the MultiClusterService resources named foo and bar. This MultiClusterIngress has a default backend that matches on all other traffic and sends that traffic to the default-backend MultiClusterService.

The following diagram shows how traffic flows from an Ingress to a cluster:

In the diagram, there are two clusters, gke-us and gke-eu. Traffic flows from to the Pods that have the label app:foo across both clusters. From, traffic flows to the Pods that have the label app:bar across both clusters.

Ingress resources across clusters

The config cluster is the only cluster that can have MultiClusterIngress and MultiClusterService resources. Each target cluster which has Pods that match the MultiClusterService label selectors also have a corresponding derived Service scheduled on them. If a cluster is explicitly not selected by a MultiClusterService, then a corresponding derived Service is not created in that cluster.

Namespace sameness

Namespace sameness is a property of Kubernetes clusters in which a namespace extends across clusters and is considered the same namespace.

In the following diagram, namespace blue exists across the gke-cfg, gke-eu and gke-us GKE clusters. Namespace sameness considers the namespace blue to be the same across all clusters. This means that a user has the same privileges to resources in the blue namespace in every cluster. Namespace sameness also means that Service resources with the same name across multiple clusters in namespace blue are considered to be the same Service.

The Gateway treats the Service as a single pool of endpoints across the three clusters. Because Routes and MultiClusterIngress resources can only route to Services within the same namespace, this provides consistent multi-tenancy for config across all clusters in the fleet. Fleets provide a high degree of portability since resources can be deployed or moved across clusters without any changes to their config. Deployment into the same fleet namespace provides consistency across clusters.

Consider the following design principles for Namespace sameness:

  • Namespaces for different purposes should not have the same name across clusters.
  • Namespaces should be reserved either explicitly, by allocating a namespace, or implicitly, through out-of-band policies, for teams and clusters within a fleet.
  • Namespaces for the same purpose across clusters should share the same name.
  • User permission to Namespaces across clusters should be tightly controlled to prevent unauthorized access.
  • You should not use the default Namespace or generic Namespaces like "prod" or "dev" for normal application deployment. It is too easy for users to deploy resources to the default Namespace accidentally and violate the segmentation principles of Namespaces.
  • The same Namespace should be created across clusters wherever a given team or group of users must deploy resources.

Config cluster design

The Multi Cluster Ingress config cluster is a single GKE cluster which hosts the MultiClusterIngress and MultiClusterService resources and acts as the single control point for Ingress across the fleet of target GKE clusters. You choose the config cluster when you enable Multi Cluster Ingress. You can choose any GKE cluster as the config cluster and change the config cluster at any time.

Config cluster availability

Because the config cluster is a single point of control, Multi Cluster Ingress resources cannot be created or updated if the config cluster API is unavailable. Load balancers and traffic being served by them will not be affected by a config cluster outage but changes to MultiClusterIngress and MultiClusterService resources will not be reconciled by the controller until it is available again.

Consider the following design principles for config clusters:

  • The config cluster should be chosen such that it is highly available. Regional clusters are preferred over zonal clusters.
  • To enable Multi Cluster Ingress, the config cluster does not have to be a dedicated cluster. The config cluster may host administrative or even application workloads, though you should ensure that hosted applications do not impact the availability of the config cluster API server. The config cluster can be a target cluster that hosts backends for MultiClusterService resources, though if extra precautions are needed the config cluster can also be excluded as a backend through cluster selection.
  • Config clusters should have all the Namespaces that are used by target cluster backends. A MultiClusterService resource can only reference Pods in the same Namespace across clusters so that Namespace must be present in the config cluster.
  • Users that deploy Ingress across multiple clusters must have access to the config cluster to deploy MultiClusterIngress and MultiClusterService resources. However, users should only have access to Namespaces they have permission to use.

Selecting and migrating the config cluster

You must choose the config cluster when you enable Multi Cluster Ingress. Any member cluster of a fleet can be selected as the config cluster. You can update the config cluster at any time but must take care to ensure that it does not cause disruption. The Ingress controller will reconcile whatever resources exist in the config cluster. When migrating the config cluster from the current one to the next one, MultiClusterIngress and MultiClusterService resources must be identical. If the resources are not identical, the Compute Engine Load Balancers may be updated or destroyed after the config cluster update.

The following diagram shows how a centralized CI/CD system applies MultiClusterIngress and MultiClusterService resources to the GKE API server for the config cluster (gke-us) and a backup cluster (gke-eu) at all times so that the resources are identical across the two clusters. You can change the config cluster for emergencies or planned downtime at any time without any impact because the MultiClusterIngress and MultiClusterService resources are identical.

Cluster selection

MultiClusterService resources can select across clusters. By default, the controller schedules a derived Service on every target cluster. If you do not want a derived Service on every target cluster, you can define a list of clusters using the spec.clusters field in the MultiClusterService manifest.

You might want to define a list of clusters if you need to:

  • Isolate the config cluster to prevent MultiClusterService resources from selecting across the config cluster.
  • Control traffic between clusters for application migration.
  • Route to application backends that only exist in a subset of clusters.
  • Use a single HTTP(S) virtual IP address for routing to backends that live on different clusters.

You must ensure that member clusters within the same fleet and region have unique names to prevent naming collisions.

To learn how to configure cluster selection, see Setting up Multi Cluster Ingress.

The following manifest describes a MultiClusterService that has a clusters field that references europe-west1-c/gke-eu and asia-northeast1-a/gke-asia:

kind: MultiClusterService
  name: foo
  namespace: blue
        app: foo
      - name: web
        protocol: TCP
        port: 80
        targetPort: 80
  - link: "europe-west1-c/gke-eu"
  - link: "asia-northeast1-a/gke-asia-1"

This manifest specifies that Pods with the matching labels in the gke-asia and gke-eu clusters can be included as backends for the MultiClusterIngress. Any other clusters are excluded even if they have Pods with the app: foo label.

The following diagram shows an example MultiClusterService configuration using the preceding manifest:

In the diagram, there are three clusters: gke-eu, gke-asia-1, and gke-asia-2. The gke-asia-2 cluster is not included as a backend, even though there are Pods with matching labels, because the cluster is not included in the manifest spec.clusters list. The cluster does not receive traffic for maintenance or other operations.

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