Google Cloud tracks known issues and feature requests on a set of issue trackers. Because we use the number of "stars" (people who have indicated interest in an issue) to prioritize work on the platform, you should search existing issues before you make a new entry.
To view issue trackers, see Search for or create issues and feature requests, by product.
To report an issue with the Google Cloud console, click , then click Send feedback.
Issue reports
Google reviews every new issue report submitted by users. Sometimes one of our staff will ask for clarification or followup. After we're able to replicate the issue, we'll tell you that it's been forwarded to the appropriate team.
Depending on the circumstances, we may be able to provide periodic updates while an issue is being looked at, but usually we cannot provide too many specifics about the exact cause of an issue, or when it will be fixed.
When we've fixed an issue in production, we'll indicate this and then we'll close the issue.
Feature requests
You can also request and vote for new Google Cloud features. Unlike issue reports, we don't immediately triage new feature requests. Instead, we wait for a feature to have a handful of stars and, hopefully, comments from several users about how the feature would be useful. So, when it comes to feature requests, it's especially important to vote for an existing request (if one exists) instead of making a duplicate.
Search for or create issues and feature requests, by product
You can use the following issue trackers to search for a Google Cloud product's existing issues or feature requests.
If you find an issue or feature request that matches yours, star it.
If you don't see a matching issue or feature request, you can create one:
- In the following tables of issue trackers, locate the product.
- Click the link to create a new issue.
- In the form's Template drop-down menu, select either Defect report to report an issue or Feature request to request a feature.
- In the Description field, complete the rest of the form using the prompts provided.
- Click Create.
Your issue or feature request now appears in the issue trackers list for the product. To learn about Google's implementation of requested features and issues, see What to expect after you've opened an issue.
What to expect after you've opened an issue
Google maintains an internal issue tracking system where the implementation of features and fixing of issues takes place. You might see references to this system on some issues. Because we have a private system, issues may be relatively quiet for a while. This does not mean we will never fix an issue; it just means that there is nothing to announce.
However, you can expect a few things:
- When you open a new issue report, we'll promptly acknowledge it and get to work triaging it. Expect to hear from us within two business days.
- When a new feature request meets the threshold number of stars for a project (fewer stars for quiet projects, and more for projects with more traffic) we'll get to work.
- After we've triaged an issue, we'll tell you what we found. If we can verify the issue, we'll tell you so. If we believe that we won't be implementing a feature for the foreseeable future, we'll say so.
- After an issue is in our system, we will only post updates when we have questions or there is something to share.
If you see an issue that needs our prompt attention, let us know on one of the Google Groups; we don't individually subscribe to each open issue.