Scale your storage performance with Hyperdisk

The Compute Engine Persistent Disk CSI driver is the primary way for you to access Hyperdisk storage with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters.

Before you begin

Before you start, make sure you have performed the following tasks:

  • Enable the Google Kubernetes Engine API.
  • Enable Google Kubernetes Engine API
  • If you want to use the Google Cloud CLI for this task, install and then initialize the gcloud CLI. If you previously installed the gcloud CLI, get the latest version by running gcloud components update.


To use Hyperdisk volumes in GKE, your clusters must meet the following requirements:

Create a Hyperdisk volume for GKE

This section provides an overview of creating a Hyperdisk volume backed by the Compute Engine CSI driver in GKE.

Create a StorageClass

The following Persistent Disk storage Type fields are provided by the Compute Engine Persistent Disk CSI driver to support Hyperdisk:

  • hyperdisk-balanced
  • hyperdisk-throughput
  • hyperdisk-extreme
  • hyperdisk-ml

To create a new StorageClass with the throughput or IOPS level you want, use in the provisioner field, and specify one of the Hyperdisk storage types.

Each Hyperdisk type has default values for performance determined by the initial disk size provisioned. When creating the StorageClass, you can optionally specify the following parameters depending on your Hyperdisk type. If you omit these parameters, GKE uses the capacity based disk type defaults instead. For guidance on allowable values for throughput or IOPS, see Plan the performance level for your Hyperdisk volume.

Parameter Hyperdisk Type Usage
provisioned-throughput-on-create Hyperdisk Balanced*, Hyperdisk Throughput Express the throughput value in MiBps using the "Mi" qualifier; for example, if your required throughput is 250 MiBps, specify "250Mi" when creating the StorageClass.
provisioned-iops-on-create Hyperdisk Balanced, Hyperdisk IOPS The IOPS value should be expressed without any qualifiers; for example, if you require 7,000 IOPS, specify "7000" when creating the StorageClass.
* If you need enhanced security and are planning to use Confidential Google Kubernetes Engine Nodes, consider creating Confidential mode for Hyperdisk Balanced, review additional Confidential mode for Hyperdisk Balanced limitations, and learn more about Confidential Google Kubernetes Engine Nodes.

The following examples show how you can create a StorageClass for each Hyperdisk type:

Hyperdisk Balanced

  1. Save the following manifest in a file named hdb-example-class.yaml:

    kind: StorageClass
      name: balanced-storage
    volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
    allowVolumeExpansion: true
      type: hyperdisk-balanced
      provisioned-throughput-on-create: "250Mi"
      provisioned-iops-on-create: "7000"
  2. Create the StorageClass:

    kubectl create -f hdb-example-class.yaml

Hyperdisk Throughput

  1. Save the following manifest in a file named hdt-example-class.yaml:

    kind: StorageClass
      name: throughput-storage
    volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
    allowVolumeExpansion: true
      type: hyperdisk-throughput
      provisioned-throughput-on-create: "50Mi"
  2. Create the StorageClass:

    kubectl create -f hdt-example-class.yaml

Hyperdisk Extreme

  1. Save the following manifest in a file named hdx-example-class.yaml:

    kind: StorageClass
      name: extreme-storage
    volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
    allowVolumeExpansion: true
      type: hyperdisk-extreme
      provisioned-iops-on-create: "50000"
  2. Create the StorageClass:

    kubectl create -f hdx-example-class.yaml

To find the name of the StorageClasses available in your cluster, run the following command:

kubectl get sc

Create a PersistentVolumeClaim

You can create a PersistentVolumeClaim that references the Compute Engine Persistent Disk CSI driver's StorageClass.

Hyperdisk Balanced

In this example, you specify the targeted storage capacity of the Hyperdisk Balanced volume as 20 GiB.

  1. Save the following PersistentVolumeClaim manifest in a file named pvc-example.yaml:

    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
    apiVersion: v1
      name: podpvc
      - ReadWriteOnce
      storageClassName: balanced-storage
          storage: 20Gi
  2. Apply the PersistentVolumeClaim that references the StorageClass you created from the earlier example:

    kubectl apply -f pvc-example.yaml

Hyperdisk Throughput

In this example, you specify the targeted storage capacity of the Hyperdisk Throughput volume as 2 TiB.

  1. Save the following PersistentVolumeClaim manifest in a file named pvc-example.yaml:

    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
    apiVersion: v1
      name: podpvc
      - ReadWriteOnce
      storageClassName: throughput-storage
          storage: 2Ti
  2. Apply the PersistentVolumeClaim that references the StorageClass you created from the earlier example:

    kubectl apply -f pvc-example.yaml

Hyperdisk Extreme

In this example, you specify the minimum storage capacity of the Hyperdisk Extreme volume as 64 GiB.

  1. Save the following PersistentVolumeClaim manifest in a file named pvc-example.yaml:

    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
    apiVersion: v1
      name: podpvc
      - ReadWriteOnce
      storageClassName: extreme-storage
          storage: 64Gi
  2. Apply the PersistentVolumeClaim that references the StorageClass you created from the earlier example:

    kubectl apply -f pvc-example.yaml

Create a Deployment to consume the Hyperdisk volume

When using Pods with PersistentVolumes, we recommend that you use a workload controller (such as a Deployment or StatefulSet).

  1. The following example creates a manifest that configures a Pod for deploying a Nginx web server using the PersistentVolumeClaim created in the previous section. Save the following example manifest as hyperdisk-example-deployment.yaml:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: web-server-deployment
        app: nginx
      replicas: 1
          app: nginx
            app: nginx
          - name: nginx
            image: nginx
            - mountPath: /var/lib/www/html
              name: mypvc
          - name: mypvc
              claimName: podpvc
              readOnly: false
  2. To create a Deployment based on the hyperdisk-example-deployment.yaml manifest file, run the following command:

    kubectl apply -f hyperdisk-example-deployment.yaml
  3. Confirm the Deployment was successfully created:

    kubectl get deployment

    It might take a few minutes for Hyperdisk instances to complete provisioning. When the deployment completes provisioning, it reports a READY status.

  4. You can check the progress by monitoring your PersistentVolumeClaim status by running the following command:

    kubectl get pvc

Provision a Hyperdisk volume from a snapshot

To create a new Hyperdisk volume from an existing Persistent Disk snapshot, use the Google Cloud console, the Google Cloud CLI, or the Compute Engine API. To learn how to create a Persistent Disk snapshot, see Creating and using volume snapshots.


  1. Go to the Disks page in the Google Cloud console.

    Go to Disks

  2. Click Create Disk.

  3. Under Disk Type, choose one of the following for disk type:

    • Hyperdisk Balanced
    • Hyperdisk Extreme
    • Hyperdisk Throughput
  4. Under Disk source type, click Snapshot.

  5. Select the name of the snapshot to restore.

  6. Select the size of the new disk, in GiB. This number must be equal to or larger than the original source disk for the snapshot.

  7. Set the Provisioned throughput or Provisioned IOPS you want for the disk, if different from the default values.

  8. Click Create to create the Hyperdisk volume.


Run the gcloud compute disks create command to create the Hyperdisk volume from a snapshot.

Hyperdisk Balanced

gcloud compute disks create DISK_NAME \
    --size=SIZE \
    --source-snapshot=SNAPSHOT_NAME \
    --provisioned-throughput=TRHROUGHPUT_LIMIT \
    --provisioned-iops=IOPS_LIMIT \

Replace the following:

  • DISK_NAME: the name of the new disk.
  • SIZE: the size, in gibibytes (GiB) or tebibytes (TiB), of the new disk. Refer to the Compute Engine documentation for the latest capacity limitations.
  • SNAPSHOT_NAME: the name of the snapshot being restored.
  • THROUGHPUT_LIMIT: Optional. For Hyperdisk Balanced disks, this is an integer that represents the throughput, measured in MiBps, that the disk can handle. Refer to the Compute Engine documentation for the latest limitations.
  • IOPS_LIMIT: Optional. For Hyperdisk Balanced disks, this is the number of IOPS that the disk can handle. Refer to the Compute Engine documentation for the latest performance limitations.

Hyperdisk Throughput

gcloud compute disks create DISK_NAME \
    --size=SIZE \
    --source-snapshot=SNAPSHOT_NAME \
    --provisioned-throughput=TRHROUGHPUT_LIMIT \

Replace the following:

  • DISK_NAME: the name of the new disk.
  • SIZE: the size, in gibibytes (GiB or GB) or tebibytes (TiB or TB), of the new disk. Refer to the Compute Engine documentation for the latest capacity limitations.
  • SNAPSHOT_NAME: the name of the snapshot being restored.
  • THROUGHPUT_LIMIT: Optional: For Hyperdisk Throughput disks, this is an integer that represents the throughput, measured in MiBps, that the disk can handle. Refer to the Compute Engine documentation for the latest performance limitations.

Hyperdisk Extreme

gcloud compute disks create DISK_NAME \
    --size=SIZE \
    --source-snapshot=SNAPSHOT_NAME \
    --provisioned-iops=IOPS_LIMIT \

Replace the following:

  • DISK_NAME: the name of the new disk.
  • SIZE: the size, in gibibytes (GiB or GB) or tebibytes (TiB or TB), of the new disk. Refer to the Compute Engine documentation for the latest capacity limitations.
  • SNAPSHOT_NAME: the name of the snapshot being restored.
  • IOPS_LIMIT: Optional: For Hyperdisk Extreme disks, this is the number of I/O operations per second that the disk can handle. Refer to the Compute Engine documentation for the latest performance limitations.

Create a snapshot for a Hyperdisk volume

To create a snapshot from a Hyperdisk volume, follow the same steps as creating a snapshot for a Persistent Disk volume:

Update the provisioned throughput or IOPS of an existing Hyperdisk volume

This section covers how to modify provisioned performance for Hyperdisk volumes.


Updating the provisioned throughput is supported for Hyperdisk Balanced and Hyperdisk Throughput volumes only.

To update the provisioned throughput level of your Hyperdisk volume, follow the Google Cloud console, gcloud CLI, or Compute Engine API instructions in Changing the provisioned performance for a Hyperdisk volume.

You can change the provisioned throughput level (up to once every 4 hours) for a Hyperdisk volume after volume creation. New throughput levels might take up to 15 minutes to take effect. During the performance change, any performance SLA and SLO are not in effect. You can change the throughput level of an existing volume at any time, regardless of whether the disk is attached to a running instance or not.

The new throughput level you specify must adhere to the supported values for Hyperdisk volumes.


Updating the provisioned IOPS is supported for Hyperdisk Balanced and Hyperdisk Extreme volumes only.

To update the provisioned IOPS level of your Hyperdisk volume, follow the Google Cloud console, gcloud CLI, or Compute Engine API instructions in Changing the provisioned performance for a Hyperdisk volume.

You can change the provisioned IOPS level (up to once every 4 hours) for a Hyperdisk IOPS volume after volume creation. New IOPS levels might take up to 15 minutes to take effect. During the performance change, any performance SLA and SLO are not in effect. You can change the IOPS level of an existing volume at any time, regardless of whether the disk is attached to a running instance or not.

The new IOPS level you specify must adhere to the supported values for Hyperdisk volumes.

To update the provisioned IOPS level for a Hyperdisk volume, you must identify the name of the Persistent Disk backing your PersistentVolumeClaim and PersistentVolume resources:

  1. Go to the Object browser in the Google Cloud console.

    Go to Object Browser

  2. Find the entry for your PersistentVolumeClaim object.

  3. Click the Volume link .

  4. Open the YAML tab of the associated PersistentVolume. Locate the CSI volumeHandle value in this tab.

  5. Note the last element of this handle (it should have a value like "pvc-XXXXX"). This is the name of your PersistentVolumeClaim. You should also take note of the project and zone.

Monitor throughput or IOPS on a Hyperdisk volume

To monitor the provisioned performance of your Hyperdisk volume, see Analyze provisioned IOPS and throughput in the Compute Engine documentation.


This section provides troubleshooting guidance to resolve issues with Hyperdisk volumes on GKE.

Cannot change performance or capacity: ratio out of range

The following error occurs when you attempt to change the provisioned performance level or capacity, but the performance level or capacity that you picked is outside of the range that is acceptable for the volume:

  • Requested provisioned throughput cannot be higher than <value>.
  • Requested provisioned throughput cannot be lower than <value>.
  • Requested provisioned throughput is too high for the requested disk size.
  • Requested provisioned throughput is too low for the requested disk size.
  • Requested disk size is too high for current provisioned throughput.

The throughput provisioned for Hyperdisk Throughput volumes must meet the following requirements:

  • At least 10 MiBps per TiB of capacity, and no more than 90 MiBps per TiB of capacity.
  • At most 600 MiBps per volume.

To resolve this issue, correct the requested throughput or capacity to be within the allowable range and reissue the command.

Cannot change performance: rate limited

The following error occurs when you attempt to change the provisioned performance level, but the performance level has already been changed within the last 4 hours:

Cannot update provisioned throughput due to being rate limited.
Cannot update provisioned iops due to being rate limited.

Hyperdisk Throughput and IOPS volumes can have their provisioned performance updated once every 4 hours. To resolve this issue, wait for the cool-down timer for the volume to elapse, and then reissue the command.

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