Best practices for using CMEKs

This page outlines best practices for configuring encryption at rest with customer-managed encryption keys (CMEKs) on your Google Cloud resources. This guide is intended for cloud architects and security teams, and outlines best practices and decisions that you must make while you design your CMEK architecture.

This guide assumes that you're already familiar with Cloud Key Management Service (Cloud KMS) and have read the Cloud KMS deep dive.

Preliminary decisions

The recommendations on this page are intended for customers who use CMEKs to encrypt their data. If you're not sure whether to use manually or automatically created CMEKs as part of your security strategy, this section provides guidance for these preliminary decisions.

Decide whether to use CMEK

We recommend that you use CMEK to encrypt data at rest in Google Cloud services if you require any of the following capabilities:

  • Own your encryption keys.

  • Control and manage your encryption keys, including choice of location, protection level, creation, access control, rotation, use, and destruction.

  • Generate key material in Cloud KMS or import key material that is maintained outside of Google Cloud.

  • Set policy regarding where your keys must be used.

  • Selectively delete data protected by your keys in the case of off-boarding or to remediate security events (crypto-shredding).

  • Create and use keys that are unique to a customer, establishing a cryptographic boundary around your data.

  • Log administrative and data access to encryption keys.

  • Meet current or future regulation that requires any of these goals.

If you don't require these capabilities, evaluate whether default encryption at rest with Google-managed keys is appropriate for your use case. If you choose to use only default encryption, you can stop reading this guide.

Choose manual or automated key creation

This guide outlines best practices for decisions that you must make when provisioning CMEKs yourself. Cloud KMS Autokey makes some of these decisions for you and automates many recommendations from this guide. Using Autokey is simpler than provisioning keys yourself, and is the recommended choice if the keys created by Autokey meet all of your requirements.

Autokey provisions CMEKs for you. The CMEKs provisioned by Autokey have the following characteristics:

  • Protection level: HSM.
  • Algorithm: AES-256 GCM.
  • Rotation period: One year.

    After a key is created by Autokey, a Cloud KMS administrator can edit the rotation period from the default.

  • Separation of duties:
    • The service account for the service is automatically granted encrypt and decrypt permissions on the key.
    • Cloud KMS administrator permissions apply as usual to keys created by Autokey. Cloud KMS administrators can view, update, enable or disable, and destroy keys created by Autokey. Cloud KMS administrators are not given encrypt and decrypt permissions.
    • Autokey developers can only request key creation and assignment. They cannot view or manage keys.
  • Key specificity or granularity: Keys created by Autokey have a granularity that varies by resource type. For service-specific details about key granularity, see Compatible services.
  • Location: Autokey creates keys in the same location as the resource to be protected.

    If you need to create CMEK-protected resources in locations where Cloud HSM is not available, you must create your CMEK manually.

  • Key version state: Newly created keys requested using Autokey are created as the primary key version in the enabled state.
  • Key ring naming: All keys created by Autokey are created in a key ring called autokey in the Autokey project in the selected location. Key rings in your Autokey project are created when an Autokey developer requests the first key in a given location.
  • Key naming: Keys created by Autokey follow this naming convention: PROJECT_NUMBER-SERVICE_SHORT_NAME-RANDOM_HEX
  • Key export: Like all Cloud KMS keys, keys created by Autokey can't be exported.
  • Key tracking: Like all Cloud KMS keys used in CMEK integrated services that are compatible with key tracking, keys created by Autokey are tracked in the Cloud KMS dashboard.

If you have requirements that can't be met with keys created by Autokey, such as a protection level other than HSM or services that aren't compatible with Autokey, then we recommend using manually-created CMEKs rather than Autokey.

Design your CMEK architecture

When designing a CMEK architecture, you must consider the configuration of the keys you will use and how these keys are managed. These decisions influence your cost, operational overhead, and ease of implementing capabilities such as crypto-shredding.

The following sections discuss recommendations for each design choice.

Use a centralized CMEK key project for each environment

We recommend using a centralized CMEK key project for each environment folder. Don't create resources encrypted with CMEK in the same project where you manage Cloud KMS keys. This approach helps to prevent sharing of encryption keys across environments and helps to enable separation of duties.

The following diagram illustrates these concepts in the recommended design:

  • Each environment folder has a Cloud KMS key project administered separately from application projects.
  • Cloud KMS key rings and keys are provisioned in the Cloud KMS key project, and these keys are used to encrypt resources in the application projects.
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies are applied to projects or folders to enable separation of duties. The principal managing Cloud KMS keys in the Cloud KMS key project isn't the same principal that uses the encryption keys in application projects.

Recommended Cloud KMS folder and project structure

If you use Cloud KMS Autokey, each folder for which Autokey is enabled must have a dedicated Cloud KMS key project.

Create Cloud KMS key rings for each location

You must create Cloud KMS key rings in the locations where you deploy Google Cloud resources encrypted with CMEK.

  • Regional and zonal resources must use a key ring and CMEK in the same region as the resource or in the global location. Single-region and zonal resources can't use a multi-region key ring other than global.
  • Multi-region resources (such as a BigQuery dataset in the us multi-region) must use a key ring and CMEK in the same multi-region or dual-region. Multi-region resources can't use a regional key ring.
  • Global resources must use a key ring and CMEK in the global location.

Enforcing regional keys is one piece of a data regionalization strategy. By enforcing the use of key rings and keys in a defined region, you also enforce that resources must match the region of the key ring. For guidance on data residency, see Implement data residency and sovereignty requirements.

For workloads that require high availability or disaster recovery capabilities across multiple locations, it's your responsibility to assess the whether your workload is resilient in the event that Cloud KMS becomes unavailable in a certain region. For example, a Compute Engine persistent disk encrypted with a Cloud KMS key from us-central1 can't be recreated in us-central2 in a disaster recovery scenario where us-central1 is unavailable. To mitigate risk of this scenario, you can plan for encrypting a resource with global keys.

For more information, see Choosing the best type of location.

If you use Cloud KMS Autokey, key rings are created for you in the same location as the resources you protect.

Choose a key granularity strategy

Granularity refers to the scale and scope of each key's intended usage. For example, a key that protects several resources is said to be less granular than a key that protects only one resource.

Manually-provisioned Cloud KMS keys for CMEK must be provisioned in advance before creating a resource that will be encrypted with the key, such as a Compute Engine persistent disk. You might choose to create very granular keys for individual resources or to create less granular keys for reuse among resources more broadly.

While there is no universally correct pattern, consider the following trade-offs of different patterns:

High granularity keys—for example, one key for each individual resource

  • More control to safely disable key versions: Disabling or destroying a key version that is used for a narrow scope has lower risk of affecting other resources than disabling or destroying a shared key. This also means that using highly granular keys helps to reduce the potential impact of a key becoming compromised when compared with using low granularity keys.
  • Cost: Using granular keys requires maintaining more active key versions when compared with a strategy that uses keys with lower granularity. Because Cloud KMS pricing is based on the number of active key versions, choosing higher key granularity results in higher costs.
  • Operational overhead: Using highly granular keys might require administrative effort or additional tooling for automation to provision a large number of Cloud KMS resources and to manage access controls for service agents so they can only use the appropriate keys. If you require keys with high granularity, Autokey might be a good choice to automate provisioning. For more information about Autokey key granularity for each service, see Compatible services.

Low granularity keys—for example, one key for each application, for each region, and for each environment

  • Requires care to safely disable key versions: Disabling or destroying a key version that is used for a broad scope requires more care than disabling or destroying a highly granular key. You must ensure that all resources encrypted by that key version are safely re-encrypted with a new key version before disabling the old key version. For many resource types, you can view key usage to help identify where a key has been used. This also means that using low granularity keys can increase the potential impact from a key becoming compromised when compared with using high granularity keys.
  • Cost: Using less granular keys requires fewer key versions to be created, and Cloud KMS pricing is based on the number of active key versions.
  • Operational overhead: You can define and pre-provision a known number of keys, with less effort required to ensure appropriate access controls.

Choose the protection level for keys

When creating a key, it's your responsibility to select the protection level that is appropriate for each key based on your requirements for the data and workloads encrypted with CMEK. The following questions can help you in your assessment:

  1. Do you require any of the CMEK capabilities? You can review the capabilities listed at Decide whether to use CMEK on this page.

  2. Do you require that your key material stays within the physical boundary of a hardware security module (HSM)?

  3. Do you require that key material be stored outside of Google Cloud?

Autokey supports only the HSM protection level. If you require other protection levels, you must provision the keys yourself.

Use Google-generated key material when possible

This section doesn't apply to Cloud EKM keys.

When you create a key, you must either allow Cloud KMS to generate the key material for you or manually import key material generated outside of Google Cloud. When possible, we recommend that you choose the generated option. This option does not expose the raw key material outside of Cloud KMS and automatically creates new key versions based on the key rotation period that you choose. If you require the option to import your own key material, we recommend that you assess the following operational considerations and risks of using the bring-your-own-key (BYOK) approach:

  • Can you implement automation to consistently import new key versions? This includes both Cloud KMS settings to restrict key versions to import only, and automation outside of Cloud KMS to consistently generate and import key material. What is the impact if your automation fails to create a new key version at the expected time?
  • How do you intend to securely store or escrow the original key material?
  • How can you mitigate the risk of your process to import keys leaking the raw key material?
  • What would the impact be to re-import a previously destroyed key because the raw key material was retained outside of Google Cloud?
  • Does the benefit of importing key material yourself justify the increased operational overhead and risk?

Choose the right key purpose and algorithm for your needs

When you create a key, you must select the purpose and underlying algorithm for the key. For CMEK use cases, only keys with the symmetric ENCRYPT_DECRYPT purpose can be used. This key purpose always uses the GOOGLE_SYMMETRIC_ENCRYPTION algorithm, which uses 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-256) keys in Galois Counter Mode (GCM), padded with Cloud KMS-internal metadata. When you use Autokey, these settings are automatically applied for you.

For other use cases such as client-side encryption, review the available key purposes and algorithms to choose the option most appropriate to your use case.

Choose a rotation period

We recommend that you assess the appropriate key rotation period for your needs. The frequency of key rotation depends on the requirements of your workloads based on sensitivity or compliance. For example, key rotation might be required at least once yearly to meet certain compliance standards, or you might choose a more frequent rotation period for highly sensitive workloads.

After rotating a symmetric key, the new version is marked as the primary key version and is used for all new requests to protect information. The old key versions remain available for use to decrypt any previously encrypted data protected with that version. When you rotate a key, data that was encrypted with previous key versions is not automatically re-encrypted.

Frequent key rotation helps limit the number of messages encrypted with the same key version, which helps to reduce the risk and consequences of a key becoming compromised.

If you use Autokey, keys are created using a default key rotation period of one year. You can change the rotation period for keys after they are created.

Apply appropriate access controls

We recommend that you consider the principles of least privilege and separation of duties when planning access controls. The following sections introduce these recommendations.

Apply the principle of least privilege

When assigning permission for managing CMEKs, consider the principle of least privilege and grant the minimum permissions needed to perform a task. We strongly recommend that you avoid using basic roles. Instead, grant predefined Cloud KMS roles to mitigate risks of security incidents related to over-privileged access.

Violations of this principle and related issues can be automatically detected by Security Command Center vulnerability findings for IAM.

Plan for separation of duties

Maintain separate identities and permissions for those who administer your encryption keys and those who use them. NIST SP 800-152 defines a separation of duties between the cryptographic officer who enables and manages the services of a cryptographic key management system and a user who uses those keys to encrypt or decrypt resources.

When you use CMEK to manage encryption at rest with Google Cloud services, the IAM role to use encryption keys is assigned to the service agent of the Google Cloud service, not the individual user. For example, to create objects in an encrypted Cloud Storage bucket, a user needs only the IAM role roles/storage.objectCreator, and the Cloud Storage service agent in the same project (like needs the IAM role roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter.

The following table lists which IAM roles are typically associated with which job function:

IAM role Description NIST SP 800-152 designation
roles/cloudkms.admin Provides access to Cloud KMS resources, except for access to restricted resource types and cryptographic operations. Cryptographic officer
roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter Provides ability to use Cloud KMS resources for encrypt and decrypt operations only. Cryptographic Key Management System user
roles/cloudkms.viewer Enables get and list operations. Audit administrator

Violations of this principle and related issues can be automatically detected by Security Command vulnerability findings for Cloud KMS.

Enforce CMEK consistently

The following sections describe additional controls to help mitigate risks like inconsistent key usage or accidental deletion or destruction.

Enforce project liens

We recommend that you protect projects with liens to avoid accidental deletion. When a project lien is enforced, the Cloud KMS key project is blocked from deletion until the lien is removed.

Require CMEK keys

We recommend that you enforce CMEK usage across your environment using organization policy constraints.

Use constraints/gcp.restrictNonCmekServices to block requests to create certain resource types without specifying a CMEK key.

Require a minimum scheduled for destruction duration

We recommend that you set a minimum scheduled for destruction duration. Key destruction is an irreversible operation that can result in data loss. By default, Cloud KMS uses a 30-day scheduled for destruction duration (sometimes called a soft delete period) before key material is irrecoverably destroyed. This provides some time to restore a key in the event of accidental destruction. However, it is possible for someone with the Cloud KMS Admin role to create a key with a scheduled for destruction duration as low as 24 hours, which might not be sufficient time for you to detect an issue and restore the key. The scheduled for destruction duration can only be set during key creation.

While a key is scheduled for destruction, it can't be used for cryptographic operations, and any requests to use the key fail. During this time, monitor audit logs to check that the key is not in use. If you want to use the key again, you must restore the key before the end of the scheduled for destruction period.

To ensure that all keys created adhere to a minimum scheduled for destruction duration, we recommend that you configure the organization policy constraint constraints/cloudkms.minimumDestroyScheduledDuration with a 30-day wait period, or your preferred duration. This organization policy prevents users from creating keys with a scheduled for destruction duration less than the value specified in the policy.

Enforce allowed protection levels for CMEKs

We recommend that you enforce your requirements for key protection levels consistently across your environment using organization policy constraints.

Use constraints/cloudkms.allowedProtectionLevels to enforce that new keys, key versions, and import jobs must use the protection levels that you allow.

Configure detective controls for CMEKs

Google Cloud provides various detective controls for CMEKs. The following sections introduce how to enable and use these controls relevant for Cloud KMS.

Enable and aggregate audit logging

We recommend that you aggregate Cloud KMS Admin Activity audit logs (along with Admin Activity logs for all services) in a centralized location for all resources in your organization. This lets a security team or auditor review all activity related to creating or modifying Cloud KMS resources at once. For guidance on configuring aggregated log sinks, see aggregate and store your organization's logs.

Optionally, you can enable data access logs to log operations that use the keys, including encrypt and decrypt operations. When using CMEKs, this can generate substantial log volume and impact your costs because every operation from every service that uses CMEKs will create data access logs. Before enabling data access logs, we recommend that you define a clear use case for the additional logs and assess how your logging costs will increase.

Monitor key usage

You can view key usage with the Cloud KMS inventory API to help you identify Google Cloud resources in your organization that are dependent on and protected by Cloud KMS keys. This dashboard can be used to monitor the state, usage, and availability of your key versions and corresponding resources they protect. The dashboard also identifies data that is inaccessible due to a disabled or destroyed key so that you can take actions such as purging the inaccessible data or re-enabling the key.

You can also use Cloud Monitoring with Cloud KMS to set alerts for critical events such as scheduling a key for destruction. Cloud Monitoring gives you a chance to triage why such an operation was performed and trigger an optional downstream process to restore the key if needed.

We recommend that you establish an operational plan to automatically detect events that you consider important and periodically review the key usage dashboard.

Enable Security Command Center for Cloud KMS vulnerability findings

Security Command Center generates vulnerability findings that highlight misconfigurations associated with Cloud KMS and other resources. We recommend that you enable Security Command Center and integrate these findings into your existing security operations. These findings include issues such as publicly accessible Cloud KMS keys, Cloud KMS projects with the overly permissive owner role, or IAM roles that violate the separation of duties.

Assess your compliance requirements

Different compliance frameworks have different requirements for encryption and key management. A compliance framework typically outlines the high-level principles and objectives of encryption key management, but is not prescriptive about the particular product or configuration that achieves compliance. It's your responsibility to understand the requirements of your compliance framework and how your controls, including key management, can meet those requirements.

For guidance about how Google Cloud services can help meet the requirements of different compliance frameworks, see the following resources:

Summary of best practices

The following table summarizes the best practices recommended in this document:

Topic Task
Decide whether to use CMEK Use CMEK if you require any of the capabilities enabled by CMEK.
Choose manual or automated key creation Use Cloud KMS Autokey if the characteristics of keys created by Autokey meet your needs.
Cloud KMS key projects Use one centralized key project for each environment. Don't create Cloud KMS resources in the same project as the Google Cloud resources the keys protect.
Cloud KMS key rings Create Cloud KMS key rings for each location where you want to protect Google Cloud resources.
Key granularity Choose a pattern of key granularity that meets your needs, or use Autokey to automatically provision keys at the recommended granularity for each service.
Protection level Choose Cloud EKM if your key material must be stored outside of Google Cloud. Choose Cloud HSM if your key material can be hosted on Google-owned hardware security modules (HSMs). Choose software keys if your needs don't require Cloud HSM or Cloud EKM. Review the guidance for selecting a protection level.
Key material For key material hosted on Google Cloud, use Google-generated key material when possible. If you use imported key material, implement automation and procedures to mitigate risks.
Key purpose and algorithm All CMEK keys must use the symmetric ENCRYPT_DECRYPT key purpose and the GOOGLE_SYMMETRIC_ENCRYPTION algorithm.
Rotation period Use automatic key rotation to ensure that your keys are rotated on schedule. Choose and apply a rotation period that meets your needs, ideally no less than once per year. Use more frequent key rotation for sensitive workloads.
Least privilege Grant the most limited predefined roles that allow your principals to complete their tasks. Don't use basic roles.
Separation of duties Maintain separate permissions for key administrators and principals that use keys.
Project liens Use project liens to prevent accidental deletion of your key projects.
Require CMEKs Use the constraints/gcp.restrictNonCmekServices constraint.
Require a minimum scheduled for destruction duration Use the constraints/cloudkms.minimumDestroyScheduledDuration constraint.
Enforce allowed protection levels for CMEKs Use the constraints/cloudkms.allowedProtectionLevels constraint.
Enable and aggregate audit logging Aggregate administrative activity audit logs for all resources in your organization. Consider whether you want to enable logging of operations using keys.
Monitor key usage Use the Cloud KMS inventory API or the Google Cloud console to understand key usage. Optionally use Cloud Monitoring to set alerts for sensitive operations like scheduling a key for destruction.
Enable Security Command Center for Cloud KMS Review vulnerability findings and integrate reviewing vulnerability findings into your security operations.
Assess compliance requirements Review your Cloud KMS architecture and compare with any compliance requirements that you must adhere to.

What's next

  • Learn more about how Cloud KMS Autokey reduces your effort to use CMEK consistently.