Dataproc Local SSDs

To supplement the boot disk, you can attach local Solid State Drives (local SSDs) to master, primary worker, and secondary worker nodes in your cluster. When local SSDs are provided to the cluster, both HDFS and scratch data, such as shuffle outputs, use the local SSDs instead of the boot persistent disk.

  • Local SSDs can provide faster read and write times than persistent disk (see Local SSD Performance).
  • The 375GB size of each local SSD is fixed, but you can attach multiple local SSDs to increase SSD storage (see About Local SSDs).
  • Each local SSD is mounted to /mnt/<id> in Dataproc cluster nodes.
  • Local SSDs use ext4 as the default filesystem.

Using local SSDs

Use the gcloud dataproc clusters create command with the --num-master-local-ssds, --num-workers-local-ssds, and --num-secondary-worker-local-ssds flags to attach local SSDs to the cluster's master, primary, and secondary worker nodes.

Local SSDs can be attached to Dataproc VMs using a SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) or NVME (Non-Volatile Memory Express) interface (see local SSD performance). The default Dataproc cluster VM local SSD interface is the SCSI interface. Use the gcloud dataproc clusters create command with the --master-local-ssd-interface, --worker-local-ssd-interface, and --secondary-worker-local-ssd-interface flags to specify the local SSD interface for master, primary, and secondary worker nodes.


gcloud dataproc clusters create cluster-name \
    --region=region \
    --num-master-local-ssds=1 \
    --num-worker-local-ssds=1 \
    --num-secondary-worker-local-ssds=1 \
    --master-local-ssd-interface=NVME \
    --worker-local-ssd-interface=NVME \
    --secondary-worker-local-ssd-interface=NVME \
    ... other args ...

Set the numLocalSsds field in the masterConfig, workerConfig, and secondaryWorkerConfig InstanceGroupConfig in a cluster.create API request to attach local SSDs to the cluster's master, primary worker, and secondary worker nodes.

Local SSDs can be attached to Dataproc VMs using a SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) or NVME (Non-Volatile Memory Express) interface (see local SSD performance). The default Dataproc cluster VM local SSD interface is the SCSI interface. Set the localSsdInterface field in the masterConfig, workerConfig, and secondaryWorkerConfig InstanceGroupConfig in a cluster.create API request to specify the "SCSI" or "NVME" interface to attach local SSDs to the cluster's master, primary worker, and secondary worker nodes.

Create a cluster and attach local SSDs to the master, primary, and secondary worker nodes from the Configure nodes panel of the Dataproc Create a cluster page of the Google Cloud console.