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Tesen Sie Gemini 1.5-Modelle, unsere neuesten multimodalen Modelle in Vertex AI, und erfahren Sie, was Sie mit einem 1 Mio. Tokenkontextfenster erstellen können.
Trainingspipeline für tabellarische Prognosen erstellen
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Erstellt eine Trainingspipeline für die tabellarische Prognose mit der Methode "create_training_pipeline".
Bevor Sie dieses Beispiel anwenden, folgen Sie den Python-Einrichtungsschritten in der Vertex AI-Kurzanleitung zur Verwendung von Clientbibliotheken.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Referenzdokumentation zur Vertex AI Python API.
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from google.cloud import aiplatform
from google.protobuf import json_format
from google.protobuf.struct_pb2 import Value
def create_training_pipeline_tabular_forecasting_sample(
project: str,
display_name: str,
dataset_id: str,
model_display_name: str,
target_column: str,
time_series_identifier_column: str,
time_column: str,
time_series_attribute_columns: str,
unavailable_at_forecast: str,
available_at_forecast: str,
forecast_horizon: int,
location: str = "us-central1",
api_endpoint: str = "us-central1-aiplatform.googleapis.com",
# The AI Platform services require regional API endpoints.
client_options = {"api_endpoint": api_endpoint}
# Initialize client that will be used to create and send requests.
# This client only needs to be created once, and can be reused for multiple requests.
client = aiplatform.gapic.PipelineServiceClient(client_options=client_options)
# set the columns used for training and their data types
transformations = [
{"auto": {"column_name": "date"}},
{"auto": {"column_name": "state_name"}},
{"auto": {"column_name": "county_fips_code"}},
{"auto": {"column_name": "confirmed_cases"}},
{"auto": {"column_name": "deaths"}},
data_granularity = {"unit": "day", "quantity": 1}
# the inputs should be formatted according to the training_task_definition yaml file
training_task_inputs_dict = {
# required inputs
"targetColumn": target_column,
"timeSeriesIdentifierColumn": time_series_identifier_column,
"timeColumn": time_column,
"transformations": transformations,
"dataGranularity": data_granularity,
"optimizationObjective": "minimize-rmse",
"trainBudgetMilliNodeHours": 8000,
"timeSeriesAttributeColumns": time_series_attribute_columns,
"unavailableAtForecast": unavailable_at_forecast,
"availableAtForecast": available_at_forecast,
"forecastHorizon": forecast_horizon,
training_task_inputs = json_format.ParseDict(training_task_inputs_dict, Value())
training_pipeline = {
"display_name": display_name,
"training_task_definition": "gs://google-cloud-aiplatform/schema/trainingjob/definition/automl_forecasting_1.0.0.yaml",
"training_task_inputs": training_task_inputs,
"input_data_config": {
"dataset_id": dataset_id,
"fraction_split": {
"training_fraction": 0.8,
"validation_fraction": 0.1,
"test_fraction": 0.1,
"model_to_upload": {"display_name": model_display_name},
parent = f"projects/{project}/locations/{location}"
response = client.create_training_pipeline(
parent=parent, training_pipeline=training_pipeline
print("response:", response)
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[[["Leicht verständlich","easyToUnderstand","thumb-up"],["Mein Problem wurde gelöst","solvedMyProblem","thumb-up"],["Sonstiges","otherUp","thumb-up"]],[["Hard to understand","hardToUnderstand","thumb-down"],["Incorrect information or sample code","incorrectInformationOrSampleCode","thumb-down"],["Missing the information/samples I need","missingTheInformationSamplesINeed","thumb-down"],["Problem mit der Übersetzung","translationIssue","thumb-down"],["Sonstiges","otherDown","thumb-down"]],[],[],[]]