Using Prometheus metrics

This page covers the basics of using Prometheus metrics for availability and latency SLIs in Cloud Monitoring, and using those metrics to create an SLO.

The basics of Prometheus

Prometheus is a leading open-source monitoring solution for metrics and alerting.

Prometheus supports dimensional data with key-value identifiers for metrics, provides the PromQL query language, and supports many integrations by providing exporters for other products.

To start using Prometheus with Monitoring, we recommend using Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus.


Prometheus supports the following types of metrics:

  • Counter: a single value that can only be monotonically increased or reset to 0 on restart.
  • Gauge: a single numeric value that can be arbitrarily set.
  • Histogram: a group of configurable buckets for sampling observations and recording values in ranges; also provides a sum of all observed values
  • Summary: like a histogram, but it also calculates configurable quantiles over a sliding time window.

For more information, see Metric types.

Creating metrics for SLIs

If your application emits Prometheus metrics, you can use them for SLIs.

  • For availability SLIs on request and error counts, you can start with Prometheus counter metrics.
  • For latency SLIs, you can use Prometheus histogram or summary metrics.

To collect Prometheus metrics with Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus, refer to the documentation for setting up managed or self-deployed metric collection.

When you create an SLO in the Google Cloud console, the default availability and latency SLO types do not include Prometheus metrics. To use a Prometheus metric, create a custom SLO and then choose a Prometheus metric for the SLI.

Prometheus metrics start with

Metrics for GKE

Managed collection of metrics by Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus is enabled by default for GKE. If you are running in a GKE environment that does not enable managed collection by default, you can enable managed collection manually. When managed collection is enabled, the in-cluster components are running but metrics are not generated until you deploy a PodMonitoring resource that scrapes a valid metrics endpoint or enable one of the managed metrics packages.

The control plane metrics package includes metrics that are useful indicators of system health. Enable collection of control plane metrics to use these metrics for availability, latency, and other SLIs.

  • Use API server metrics to track API server load, the fraction of API server requests that return errors, and the response latency for requests received by the API server.
  • Use scheduler metrics to help you to proactively respond to scheduling issues when there aren't enough resources for pending Pods.

Metrics for availability SLIs

You express a request-based availability SLI in the Cloud Monitoring API by using the TimeSeriesRatio structure to set up a ratio of "good" or "bad" requests to total requests. This ratio is used in the goodTotalRatio field of a RequestBasedSli structure.

Your application must emit Prometheus metrics that can be used to construct this ratio. The application must emit at least two of the following:

  1. A metric that counts total events; use this metric in the ratio's totalServiceFilter.

    You can use a Prometheus counter that's incremented for every event.

  2. A metric that counts "bad" events, use this metric in the ratio's badServiceFilter.

    You can use a Prometheus counter that's incremented for every error or other "bad" event.

  3. A metric that counts "good" events, use this metric in the ratio's goodServiceFilter.

    You can use a Prometheus counter that's incremented for every successful or other "good" event.

Metrics for latency SLIs

You express a request-based latency SLI in the Cloud Monitoring API by creating a DistributionCut structure. This structure is used in the distributionCut field of a RequestBasedSli structure.

Your application must emit a Prometheus metric that can be used to construct the distribution-cut value. You can use a Prometheus histogram or summary for this purpose. To determine how to define your buckets to accurately measure whether your responses fall within your SLO, see Metric types in the Prometheus documentation.


The following JSON example uses the GKE control plane metric metric to create a latency SLO for a service. The SLO requires 98% of response latency to be less than 50 seconds in a calendar month.

 "displayName": "98% Calendar month - Request Duration Under 50s",
 "goal": 0.98,
 "calendarPeriod": "MONTH",
 "serviceLevelIndicator": {
   "requestBased": {
     "distributionCut": {
       "distributionFilter": "metric.type=\"\" resource.type=\"prometheus_target\"",
       "range": {
         "min": "-Infinity",
         "max": 50

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