Cloud SQL untuk SQL Server adalah layanan database terkelola yang membantu Anda menyiapkan, memelihara, mengelola, dan mengatur database SQL Server di Google Cloud. Untuk informasi khusus Microsoft SQL Server, lihat dokumentasi SQL Server. Pelajari lebih lanjut

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Video terkait

More customers are moving their critical workloads to Cloud SQL for SQL Server to take advantage of built-in high availability, data protection, security, and integration with other Google Cloud services. In this session, we’ll explore new

Learn how to manage complex, large-scale Oracle or SQL database migrations and embrace a smooth, efficient journey with our database migration framework. Built on best practices and powered by cutting-edge automation tools, our team of experts takes

Join us for a deep dive on new capabilities for Cloud SQL for SQL Server. We’ll go over how to run on a managed service the same SQL Server workloads that you’re running on-prem, making it easier than ever to enable high availability, data