gcloud storage buckets notifications create

gcloud storage buckets notifications create - create a notification configuration on a bucket
gcloud storage buckets notifications create URL [--custom-attributes=[KEY=VALUE,…], -m [KEY=VALUE,…]] [--event-types=[NOTIFICATION_EVENT_TYPE,…], -e [NOTIFICATION_EVENT_TYPE,…]] [--object-prefix=OBJECT_PREFIX, -p OBJECT_PREFIX] [--payload-format=PAYLOAD_FORMAT, -f PAYLOAD_FORMAT; default="json"] [--skip-topic-setup, -s] [--topic=TOPIC, -t TOPIC] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
gcloud storage buckets notifications create creates a notification configuration on a bucket, establishing a flow of event notifications from Cloud Storage to a Cloud Pub/Sub topic. As part of creating this flow, it also verifies that the destination Cloud Pub/Sub topic exists, creating it if necessary, and verifies that the Cloud Storage bucket has permission to publish events to that topic, granting the permission if necessary.

If a destination Cloud Pub/Sub topic is not specified with the -t flag, Cloud Storage chooses a topic name in the default project whose ID is the same as the bucket name. For example, if the default project ID specified is default-project and the bucket being configured is gs://example-bucket, the create command uses the Cloud Pub/Sub topic projects/default-project/topics/example-bucket.

In order to enable notifications, your project's Cloud Storage service agent must have the IAM permission "pubsub.topics.publish". This command checks to see if the destination Cloud Pub/Sub topic grants the service agent this permission. If not, the create command attempts to grant it.

A bucket can have up to 100 total notification configurations and up to 10 notification configurations set to trigger for a specific event.

Send notifications of all changes to the bucket example-bucket to the Cloud Pub/Sub topic projects/default-project/topics/example-bucket:
gcloud storage buckets notifications create gs://example-bucket

The same as the above but sends no notification payload:

gcloud storage buckets notifications create --payload-format=none gs://example-bucket

Include custom metadata in notification payloads:

gcloud storage buckets notifications create --custom-attributes=key1:value1,key2:value2 gs://example-bucket

Create a notification configuration that only sends an event when a new object has been created or an object is deleted:

gcloud storage buckets notifications create --event-types=OBJECT_FINALIZE,OBJECT_DELETE gs://example-bucket

Create a topic and notification configuration that sends events only when they affect objects with the prefix photos/:

gcloud storage buckets notifications create --object-prefix=photos/ gs://example-bucket

Specifies the destination topic ID files-to-process in the default project:

gcloud storage buckets notifications create --topic=files-to-process gs://example-bucket

The same as above but specifies a Cloud Pub/Sub topic belonging to the specific cloud project example-project:

gcloud storage buckets notifications create --topic=projects/example-project/topics/files-to-process gs://example-bucket

Skip creating a topic when creating the notification configuraiton:

gcloud storage buckets notifications create --skip-topic-setup gs://example-bucket
URL of the bucket to create the notification configuration on.
--custom-attributes=[KEY=VALUE,…], -m [KEY=VALUE,…]
Specifies key:value attributes that are appended to the set of attributes sent to Cloud Pub/Sub for all events associated with this notification configuration.
Specify event type filters for this notification configuration. Cloud Storage will send notifications of only these types. By default, Cloud Storage sends notifications for all event types. * OBJECT_FINALIZE: An object has been created. * OBJECT_METADATA_UPDATE: The metadata of an object has changed. * OBJECT_DELETE: An object has been permanently deleted. * OBJECT_ARCHIVE: A live version of an object has become a noncurrent version. NOTIFICATION_EVENT_TYPE must be one of: OBJECT_ARCHIVE, OBJECT_DELETE, OBJECT_FINALIZE, OBJECT_METADATA_UPDATE.
Specifies a prefix path for this notification configuration. Cloud Storage will send notifications for only objects in the bucket whose names begin with the prefix.
--payload-format=PAYLOAD_FORMAT, -f PAYLOAD_FORMAT; default="json"
Specifies the payload format of notification messages. Notification details are available in the message attributes. 'none' sends no payload. PAYLOAD_FORMAT must be one of: json, none.
--skip-topic-setup, -s
Skips creation and permission assignment of the Cloud Pub/Sub topic. This is useful if the caller does not have permission to access the topic in question, or if the topic already exists and has the appropriate publish permission assigned.
--topic=TOPIC, -t TOPIC
Specifies the Cloud Pub/Sub topic to send notifications to. If not specified, this command chooses a topic whose project is your default project and whose ID is the same as the Cloud Storage bucket name.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

This variant is also available:
gcloud alpha storage buckets notifications create