gcloud storage buckets create

gcloud storage buckets create - create buckets for storing objects
gcloud storage buckets create URL [URL …] [--additional-headers=HEADER=VALUE] [--default-encryption-key=DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION_KEY, -k DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION_KEY] [--default-storage-class=DEFAULT_STORAGE_CLASS, -c DEFAULT_STORAGE_CLASS, -s DEFAULT_STORAGE_CLASS] [--enable-hierarchical-namespace] [--enable-per-object-retention] [--location=LOCATION, -l LOCATION] [--[no-]pap, --[no-]public-access-prevention] [--placement=REGION,REGION] [--recovery-point-objective=SETTING, --rpo=SETTING] [--retention-period=RETENTION_PERIOD] [--soft-delete-duration=SOFT_DELETE_DURATION] [--[no-]uniform-bucket-level-access, -b] [--autoclass-terminal-storage-class=AUTOCLASS_TERMINAL_STORAGE_CLASS --[no-]enable-autoclass] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
Create new buckets.
The following command creates 2 Cloud Storage buckets, one named my-bucket and a second bucket named my-other-bucket:
gcloud storage buckets create gs://my-bucket gs://my-other-bucket

The following command creates a bucket with the nearline default storage class in the asia location:

gcloud storage buckets create gs://my-bucket --default-storage-class=nearline --location=asia
The URLs of the buckets to create.
Includes arbitrary headers in storage API calls. Accepts a comma separated list of key=value pairs, e.g. header1=value1,header2=value2. Overrides the default storage/additional_headers property value for this command invocation.
Set the default KMS key using the full path to the key, which has the following form: projects/[project-id]/locations/[location]/keyRings/[key-ring]/cryptoKeys/[my-key].
Default storage class for the bucket. If not specified, the default storage class used by Cloud Storage is "Standard".
Enable hierarchical namespace for the bucket. To use this flag, you must also use --uniform-bucket-level-access
Enables each object in the bucket to have its own retention settings, which prevents deletion until stored for a specific length of time.
--location=LOCATION, -l LOCATION
Location for the bucket. If not specified, the location used by Cloud Storage is us. A bucket's location cannot be changed after creation.
--[no-]pap, --[no-]public-access-prevention
Sets public access prevention to "enforced". For details on how exactly public access is blocked, see: http://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/public-access-prevention. Use --public-access-prevention to enable and --no-public-access-prevention to disable.
A comma-separated list of exactly 2 regions that form the custom [dual-region] (https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/locations#location-dr). Only regions within the same continent are or will ever be valid. Invalid location pairs (such as mixed-continent, or with unsupported regions) will return an error.
--recovery-point-objective=SETTING, --rpo=SETTING
Sets the recovery point objective of a bucket. This flag can only be used with multi-region and dual-region buckets. DEFAULT option is valid for multi-region and dual-regions buckets. ASYNC_TURBO option is only valid for dual-region buckets. If unspecified when the bucket is created, it defaults to DEFAULT for dual-region and multi-region buckets. For more information, see replication in Cloud Storage. SETTING must be one of: ASYNC_TURBO, DEFAULT.
Minimum retention period for objects stored in the bucket, for example --retention-period=1Y1M1D5S. Objects added to the bucket cannot be deleted until they've been stored for the specified length of time. Default is no retention period. Only available for Cloud Storage using the JSON API.
Duration to retain soft-deleted objects. For example, "2w1d" is two weeks and one day. The presence of this flag creates a bucket with a soft delete policy enabled, meaning deleted objects can be restored if requested within the inputted duration. See gcloud topic datetimes for more information on the duration format.
--[no-]uniform-bucket-level-access, -b
Turns on uniform bucket-level access setting. Default is False. Use --uniform-bucket-level-access to enable and --no-uniform-bucket-level-access to disable.
The storage class that objects in the bucket eventually transition to if they are not read for a certain length of time. Only valid if Autoclass is enabled.
The Autoclass feature automatically selects the best storage class for objects based on access patterns. Use --enable-autoclass to enable and --no-enable-autoclass to disable.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

This variant is also available:
gcloud alpha storage buckets create