gcloud monitoring snoozes create

gcloud monitoring snoozes create - create a new snooze
gcloud monitoring snoozes create [--snooze-from-file=PATH_TO_FILE] [--criteria-filter=CRITERIA_FILTER --criteria-policies=CRITERIA_POLICIES,[…] --display-name=DISPLAY_NAME --end-time=END_TIME --start-time=START_TIME] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
Creates a new snooze. A snooze can be specified as a JSON/YAML value passed in as a file through the --snooze-from-file flag. A snooze can also be specified through command line flags. If a snooze is specified through --snooze-from-file, and additional flags are supplied, the flags will override the snooze's settings.

For information about the JSON/YAML format of a snooze: https://cloud.google.com/monitoring/api/ref_v3/rest/v3/projects.snoozes

To create a snooze with command-line options, run:
gcloud monitoring snoozes create --criteria-policies=LIST_OF_POLICIES --criteria-filter=FILTER --display-name=DISPLAY_NAME --start-time=START_TIME --end-time=END_TIME

To create a snooze with a file, run:

gcloud monitoring snoozes create --snooze-from-file=MY-FILE

Sample contents of MY-FILE:

  - projects/MY-PROJECT/alertPolicies/MY-POLICY
  filter: 'resource.labels.zone="us-central1-a" AND resource.labels.instance_id="1234567890"'
  startTime: '2024-03-01T08:00:00Z'
  endTime: '2024-03-08T04:59:59.500Z'
displayName: New Snooze
The path to a JSON or YAML file containing the snooze. Use a full or relative path to a local file containing the value of snooze.
Snooze Settings. If any of these are specified, they will overwrite fields in the --snooze-from-file flags if specified.
The filter that the Snooze applies to, which is a string to match on Alert fields when silencing the alerts. It follows the standard https://google.aip.dev/160 syntax. Filters can be defined for snoozes that apply to one alerting policy. Filters must be a string formatted as one or more resource labels with specific label values. If multiple resource labels are used, then they must be connected with an AND operator. For example: resource.labels.instance_id="1234567890" AND resource.labels.zone="us-central1-a"
The policies that the Snooze applies to. Exactly 1 alert policy is required if criteria-filter is specified at the same time.
The display name for the Snooze.
The start time for the Snooze.
The start time for the Snooze.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

These variants are also available:
gcloud alpha monitoring snoozes create
gcloud beta monitoring snoozes create