gcloud infra-manager deployments apply

gcloud infra-manager deployments apply - create or update a deployment
gcloud infra-manager deployments apply (DEPLOYMENT : --location=LOCATION) [--annotations=[KEY=VALUE,…]] [--artifacts-gcs-bucket=ARTIFACTS_GCS_BUCKET] [--async] [--import-existing-resources] [--labels=[KEY=VALUE,…]] [--quota-validation=QUOTA_VALIDATION] [--service-account=SERVICE_ACCOUNT] [--tf-version-constraint=TF_VERSION_CONSTRAINT] [--worker-pool=WORKER_POOL] [--gcs-source=GCS_SOURCE     | --git-source-directory=GIT_SOURCE_DIRECTORY --git-source-ref=GIT_SOURCE_REF --git-source-repo=GIT_SOURCE_REPO     | --ignore-file=IGNORE_FILE --local-source=LOCAL_SOURCE --input-values=[KEY=VALUE,…]     | --inputs-file=INPUTS_FILE] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
This command updates a deployment when it already exists, otherwise the deployment will be created.
Create a deployment named my-deployment from a storage my-bucket:
gcloud infra-manager deployments apply projects/p1/locations/us-central1/deployments/my-deployment --gcs-source="gs://my-bucket" --input-values="project=p1,region=us-central1"

Create a deployment named my-deployment from git repo "https://github.com/examples/repository.git", "staging/compute" folder, "mainline" branch:

gcloud infra-manager deployments apply projects/p1/locations/us-central1/deployments/my-deployment --git-source-repo="https://github.com/examples/repository.git" --git-source-directory="staging/compute" --git-source-ref="mainline"

Update a deployment's labels:

gcloud infra-manager deployments apply projects/p1/locations/us-central1/deployments/my-deployment --git-source-repo="https://github.com/examples/repository.git" --git-source-directory="staging/compute" --git-source-ref="mainline" --labels="env=prod,team=finance"
Deployment resource - the deployment to create or update. The arguments in this group can be used to specify the attributes of this resource. (NOTE) Some attributes are not given arguments in this group but can be set in other ways.

To set the project attribute:

  • provide the argument DEPLOYMENT on the command line with a fully specified name;
  • provide the argument --project on the command line;
  • set the property core/project.

This must be specified.

ID of the deployment or fully qualified identifier for the deployment.

To set the deployment attribute:

  • provide the argument DEPLOYMENT on the command line.

This positional argument must be specified if any of the other arguments in this group are specified.

The Cloud location for the deployment.

To set the location attribute:

  • provide the argument DEPLOYMENT on the command line with a fully specified name;
  • provide the argument --location on the command line;
  • set the property infra-manager/location.
Annotations to apply to the deployment. Existing values are overwritten. To retain the existing annotations on a deployment, do not specify this flag.


Update annotations for an existing deployment:

gcloud infra-manager deployments apply projects/p1/locations/us-central1/deployments/my-deployment --gcs-source="gs://my-bucket" --annotations="env=prod,team=finance"

Clear annotations for an existing deployment:

gcloud infra-manager deployments apply projects/p1/locations/us-central1/deployments/my-deployment --gcs-source="gs://my-bucket" --annotations=""

Add an annotation to an existing deployment:

First, fetch the current annotations using the `describe` command, then follow the
preceding example for updating annotations.
user-defined location of Cloud Build logs, artifacts, and Terraform state files in Google Cloud Storage. Format: gs://{bucket}/{folder} A default bucket will be bootstrapped if the field is not set or empty
Return immediately, without waiting for the operation in progress to complete.
By default, Infrastructure Manager will return a failure when Terraform encounters a 409 code (resource conflict error) during actuation. If this flag is set to true, Infrastructure Manager will instead attempt to automatically import the resource into the Terraform state (for supported resource types) and continue actuation.
Labels to apply to the deployment. Existing values are overwritten. To retain the existing labels on a deployment, do not specify this flag.


Update labels for an existing deployment:

gcloud infra-manager deployments apply projects/p1/locations/us-central1/deployments/my-deployment --gcs-source="gs://my-bucket" --labels="env=prod,team=finance"

Clear labels for an existing deployment:

gcloud infra-manager deployments apply projects/p1/locations/us-central1/deployments/my-deployment --gcs-source="gs://my-bucket" --labels=""

Add a label to an existing deployment:

First, fetch the current labels using the `describe` command, then follow the
preceding example for updating labels.
Input to control quota checks for resources in terraform configuration files. There are limited resources on which quota validation applies. Supported values are QUOTA_VALIDATION_UNSPECIFIED, ENABLED, ENFORCED
User-specified Service Account (SA) to be used as credential to manage resources. Format: projects/{projectID}/serviceAccounts/{serviceAccount}
User-specified Terraform version constraint, for example "=1.3.10".
User-specified Worker Pool resource in which the Cloud Build job will execute. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/workerPools/{workerPoolId}
At most one of these can be specified:
URI of an object in Google Cloud Storage. e.g. gs://{bucket}/{object}


Create a deployment from a storage my-bucket:

gcloud infra-manager deployments apply projects/p1/location/us-central1/deployments/my-deployment --gcs-source="gs://my-bucket"
Subdirectory inside the repository. Example: 'staging/my-package'

Use in conjunction with --git-source-repo and --git-source-ref


Create a deployment from the "https://github.com/examples/repository.git" repo, "staging/compute" folder, "mainline" branch:

gcloud infra-manager deployments apply projects/p1/location/us-central1/deployments/my-deployment --git-source-repo="https://github.com/examples/repository.git"
  --git-source-directory="staging/compute" --git-source-ref="mainline"
Subdirectory inside the repository. Example: 'staging/my-package'

Use in conjunction with --git-source-repo and --git-source-directory


Create a deployment from the "https://github.com/examples/repository.git" repo, "staging/compute" folder, "mainline" branch:

gcloud infra-manager deployments apply projects/p1/location/us-central1/deployments/my-deployment --git-source-repo="https://github.com/examples/repository.git"
  --git-source-directory="staging/compute" --git-source-ref="mainline"
Repository URL. Example: 'https://github.com/examples/repository.git'

Use in conjunction with --git-source-directory and --git-source_ref


Create a deployment from the "https://github.com/examples/repository.git" repo, "staging/compute" folder, "mainline" branch:

gcloud infra-manager deployments apply projects/p1/location/us-central1/deployments/my-deployment --git-source-repo="https://github.com/examples/repository.git"
  --git-source-directory="staging/compute" --git-source-ref="mainline"
Override the .gcloudignore file and use the specified file instead. See gcloud topic gcloudignore for more information.
Local storage path where config files are stored. When using this option, Terraform config file references outside this storage path is not supported. e.g. ./path/to/blueprint


Create a deployment from a local storage path ./path/to/blueprint:

gcloud infra-manager deployments apply projects/p1/location/us-central1/deployments/my-deployment --local-source="./path/to/blueprint"
At most one of these can be specified:
Input variable values for the Terraform blueprint. It only accepts (key, value) pairs where value is a scalar value.


Pass input values on command line:

gcloud infra-manager deployments apply projects/p1/location/us-central1/deployments/my-deployment --gcs-source="gs://my-bucket" --input-values=projects=p1,region=r
A .tfvars file containing terraform variable values. --inputs-file flag is supported for python version 3.6 and above.


Pass input values on the command line:

gcloud infra-manager deployments apply projects/p1/location/us-central1/deployments/my-deployment --gcs-source="gs://my-bucket" --inputs-file=path-to-tfvar-file.tfvar
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.