gcloud beta assured workloads create

gcloud beta assured workloads create - create a new Assured Workloads environment
gcloud beta assured workloads create --billing-account=BILLING_ACCOUNT --compliance-regime=COMPLIANCE_REGIME --display-name=DISPLAY_NAME --location=LOCATION --organization=ORGANIZATION [--enable-sovereign-controls=ENABLE_SOVEREIGN_CONTROLS] [--external-identifier=EXTERNAL_IDENTIFIER] [--labels=[KEY=VALUE,…]] [--next-rotation-time=NEXT_ROTATION_TIME] [--partner=PARTNER] [--partner-permissions=[KEY=VALUE,…]] [--partner-services-billing-account=PARTNER_SERVICES_BILLING_ACCOUNT] [--provisioned-resources-parent=PROVISIONED_RESOURCES_PARENT] [--resource-settings=[KEY=VALUE,…]] [--rotation-period=ROTATION_PERIOD] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
(BETA) Create a new Assured Workloads environment
The following example command creates a new Assured Workloads environment with these properties:
  • belonging to an organization with ID 123
  • located in the us-central1 region
  • display name Test-Workload
  • compliance regime FEDRAMP_MODERATE
  • billing account billingAccounts/456
  • first key rotation set for 10:15am on the December 30, 2020
  • key rotation interval set for every 48 hours
  • with the label: key = 'LabelKey1', value = 'LabelValue1'
  • with the label: key = 'LabelKey2', value = 'LabelValue2'
  • provisioned resources parent 'folders/789'
  • with custom project id 'my-custom-id' for consumer project
  • with external identifier for the workload of 'external-id'
gcloud beta assured workloads create --organization=123 --location=us-central1 --display-name=Test-Workload --compliance-regime=FEDRAMP_MODERATE --billing-account=billingAccounts/456 --next-rotation-time=2020-12-30T10:15:00.00Z --rotation-period=172800s --labels=LabelKey1=LabelValue1,LabelKey2=LabelValue2 --provisioned-resources-parent=folders/789 --resource-settings=consumer-project-id=my-custom-id --external-identifier=external-id
The following example command creates a new Partner Assured Workloads, with the following properties:
  • belonging to an organization with ID 123
  • located in the me-central2 region
  • display name Test-Workload
  • partner CNTXT
  • partner services billing account billingAccounts/789
  • billing account billingAccounts/456
  • data logs viewer partner permission enabled
  • first key rotation set for 10:15am on the December 30, 2020
  • key rotation interval set for every 48 hours
  • with the label: key = 'LabelKey1', value = 'LabelValue1'
  • with the label: key = 'LabelKey2', value = 'LabelValue2'
  • provisioned resources parent 'folders/789'
  • with custom project id 'my-custom-id' for consumer project
  • with external identifier for the workload of 'external-id'
gcloud beta assured workloads create --organization=123 --location=me-central2 --display-name=Test-Workload --compliance-regime=ASSURED_WORKLOADS_FOR_PARTNERS --partner=SOVEREIGN_CONTROLS_BY_CNTXT --partner-services-billing-account=billingAccounts/01BF3F-2C6DE5-30C607 --partner-permissions=data-logs-viewer=true --billing-account=billingAccounts/456 --next-rotation-time=2020-12-30T10:15:00.00Z --rotation-period=172800s --labels=LabelKey1=LabelValue1,LabelKey2=LabelValue2 --provisioned-resources-parent=folders/789 --resource-settings=consumer-project-id=my-custom-id --external-identifier=external-id
The billing account of the new Assured Workloads environment, for example, billingAccounts/0000AA-AAA00A-A0A0A0
The compliance regime of the new Assured Workloads environment. COMPLIANCE_REGIME must be one of: assured-workloads-for-partners, au-regions-and-us-support, ca-protected-b, ca-regions-and-support, cjis, eu-regions-and-support, fedramp-high, fedramp-moderate, healthcare-and-life-sciences-controls, healthcare-and-life-sciences-controls-us-support, hipaa, hitrust, il2, il4, il5, irs-1075, isr-regions, isr-regions-and-support, itar, jp-regions-and-support, ksa-regions-and-support-with-sovereignty-controls, regional-controls, us-regional-access.
The display name of the new Assured Workloads environment
The location of the new Assured Workloads environment. For a current list of supported LOCATION values, see Assured Workloads locations.
The parent organization of the new Assured Workloads environment, provided as an organization ID
If true, enable sovereign controls for the new Assured Workloads environment, currently only supported by EU_REGIONS_AND_SUPPORT
The external identifier of the new Assured Workloads environment
The labels of the new Assured Workloads environment, for example, LabelKey1=LabelValue1,LabelKey2=LabelValue2
The next rotation time of the KMS settings of new Assured Workloads environment, for example, 2020-12-30T10:15:30.00Z
The partner choice when creating a workload managed by local trusted partners. PARTNER must be one of: local-controls-by-s3ns, sovereign-controls-by-cntxt, sovereign-controls-by-cntxt-no-ekm, sovereign-controls-by-psn, sovereign-controls-by-sia-minsait, sovereign-controls-by-t-systems.
The partner permissions for the partner regime, for example, data-logs-viewer=true/false
Billing account necessary for purchasing services from Sovereign Partners. This field is required for creating SIA/PSN/CNTXT partner workloads. The caller should have 'billing.resourceAssociations.create' IAM permission on this billing-account. The format of this string is billingAccounts/AAAAAA-BBBBBB-CCCCCC
The parent of the provisioned projects, for example, folders/{FOLDER_ID}
A comma-separated, key=value map of custom resource settings such as custom project ids, for example: consumer-project-id={CONSUMER_PROJECT_ID} Note: Currently only encryption-keys-project-id, encryption-keys-project-name and keyring-id are supported. The encryption-keys-project-id, encryption-keys-project-name and keyring-id settings can be specified only if KMS settings are provided
The rotation period of the KMS settings of the new Assured Workloads environment, for example, 172800s
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

This command is currently in beta and might change without notice. These variants are also available:
gcloud assured workloads create
gcloud alpha assured workloads create