gcloud alpha iap settings get

gcloud alpha iap settings get - get the setting for an IAP resource
gcloud alpha iap settings get [--folder=FOLDER --organization=ORGANIZATION --project=PROJECT --region=REGION --resource-type=RESOURCE_TYPE --service=SERVICE --version=VERSION] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
(ALPHA) Get the setting for an IAP resource.
To get the IAP setting for the resources within an organization, run:
gcloud alpha iap settings get --organization=ORGANIZATION_ID

To get the IAP setting for the resources within a folder, run:

gcloud alpha iap settings get --folder=FOLDER_ID

To get the IAP setting for the resources within a project, run:

gcloud alpha iap settings get --project=PROJECT_ID

To get the IAP setting for web type resources within a project, run:

gcloud alpha iap settings get --project=PROJECT_ID --resource-type=iap_web

To get the IAP setting for all app engine services within a project, run:

gcloud alpha iap settings get --project=PROJECT_ID --resource-type=app-engine

To get the IAP setting for an app engine service within a project, run:

gcloud alpha iap settings get --project=PROJECT_ID --resource-type=app-engine --service=SERVICE_ID

To get the IAP setting for an app engine service version within a project, run:

gcloud alpha iap settings get --project=PROJECT_ID --resource-type=app-engine --service=SERVICE_ID --version=VERSION_ID

To get the IAP setting for all backend services within a project, run:

gcloud alpha iap settings get --project=PROJECT_ID --resource-type=compute

To get the IAP setting for a backend service within a project, run:

gcloud alpha iap settings get --project=PROJECT_ID --resource-type=compute --service=SERVICE_ID

To get the IAP setting for a regional backend service within a project, run:

gcloud alpha iap settings get --project=PROJECT_ID --resource-type=compute --service=SERVICE_ID --region=REGION_ID
Folder ID.
Organization ID.
Project ID.
Region name. Not applicable for app-engine. Required when resource-type=compute and regional scoped. Not applicable for global scoped compute. Required when resource-type=cloud-run.
Resource type of the IAP resource. --resource-type=cloud-run is private priview feature and reach out to cloud-run team if you want to test it. RESOURCE_TYPE must be one of: app-engine, iap_web, compute, organization, folder, forwarding-rule, cloud-run.
Service name. Optional when resource-type is compute or app-engine.
Version name. Not applicable for compute. Optional when resource-type=app-engine.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

This command is currently in alpha and might change without notice. If this command fails with API permission errors despite specifying the correct project, you might be trying to access an API with an invitation-only early access allowlist. These variants are also available:
gcloud iap settings get
gcloud beta iap settings get