gcloud alpha iam workforce-pools providers update-oidc

gcloud alpha iam workforce-pools providers update-oidc - update an OIDC workforce pool provider
gcloud alpha iam workforce-pools providers update-oidc (PROVIDER : --location=LOCATION --workforce-pool=WORKFORCE_POOL) [--async] [--attribute-condition=ATTRIBUTE_CONDITION] [--attribute-mapping=[KEY=VALUE,…]] [--client-id=CLIENT_ID] [--description=DESCRIPTION] [--disabled] [--display-name=DISPLAY_NAME] [--issuer-uri=ISSUER_URI] [--jwk-json-path=PATH_TO_FILE] [--web-sso-additional-scopes=[WEB_SSO_ADDITIONAL_SCOPES,…]] [--web-sso-assertion-claims-behavior=WEB_SSO_ASSERTION_CLAIMS_BEHAVIOR] [--web-sso-response-type=WEB_SSO_RESPONSE_TYPE] [--clear-client-secret     | --client-secret-value=CLIENT_SECRET_VALUE] [--clear-extra-attributes-config     | --extra-attributes-client-id=EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES_CLIENT_ID --extra-attributes-client-secret-value=EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES_CLIENT_SECRET_VALUE --extra-attributes-filter=EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES_FILTER --extra-attributes-issuer-uri=EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES_ISSUER_URI --extra-attributes-type=EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES_TYPE] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
(ALPHA) Update an OIDC workforce pool provider.
The following command updates the OIDC workforce pool provider with the ID my-workforce-pool-provider in the workforce pool my-workforce-pool. Explicit values for all required and optional parameters are provided:
gcloud alpha iam workforce-pools providers update-oidc my-workforce-pool-provider --workforce-pool="my-workforce-pool" --location="global" --display-name="My Workforce Pool Provider" --description="My workforce pool provider description." --disabled --detailed_audit_logging --attribute-mapping="google.subject=assertion.sub" --attribute-condition="true" --client-id="client-id" --client-secret-value="client-secret" --issuer-uri="https://test-idp.com" --web-sso-response-type="code" --web-sso-assertion-claims-behavior="merge-user-info-over-id-token-claims" --web-sso-additional-scopes="groups,photos" --jwk-json-path="path/to/jwk.json"
Workforce pool provider resource - The workforce pool provider to update. The arguments in this group can be used to specify the attributes of this resource.

This must be specified.

ID of the workforce pool provider or fully qualified identifier for the workforce pool provider.

To set the provider attribute:

  • provide the argument provider on the command line.

This positional argument must be specified if any of the other arguments in this group are specified.

The location for the workforce pool.

To set the location attribute:

  • provide the argument provider on the command line with a fully specified name;
  • provide the argument --location on the command line.
The ID to use for the workforce pool, which becomes the final component of the resource name. This value must be a globally unique string of 6 to 63 lowercase letters, digits, or hyphens. It must start with a letter, and cannot have a trailing hyphen. The prefix gcp- is reserved for use by Google, and may not be specified. To set the workforce-pool attribute:
  • provide the argument provider on the command line with a fully specified name;
  • provide the argument --workforce-pool on the command line.
Return immediately, without waiting for the operation in progress to complete.
A Common Expression Language expression, in plain text, to restrict which otherwise valid authentication credentials issued by the provider should be accepted.

The expression must output a boolean representing whether to allow the federation.

The following keywords may be referenced in the expressions:

  • assertion: JSON representing the authentication credential issued by the Provider.
  • google: The Google attributes mapped from the assertion in the attribute_mappings. google.profile_photo and google.display_name are not supported.
  • attribute: The custom attributes mapped from the assertion in the attribute_mappings.

The maximum length of the attribute condition expression is 4096 characters. If unspecified, all valid authentication credential will be accepted.

Example: Only allow credentials with a mapped google.groups value of admins.

"'admins' in google.groups"
Maps claims from the authentication credentials issued by the Identity Provider into Google Cloud IAM attributes, e.g. subject, segment.

Each key must be a string specifying the Google Cloud IAM attribute to be produced.

The following predefined keys are currently supported:

  • google.subject: required field that indicates the principal that is being authenticated to IAM, and will be logged in all API accesses for which Cloud Audit Logging is configured.
  • google.groups: optional field that indicates asserted groups that the user should be considered to belong to. You can create IAM bindings using the groups attribute and access to a resource will be granted if any of the groups asserted here match a group in the respective binding.
  • google.display_name: optional field that overrides the name of the user. If not set, google.subject will be displayed instead. This attribute cannot be used in IAM policies. The maximum length of this field is 100 characters.
  • google.profile_photo: optional fields that may be set to a valid URL specifying the user's thumbnail photo. When set, the image will be visible as the user's profile picture. If not set, a generic user icon will be displayed instead. This attribute cannot be used in IAM policies.

Custom attributes can also be mapped by specifying attribute.{custom_attribute}, replacing {custom_attribute} with the name of the custom attribute to be mapped. A maximum of 50 custom attribute mappings can be defined. The maximum length of a mapped attribute key is 2048 characters and may only contain the characters [a-z0-9].

These attributes can then be referenced in IAM policies to define fine-grained access for the workforce pool to Google Cloud resources by specifying:

  • google.subject: principal://iam.googleapis.com/locations/global/workforcePools/{pool}/subject/{value}
  • google.groups: principalSet://iam.googleapis.com/locations/global/workforcePools/{pool}/group/{value}
  • attribute.{custom_attribute}: principalSet://iam.googleapis.com/locations/global/workforcePools/{pool}/attribute.{custom_attribute}/{value}

Each value must be a Common Expression Language function that maps an Identity Provider credential to the normalized attribute specified by the corresponding map key.

The following keywords may be referenced in the expressions:

  • assertion: JSON representing the authentication credential issued by the Identity Provider.

The maximum length of an attribute mapping expression is 2048 characters. When evaluated, the total size of all mapped attributes must not exceed 8KB.

Example: Map the sub claim of the incoming credential to the subject Google Cloud IAM attribute.

{"google.subject": "assertion.sub"}
The OIDC client ID. This must match the audience claim of the JWT issued by the identity provider.
A description for the workforce pool provider. Cannot exceed 256 characters in length.
Disables the workforce pool provider. You cannot use a disabled provider to perform new token exchanges or sign-ins. However, existing tokens still grant access. Specify --no-disabled to enable a disabled pool.
A display name for the workforce pool provider. Cannot exceed 32 characters in length.
The OIDC issuer URI. Must be a valid URI using the 'https' scheme.
Optional file containing JSON Web Key (JWK) public keys. The file format must follow JWK specifications. Example file format:
  "keys": [
          "kty": "RSA/EC",
          "alg": "<algorithm>",
          "use": "sig",
          "kid": "<key-id>",
          "n": "",
          "e": "",
          "x": "",
          "y": "",
          "crv": ""
```. Use a full or relative path to a local file containing the value of jwk_json_path.


Additional scopes to request for the OIDC authentication on
top of scopes requested by default. By default, the `openid`, `profile`
and `email` scopes that are supported by the identity provider are

Each additional scope may be at most 256
characters. A maximum of 10 additional scopes may be configured.


The behavior for how OIDC Claims are included in the `assertion` object used for attribute mapping and attribute condition.
Use `merge-user-info-over-id-token-claims` to merge the UserInfo Endpoint Claims with ID Token
Claims, preferring UserInfo Claim Values for the same Claim Name. Currently this option is only
available for Authorization Code flow.
Use `only-id-token-claims` to include only ID token claims. _WEB_SSO_ASSERTION_CLAIMS_BEHAVIOR_ must be one of: *assertion-claims-behavior-unspecified*, *merge-user-info-over-id-token-claims*, *only-id-token-claims*.


Response Type to request for in the OIDC Authorization Request for web sign-in.
Use `code` to select the authorization code flow
Use `id-token` to select the implicit flow. _WEB_SSO_RESPONSE_TYPE_ must be one of: *code*, *id-token*, *response-type-unspecified*.

:: At most one of these can be specified:


Clear the OIDC client secret.


The OIDC client secret. Required to enable Authorization Code flow for web sign-in.

:: At most one of these can be specified:


Clear the extra attributes configuration.


The OAuth 2.0 client ID for retrieving extra attributes from the identity provider. Required to get the Access Token using client credentials grant flow.


The OAuth 2.0 client secret for retrieving extra attributes from the identity provider. Required to get the Access Token using client credentials grant flow.


The filter used to request specific records from IdP. In case of attributes type as AZURE_AD_GROUPS_MAIL, it represents the filter used to request specific groups for users from IdP. By default all the groups associated with the user are fetched. The groups that are used should be mail enabled and security enabled. See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/search-query-parameter for more details.


OIDC identity provider's issuer URI. Must be a valid URI using the 'https' scheme. Required to get the OIDC discovery document.


Represents the identity provider and type of claims that should be fetched. _EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES_TYPE_ must be (only one value is supported): *azure-ad-groups-mail*.

These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity. Run *$ gcloud help* for details.
This command uses the *iam/v1* API. The full documentation for this API can be found at: https://cloud.google.com/iam/
This command is currently in alpha and might change without notice. If this command fails with API permission errors despite specifying the correct project, you might be trying to access an API with an invitation-only early access allowlist. These variants are also available: gcloud iam workforce-pools providers update-oidc gcloud beta iam workforce-pools providers update-oidc