gcloud alloydb instances update

gcloud alloydb instances update - updates an AlloyDB instance within a given cluster
gcloud alloydb instances update INSTANCE --cluster=CLUSTER --region=REGION [--allowed-psc-projects=[ALLOWED_PSC_PROJECTS,…]] [--assign-inbound-public-ip=ASSIGN_INBOUND_PUBLIC_IP] [--async] [--authorized-external-networks=[AUTHORIZED_NETWORK,…]] [--availability-type=AVAILABILITY_TYPE] [--cpu-count=CPU_COUNT] [--database-flags=FLAG=VALUE,[FLAG=VALUE,…]] [--insights-config-query-plans-per-minute=INSIGHTS_CONFIG_QUERY_PLANS_PER_MINUTE] [--insights-config-query-string-length=INSIGHTS_CONFIG_QUERY_STRING_LENGTH] [--[no-]insights-config-record-application-tags] [--[no-]insights-config-record-client-address] [--[no-]outbound-public-ip] [--read-pool-node-count=READ_POOL_NODE_COUNT] [--[no-]require-connectors] [--ssl-mode=SSL_MODE] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG]
Updates an AlloyDB instance within a given cluster.
To update the number of nodes in the read pool, run:
gcloud alloydb instances update my-read-instance --cluster=my-cluster --region=us-central1 --read-pool-node-count=3
AlloyDB instance ID
AlloyDB cluster ID
Regional location (e.g. asia-east1, us-east1). See the full list of regions at https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/instance-locations.
Comma-separated list of allowed consumer projects to create endpoints for Private Service Connect (PSC) connectivity for the instance. Only instances in PSC-enabled clusters are allowed to set this field.(e.g., --allowed-psc-projects=project1,12345678,project2)
Specify to enable or disable public IP on an instance. ASSIGN_INBOUND_PUBLIC_IP must be one of:
    • This disables public IP on the instance. Updating an instance to disable public IP will clear the list of authorized networks.
    • Assign an inbound public IPv4 address for the instance. Public IP is enabled.
Return immediately, without waiting for the operation in progress to complete. The default is True. Enabled by default, use --no-async to disable.
Comma-separated list of authorized external networks to set on the instance. Authorized networks should use CIDR notation (e.g. This flag is only allowed to be set for instances with public IP enabled.
Specifies level of availability. AVAILABILITY_TYPE must be one of:
Provide high availability instances. Recommended for production instances; instances automatically fail over to another zone within your selected region.
Provide zonal availability instances. Not recommended for production instances; instance does not automatically fail over to another zone.
Whole number value indicating how many vCPUs the machine should contain. Each vCPU count corresponds to a N2 high-mem machine: (https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/general-purpose-machines#n2_machines). CPU_COUNT must be one of: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 96, 128.
Comma-separated list of database flags to set on the instance. Use an equals sign to separate flag name and value. Flags without values, like skip_grant_tables, can be written out without a value after, e.g., skip_grant_tables=. Use on/off for booleans. View the Instance Resource API for allowed flags. (e.g., --database-flags max_allowed_packet=55555,skip_grant_tables=,log_output=1)
Number of query plans to sample every minute. Default value is 5. Allowed range: 0 to 20.
Query string length in bytes to be stored by the query insights feature. Default length is 1024 bytes. Allowed range: 256 to 4500 bytes.
Allow application tags to be recorded by the query insights feature.

Use --insights-config-record-application-tags to enable and --no-insights-config-record-application-tags to disable.

Allow the client address to be recorded by the query insights feature.

Use --insights-config-record-client-address to enable and --no-insights-config-record-client-address to disable.

Add outbound Public IP connectivity to an AlloyDB instance. Use --outbound-public-ip to enable and --no-outbound-public-ip to disable.
Read capacity, i.e. number of nodes in a read pool instance.
Enable or disable enforcing connectors only (ex: AuthProxy) connections to the database. Use --require-connectors to enable and --no-require-connectors to disable.
Specify the SSL mode to use when the instance connects to the database. SSL_MODE must be one of:
SSL connections are optional. CA verification is not enforced.
SSL connections are required. CA verification is not enforced.
These flags are available to all commands: --access-token-file, --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

Run $ gcloud help for details.

These variants are also available:
gcloud alpha alloydb instances update
gcloud beta alloydb instances update