


Vertex AI Search for Commerce 旨在显示各种各样的结果,包括热门或时下流行但相关性不高的商品。这在默认搜索(按相关性排序)中很有效,但在使用 order_by 功能(例如按价格排序)的非默认搜索中,相关性较低的商品可能会因价格较低而显示得更醒目,

为了缓解这种影响,面向商务的 Vertex AI Search 引入了基于语义嵌入的过滤功能,以从非默认搜索结果中移除这些相关性较低的商品,从而改善用户体验。




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如需遵循有关此任务的分步指导,请直接在 Cloud Shell Editor 中点击操作演示




id title brands categories price_info.price
"nest_mini_2nd_gen" "Nest Mini (2nd gen)" ["Google", "Nest"] ["Nest > speakers and displays"] 49.00
"nest_audio" "Nest Audio" ["Google", "Nest"] ["Nest > speakers and displays"] 99.99
"nest_hub_max" "Nest Hub Max" ["Google", "Nest"] ["Nest > speakers and displays"] 229.00
"nest_hub" "Nest Hub" ["Google", "Nest"] ["Nest > speakers and displays"] 88.99
"google_home_max" "Google Home Max" ["Google", "Nest"] ["Nest > speakers and displays"] 299.00
"google_home_mini" "Google Home Mini" ["Google", "Nest"] ["Nest > speakers and displays"] 49.00
"google_pixel_5" "Google Pixel 5" ["Google", "Pixel"] ["Pixel > phones"] 699.00
"google_pixel_4a_with_5g" "Google Pixel 4a with 5G" ["Google", "Pixel"] ["Pixel > phones"] 499.00
"google_pixel_4a" "Google Pixel 4a Phones" ["Google", "Pixel"] ["Pixel > phones"] 349.00
"google_pixel_stand" "Google Pixel Stand" ["Google", "Pixel"] ["Pixel > featured accessories"] 79.00
"google_pixel_buds" "Google Pixel Buds" ["Google", "Pixel"] ["Pixel > featured accessories"] 179.00
"google_pixel_5_case" "Google Pixel 5 Case" ["Google", "Pixel"] ["Pixel > featured accessories"] 40.00
"google_pixel_4a_5g_case" "Google Pixel 4a (5G) Case" ["Google", "Pixel"] ["Pixel > featured accessories"] 40.00
"google_pixel_4a_case" "Google Pixel 4a Case" ["Google", "Pixel"] ["Pixel > featured accessories"] 40.00


import com.google.cloud.retail.v2.SearchRequest;
import com.google.cloud.retail.v2.SearchResponse;
import com.google.cloud.retail.v2.SearchServiceClient;

public static void searchFilteredProducts(String query, int pageSize,
    String filter) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  SearchRequest searchRequest = SearchRequest.newBuilder()

  try (SearchServiceClient searchClient = SearchServiceClient.create()) {
    SearchResponse response = searchClient.search(searchRequest).getPage().getResponse();
    System.out.println("Search response: " + searchResponse);

过滤条件表达式语法可按以下 EBNF 总结:

  # A single expression or multiple expressions that are joined by "AND" or "OR".
  filter = expression, { " AND " | "OR", expression };

  # Expressions can be prefixed with "-" or "NOT" to express a negation.
  expression = [ "-" | "NOT " ],
    # A parenthetical expression.
    | "(", expression, ")"
    # A simple expression applying to a text field.
    # Function "ANY" returns true if the field contains any of the literals.
    ( text_field, ":", "ANY", "(", literal, { ",", literal }, ")"
    # A simple expression applying to a numerical field. Function "IN" returns true
    # if a field value is within the range. By default, lower_bound is inclusive and
    # upper_bound is exclusive.
    | numerical_field, ":", "IN", "(", lower_bound, ",", upper_bound, ")"
    # A simple expression that applies to a numerical field and compares with a double value.
    | numerical_field, comparison, double );

  # A lower_bound is either a double or "*", which represents negative infinity.
  # Explicitly specify inclusive bound with the character 'i' or exclusive bound
  # with the character 'e'.
  lower_bound = ( double, [ "e" | "i" ] ) | "*";

  # An upper_bound is either a double or "*", which represents infinity.
  # Explicitly specify inclusive bound with the character 'i' or exclusive bound
  # with the character 'e'.
  upper_bound = ( double, [ "e" | "i" ] ) | "*";

  # Supported comparison operators.
  comparison = "<=" | "<" | ">=" | ">" | "=";

  # A literal is any double quoted string. You must escape backslash (\) and
  # quote (") characters.
  literal = double quoted string;

  text_field = see the table below;

  numerical_field = see the table below;


field 说明
"productId" 产品 ID(Product.name 最后一段)。
"brands" Product.brands。
"categories" Product.categories。
"genders" Audience.genders。
"ageGroups" Audience.age_groups。
"availability" Product.availability。值为“IN_STOCK”、“OUT_OF_STOCK”、“PREORDER”或“BACKORDER”中的一个。
"colorFamilies" ColorInfo.color_families。
"colors" ColorInfo.colors。
"sizes" Product.sizes。
"materials" Product.materials。
"patterns" Product.patterns。
"conditions" Product.conditions。
"attributes.key" Product 对象中的文本自定义属性。如果属性值是文本,则该键可以是 Product.attributes 映射中的任意键。
"pickupInStore" 类型为“pickup-in-store”的 FulfillmentInfo.place_ids。
"shipToStore" 类型为“ship-to-store”的 FulfillmentInfo.place_ids。
"sameDayDelivery" 类型为“same-day-delivery”的 FulfillmentInfo.place_ids。
"nextDayDelivery" 类型为“next-day-delivery”的 FulfillmentInfo.place_ids。
"customFulfillment1" 类型为“custom-type-1”的 FulfillmentInfo.place_ids。
"customFulfillment2" 类型为“custom-type-2”的 FulfillmentInfo.place_ids。
"customFulfillment3" 类型为“custom-type-3”的 FulfillmentInfo.place_ids。
"customFulfillment4" 类型为“custom-type-4”的 FulfillmentInfo.place_ids。
"customFulfillment5" 类型为“custom-type-5”的 FulfillmentInfo.place_ids。
"inventory(place_id,attributes.key)" 商品目录中的文本自定义属性。


field 说明
"price" PriceInfo.price。
"discount" discount。Computed by (original_price - price) / original_price。
"rating" Rating.average_rating。
"ratingCount" Rating.rating_count。
"attributes.key" Product 对象中的数值自定属性。如果属性值为数值,则该键可以是 Product.attributes 映射中的任意键。
"inventory(place_id,price)" 商品目录价格。
"inventory(place_id,original_price)" 原始商品目录价格。
"inventory(place_id,attributes.key)" 商品目录中的数值自定义属性。

最多允许嵌套 10 个析取运算或联接运算。

例如,如需分别搜索 Google 产品,您可以将 query 设置为“Google”,并将 filter 设置为下表中显示的值:

scenario filter
not a Pixel accessory "NOT categories: ANY(\"Pixel > featured accessories\")"
"cheaper than 100 dollars" "price: IN(*, 100.0e)"
"Nest speaker not cheaper than 80 dollars" "(categories: ANY(\"Nest > speakers and displays\")) AND (price: IN(80.0i, *))"


import com.google.cloud.retail.v2.SearchRequest;
import com.google.cloud.retail.v2.SearchResponse;
import com.google.cloud.retail.v2.SearchServiceClient;

public static void searchOrderedProducts(String query, int pageSize,
    String orderBy) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  SearchRequest searchRequest = SearchRequest.newBuilder()

  try (SearchServiceClient searchClient = SearchServiceClient.create()) {
    SearchResponse response = searchClient.search(searchRequest).getPage().getResponse();
    System.out.println("Search response: " + searchResponse);


field 说明
"productId" 产品 ID(Product.name 最后一段)。
"title" Product.title。
"brands" Product.brands。
"categories" Product.categories。
"genders" Audience.genders。
"ageGroups" Audience.age_groups。
"price" PriceInfo.price。
"discount" discount。Computed by (original_price - price) / price.
"rating" Rating.average_rating。
"ratingCount" Rating.rating_count。
"attributes.key" Product 对象中的自定义属性。键可以是 Product.attributes 映射中的任何键。
"inventory(place_id,price)" 商品目录价格。
"inventory(place_id,original_price)" 原始商品目录价格。
"inventory(place_id,attributes.key)" 商品目录中的数值或文本自定义属性。

默认的排序顺序是升序。降序可由“desc”后缀指定,例如“rating desc”。


可以按优先级顺序使用以英文逗号分隔的字段来排序多个字段。优先级较低的字段用于排序优先级较高的字段。例如,如果选择“rating desc, price”,则会按价格对具有相同评分的商品进行排序。