Update inventory for Vertex AI Search for commerce

While the Product create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) methods are used to broadly modify a Product's attributes, there is a set of Product methods that can be used for updating inventory-specific fields with varying levels of granularity. The following Product fields are considered inventory fields:

  • Product.price_info
  • Product.availability
  • Product.available_quantity
  • Product.fulfillment_info

Set inventory tutorial

This tutorial shows how to push inventory updates using the SetInventory method instead of updating the entire product.

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Add fulfillment tutorial

We recommend using the AddLocalInventories method instead of AddFulfillmentPlaces. AddLocalInventories achieves the same results but provides more fine-grained control over ingesting local inventory data. For more information, see the AddLocalInventories documentation.

This tutorial shows how to update product fulfillment information using the AddFulfillmentPlaces method. In this way, search can show updates where products are available and orders can be fulfilled. For example, a shopper is looking for blue jeans in a shop but they're out of stock. The moment the jeans are in stock again at this shop or any other shop, the shopper sees the updates and can proceed with their order.

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Remove fulfillment tutorial

We recommend using the RemoveLocalInventories method instead of RemoveFulfillmentPlaces. RmoveLocalInventories achieves the same results but provides more fine-grained control over ingesting local inventory data. For more information, see the RemoveLocalInventories documentation.

This tutorial shows how to update product fulfillment information using the RemoveFulfillmentPlaces method. In this way, Vertex AI Search for commerce can show updates where products aren't available and orders can't be fulfilled. In this way, search can show updates where products aren't available and orders can't be fulfilled. For example, a shopper is looking for blue jeans in a shop. If the jeans become out of stock in this shop, the shopper sees this and can't proceed with their order.

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Inventory update methods

Changes to a product's inventory information may occur much more frequently than changes to its catalog information. As such, a specialized set of methods are provided to handle large volumes of inventory-specific updates. These methods are asynchronous because of downstream optimizations that support hundreds of concurrent updates per product, without sacrificing performance.

Incremental updates

Note that it is recommended to follow the local inventory updates guide to issue incremental inventory updates. The newer API methods provide more fine-grained control for per-place inventory attributes.

fulfillment_info is often used to encode place-level fulfillment availability for a Product. In some cases, fulfillment availability for some specific place(s) may change, and you may decide to issue updates that describe this change instead of using the UpdateProduct method to re- specify the entire product's fulfillment information.

In such cases, the AddFulfillmentPlaces and RemoveFulfillmentPlaces methods can be used to incrementally update a product's fulfillment changes based on which place IDs are added or removed for a given fulfillment type.


To learn how to install and use the client library for Vertex AI Search for commerce, see Vertex AI Search for commerce client libraries. For more information, see the Vertex AI Search for commerce Java API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Vertex AI Search for commerce, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

public static AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse addFulfillmentPlaces(
    Product productToUpdate, String fulfillmentInfoType, ImmutableList<String> placeIds)
    throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
  ProductServiceClient productClient = getProductServiceClient();

  AddFulfillmentPlacesRequest request = AddFulfillmentPlacesRequest.newBuilder()

  AddFulfillmentPlacesResponse response = productClient

  productClient.awaitTermination(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

  return response;


    product: "projects/123/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/p123"
    type: "pickup-in-store"
    place_ids: "store0"
    place_ids: "store1"
    add_time: {
      seconds: 100
      nanos: 100
    allow_missing: true

This sample AddFulfillmentPlacesRequest adds fulfillment type "pickup-in-store" to place IDs "store0" and "store1" for the specified product. Because AddFulfillmentPlacesRequest.allow_missing is set to true, even if the product does not already exist, the updated inventory information will be stored for when the product is eventually created. The update is time stamped with AddFulfillmentPlacesRequest.add_time to prevent stale updates from overriding the fulfillment status of these place IDs. These features are discussed in greater detail in the following sections.

The behavior is identical for RemoveFulfillmentPlacesRequest and the schema is very similar.

When fulfillment_types is updated by AddLocalInventories and RemoveLocalInventories, it reflects a mapping from each place ID to a list of fulfillment types it supports. When fulfillment_info is updated by AddFulfillmentPlaces and RemoveFulfillmentPlaces, it reflects a mapping from each specific fulfillment type to a list of place IDs that supports each type. Both API types are modifying the same underlying fulfillment information, and the effect of both types of APIs is reflected by Product.fulfillment_info.

Non-incremental updates

price_info, availability, and available_quantity cannot be incrementally updated because they represent product-level inventory, as opposed to place- level information. Furthermore, it may be desirable to issue non-incremental updates to fulfillment_info instead of only incremental changes. In such cases, the SetInventory method is recommended.


To learn how to install and use the client library for Vertex AI Search for commerce, see Vertex AI Search for commerce client libraries. For more information, see the Vertex AI Search for commerce Java API reference documentation.

To authenticate to Vertex AI Search for commerce, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment.

public static SetInventoryResponse setInventoryWithMask(Product productToUpdate,
    FieldMask updateMask)
    throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
  ProductServiceClient productClient = getProductServiceClient();

  SetInventoryRequest request = SetInventoryRequest.newBuilder()

  SetInventoryResponse response = productClient.setInventoryAsync(request).get();

  productClient.awaitTermination(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

  return response;


    product: {
      name: "projects/123/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/p123"
      availability: IN_STOCK
      fulfillment_info: {
        type: "pickup-in-store"
        place_ids: "store0"
        place_ids: "store1"
        place_ids: "store2"
        place_ids: "store3"
      fulfillment_info: {
        type: "same-day-delivery"
    set_time: {
      seconds: 100
      nanos: 100
    set_mask: {
      paths: "availability"
      paths: "fulfillment_info"
    allow_missing: true

In this particular request, the SetInventoryRequest.product.fulfillment_info fields are complete descriptions of each fulfillment type's eligible place IDs, as opposed to incremental specifications. The update to "same-day-delivery" indicates that no place IDs are eligible for this fulfillment type for this product. All other fulfillment types are not updated in this request. Thus, this method can be used to replace the place IDs for only a subset of fulfillment types while leaving the other types untouched.

By default,SetInventory will update all inventory fields if SetInventory.set_mask is unset or empty. If the mask is not empty or if an inventory field is not explicitly listed in SetInventoryRequest.set_mask, then any specified value for that inventory field will be ignored in the update request.

As with incremental updates, the SetInventoryRequest.set_time field can be used to set an update time that will be against the last recorded update time of all updated inventory fields.

Timestamp protections for inventory updates

There are several different paths to update a product's inventory fields, and to protect against out-of-order updates, each inventory field is associated with a latest update time.

The latest update time is recorded for price_info, availability, available_quantity, and each pair of (fulfillment_info.place_ids, fulfillment_info.type).

The AddFulfillmentPlaces, RemoveFulfillmentPlaces, and SetInventory methods allow the caller to specify an update time for when the request is issued. This update time is compared against the latest update time recorded for the relevant inventory fields, and the update is committed if and only if the update time is strictly after the latest update time.

For example, suppose place ID "store1" has fulfillment type "pickup-in- store" enabled, with the last recorded update time set to time T. If RemoveFulfillmentPlacesRequest.type = "pickup-in-store" and RemoveFulfillmentPlacesRequest.place_ids contains "store1", the request will clear "pickup-in-store" from "store1" if and only if the RemoveFulfillmentPlacesRequest.remove_time is later than time T. The same is true for AddFulfillmentPlacesRequests.

SetInventory operates in a similar way for updating price_info, availability, and available_quantity. When updating fulfillment_info, a SetInventoryRequest is implicitly asking to add all specified place IDs for a given fulfillment type and remove all unspecified existing place IDs.

Thus, when the SetInventoryRequest is processed, the fulfillment_info update is implicitly converted into an AddFulfillmentPlacesRequest and RemoveFulfillmentPlacesRequest for each specified fulfillment type. This means that if any existing place "store1" with fulfillment "pickup-in-store" has a last update time T that is more recent than SetInventoryRequest.set_time, then the implicit add/remove on "store1" and "pickup-in-store" will not be applied.

Preload inventory information

Each of the inventory update methods allows the caller to set allow_missing in the request. When allow_missing is set to true, an inventory update to a nonexistent Product will be processed as if the Product exists according to the method specification(s). The inventory information will be retained for a maximum of two days if the corresponding Product is not created via CreateProduct within this timeframe.


public static SetInventoryResponse setInventory(Product productToUpdate)
    throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
  ProductServiceClient productClient = getProductServiceClient();

  SetInventoryRequest request = SetInventoryRequest.newBuilder()

  SetInventoryResponse response = productClient.setInventoryAsync(request).get();

  productClient.awaitTermination(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

  return response;

When to use the Product methods

While it is possible to update inventory fields with the Product CRUD methods, the caller should be explicitly aware of the effects on existing or pre-existing inventory information.

These are synchronous methods, which means the downstream optimizations used for inventory methods do not apply, and it may become expensive to rely on these methods for frequent inventory updates. Wherever possible, prefer to use the aforementioned inventory update methods.


When CreateProduct is invoked with any inventory fields set, the provided values in the CreateProductRequest.product will override any preloaded values for those respective fields. If no inventory fields are set, then any pre-existing inventory information will be automatically used.

Furthermore, the latest update time for the overridden inventory fields will be reset to the time of the method call.

CreateProduct with preloaded inventory


  parent: "projects/123/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch"
  product_id: "p123"
  product: {
    name: "projects/123/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/p123"
    title: "some product"
    type: VARIANT

In this example, the created product does not have any inventory fields set, which means any preloaded inventory information will be automatically used if updated using the inventory update methods. This can be helpful when inventory updates are decoupled from catalog updates and you want to have a newly created Product synchronize with any pre-existing inventory information.

CreateProduct with explicit inventory


  parent: "projects/123/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch"
  product_id: "p123"
  product: {
    name: "projects/123/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/p123"
    title: "some product"
    type: VARIANT
    availability: OUT_OF_STOCK
    fulfillment_info: {
      type: "pickup-in-store"
    fulfillment_info: {
      type: "same-day-delivery"

In this example, a Product is created with explicitly set inventory fields. These fields will override any pre-existing values, ignoring the latest update time for the corresponding fields. Thus, the newly created Product is guaranteed to have availability set to OUT_OF_STOCK, and no place IDs will support fulfillment types "pickup-in-store" and "same-day-delivery".

CreateProduct with inventory information can be helpful if you are not sure if all the preloaded inventory information is accurate, and prefer to explicitly set the inventory at creation time of Product to fully synchronize the catalog and inventory.


When UpdateProduct is invoked and the field mask UpdateProductRequest.update_mask contains any inventory fields, the provided values in the UpdateProductRequest.product will override any preloaded values for those respective fields.

Furthermore, the latest update time for the overridden inventory fields will be reset to the time of the method call.


  product: {
    name: "projects/123/locations/global/catalogs/default_catalog/branches/default_branch/products/p123"
    availability: IN_STOCK
    fulfillment_info: {
      type: "pickup-in-store"
      place_ids: "store0"
      place_ids: "store1"
      place_ids: "store2"
      place_ids: "store3"
    fulfillment_info: {
      type: "same-day-delivery"
  update_mask: {
    paths: "availability"
    paths: "fulfillment_info"

This example is very similar to the SetInventory example, except the update is guaranteed to be applied regardless of the latest update time of each inventory field.

UpdateProduct for inventory can be helpful when a full sync on inventory information is needed while ignoring timestamp protections.

While it is possible to preload inventory information using UpdateProduct by setting UpdateProductRequest.allow_missing to true to perform a Product upsert, the method requires setting specific catalog fields such as UpdateProductRequest.product.title. Thus, it is recommended to use the inventory update methods for preloading use-cases.


When DeleteProduct is invoked, all existing inventory information for the product specified in DeleteProductRequest.name will be deleted, including all records of the latest update time for each inventory field.