The Total Economic Impact™ Of Google BigQuery and Looker

Learn about the cost savings and business benefits enabled by BigQuery and Looker

Forrester Consulting conducted a Google-commissioned Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study to examine the potential return on investment (ROI) organizations may realize by deploying BigQuery and Looker. 

Forrester found that prior to using BigQuery and Looker, customers struggled with high technical burdens on data teams, lack of easy access to insights, slow response times on queries resulting in an inability to scale analytics as needed, and data chaos stemming from a lack of common language and trust in their data tools. These challenges impacted efficiency as well as the business value organizations could create from their data.

The study found that, for a composite organization based on interviewed customers, switching to BigQuery and Looker yielded the following results over three years: 

  • 205% total ROI

  • 5,200 hours annually of data analyst and engineering time saved

  • $1.9M in technical labor savings

  • $6M in savings from improved user productivity

  • ~$1M in retired legacy tool savings

  • Over $1M of profit from increased customer retention

The Total Economic Impact of Google BigQuery and Looker

"[End users] feel like they own their data and data is integrated with the decisions and what they are doing daily. That is just as powerful as the time savings that goes with it."

- Senior analytics engineer, Sports industry

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