ESG report

ESG Economic Validation: The Economic Benefits of Migrating and Modernizing Microsoft and Windows Workloads to Google Cloud

ESG found that the open Google Cloud provides the infrastructure, managed services, migration tools, support, and modernization path that enables organizations to move their on-premises Microsoft and Windows workloads to the cloud quickly and operate them securely and productively.

Front page of ESG Economic Validation Report - The Economic Benefits of Migrating and Modernizing Microsoft and Windows Workloads to Google Cloud
In this report, you will learn:
  • How one customer reduced data center costs by 40%
  • How one customer now has many more levers to implement—more options to save costs on Microsoft licenses that they didn’t have before
  • How one customer found that Google Cloud provides more value for the money than other cloud providers
  • ESG's qualitative and quantitative findings confirmed numerous ways in which organizations on Google Cloud lowered cost, improved agility, and reduced risk

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