View and understand insights

This page describes the insights that Migration Center generates about your infrastructure.

Asset-level insights

Migration Center collects information from your assets with the discovery client, or from the data that you collect and upload using the database scripts. Then, it analyzes the information collected using predefined rules and automatically generates various insights based on the preferences that you define.

Technical transformation fit insights

Technical transformation fit insights provide you with a technical assessment of your workloads fit for specific transformation objectives. These insights help you determine the potential fit of the transformation and inform you if there are any technical blockers that prevent you from modernizing your virtual machine (VM) instance or database deployment.

The assessment uses technical fit conditions that are evaluated against the data collected from the source workloads. The fit conditions catalog is a knowledge repository based on Google Cloud technical specifications and known technical limitations of the transformation tools to be used for performing the migration.

To view the list of supported software insights, see Detected software workloads.

Asset transformation fit level

The fit assessment for your assets give an indication about the fit level of the transformation to a specific Google Cloud product. It can include the following results:

  • No information. There is not enough information to perform an assessment.
  • Good fit. No issues found, your workload is fit for transformation to a specific platform.
  • No fit. Technical blockers found that prevent the transformation to a specific platform.
  • Fit with effort. Some technical issues found which can be resolved with some effort to enable the transformation to a specific platform.

The fit level per VM is performed by reviewing several fit conditions, called fit rules, and their aggregated result is presented as the VM level technical fit score.

Detailed fit assessment

For the database deployments that you have in your inventory, Migration Center provides a detailed technical assessment which includes a list of compatibility issues between the source and target databases, organized by categories.

View insights

To view insights about a specific assets, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Assets page.

    Go to Assets

  2. From the list of assets, click the asset for which you want to view insights.

  3. On the asset details page, in the Insights tab, review the available insights for the asset.

  4. For database deployments, to see the detailed fit assessment, click the score in the Fit type column.

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