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Google Maps Platform Technical Support Services Guidelines

These technical support services guidelines (“Guidelines”) are incorporated into the agreement under which Google has agreed to provide Google Maps Platform and related technical support to Customer (the “Agreement”). Capitalized terms used but not defined in the Guidelines have the meanings given to them in the Agreement.

1. Generally. As part of Customer's purchase of Google Maps Platform Services, Google will provide Standard Support to Customer. Customer may order additional Technical Support Services (“TSS”) for an additional fee.

2. Support Request Submission.

2.1. Customer Efforts to Fix Issues. Prior to making a Request to Google, Customer will use reasonable efforts to fix any error, bug, malfunction or network connectivity defect without escalation to Google. Thereafter, Customer may submit a Request for TSS.

2.2. Characterization of Requests. Customer designates P1-P4 priority upon submission of Requests. Google will review Customer's priority designation and may reclassify designations that Google believes are incorrect. Any such determination made by Google is final and binding on Customer.

2.3. Procedures for Acknowledgement and Request Resolution. When making a Request, Customer will provide all requested diagnostic information and assist Google Support Personnel as may be required to resolve a Request. Customer must provide up-to-date contact information (i.e., phone or email) to assist with data gathering, testing, and applying resolutions. Upon resolution of a Request, Customer may receive an optional survey to provide feedback to Google on the support Request experience.

2.4. Request Acknowledgement. Google may respond to a Request by acknowledging receipt of the Request. Customer acknowledges and understands that Google may be unable to provide answers to, or resolve all Requests.

2.5. Feature Requests. If Google deems a Request to be a Feature Request, Google will log such Request for consideration to add to a future update or release of the Services and will consider the matter closed. Google is under no obligation to respond to or resolve any Feature Request or to include any such Feature Request in any future update or release.

2.6. Unsupported Implementations. Google reserves the sole right to determine whether to provide support for Requests regarding implementations that do not adhere to the documented and supported Service configurations.

2.7. Errors in Data. Google will use commercially reasonable efforts to update its Maps Content as requested by Customers.

2.8. Pre-General Availability Offerings. Google has no obligation to provide TSS for Pre-General Availability Offerings, but will consider Requests relating to Pre-General Availability Offerings on a case-by-case basis.

3. Accessing Support.

3.1. Setting Designated Contacts. Customer-designated support admins may add Designated Contacts to its Account.

3.2. Accessing Google Support. Requests must be submitted to Google via the Google Support Tool. Information about contacting Google Support is available at

3.3. Support Hours and Target Initial Response Times. Google will process Requests during the Hours of Operation and in accordance with the applicable target initial response times for each support level, unless otherwise indicated in these Guidelines. Any Requests received outside of the Hours of Operation will be logged and processed during the next Business Day.

3.4. Compliance with Applicable Law. Google will not provide TSS if prohibited from doing so by applicable law.

4. Language Support. All support provided by Google pursuant to these Guidelines will be provided in the English language.

5. Resold Customer. A customer (a “Resold Customer”) of a Google-authorized unaffiliated Google Maps Platform reseller (a “Reseller”) may purchase Google-supplied technical support services that are approved and enabled for resale through the Reseller (“Resold TSS”), provided that:

5.1. the prices and fees for Resold TSS, and the terms applicable to Resold Customer’s use of Resold TSS, are agreed as between Resold Customer and the Reseller;

5.2. any payment for Resold TSS is made directly to Reseller under Resold Customer’s applicable agreement with the Reseller; and

5.3. Google will not provide Resold Customer any billing inquiry support on the Services.

6. Compliance with Agreement. Google will provide technical support for use of the Services compliant under the governing Agreement. Google will not be obligated to provide technical support for non-compliant use of the Services.

7. Additional Definitions. For the purpose of these TSS Guidelines, the capitalized terms below will have the following meanings:

7.1. "Business Day" means any day during the Hours of Operation.

7.2. "Customer End User" has the meaning given in the Agreement or, if no such meaning is given, has the meaning given to “End Users” in the Agreement.

7.3. "Designated Contacts" means administrators or technical employees designated by Customer of Reseller who are allowed to contact Google for technical support.

7.4. "Feature Request" means a Request by a Designated Contact to incorporate a new feature or enhance an existing feature of the Services that is currently not available as part of the existing Services.

7.5. "Google Support Tool" means the Admin Console or a support tool located at a URL (as may be updated from time to time) provided by Google.

7.6. "Google Support Personnel" means the Google representatives responsible for handling Requests.

7.7. "Hours of Operation" means 17:00 on Sunday to 17:00 on Friday (Pacific Time Zone), except for holidays in local time for each region documented in the Google Support Tool.

7.8. "Maintenance" means maintenance work that is performed on hardware or software delivering the Services.

7.9. "Priority" means P1, P2, P3, or P4 depending on the level of impact a Request is having on Customer's operations and is used to establish initial target response times.

7.10. "P1" means Critical Impact - Service Unusable in Production.

7.11. "P2" means High Impact - Service Severely Impaired.

7.12. "P3" means Medium Impact - Service Partially Impaired.

7.13. "P4" means Low Impact - Service Fully Usable.

7.14. "Support Data" means account details and the information that Customer provides to Google for the purpose of obtaining TSS under these Guidelines, including requests for support and the details provided to Google about the specific support issue.

7.15. "Request" means a request from a Designated Contact to Google Support Personnel for technical support to address a question or problem regarding the Services.

1. Standard Support. Standard Support includes unlimited Designated Contacts.

2. Target Initial Response Times for Standard Support.


Target Initial Response Times during the Hours of Operation


1 hour


24 hours


24 hours


24 hours


Target Initial Response Times during the Hours of Operation


1 hour


24 hours


24 hours


24 hours

1. Enhanced Support

1.1. Enhanced Support includes unlimited Designated Contacts.

1.2. Value Add Services. Customer may purchase the following Value Add Services for an additional fee:

1.2.1. Developer Advisor Service (DAS). Customer will receive access to a Developer Advisor. DAS includes: (a) guided support onboarding, (b) guidance on best practices for case handling, (c) management of technical support escalations, (d) reviews of operational and case metrics, and (e) recommendations for training and optimization of the Services.

2. Target Initial Response Times for Enhanced Support.


Target Initial Response Times


1 hour


4 hours


24 hours*


24 hours*


Target Initial Response Times


1 hour


4 hours


24 hours*


24 hours*

*during the Hours of Operation

3. Enrollment and Unenrollment of Enhanced Support.

3.1. Enhanced Support requires a minimum 1-year Fee commitment from the date on which Customer enrolls.

3.2. Customer may unenroll from Enhanced Support at any time by notifying Google in writing through the Google Support Tool and any such unenrollment and a downgrade to Standard Support will take effect from the later of (a) the date of such unenrollment, or (b) the Business Day following the 1-year anniversary of Customer's enrollment in Enhanced Support.

Previous versions (Última modificación: 31 de julio de 2023)
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