A literal represents a constant value of a built-in data type. Some, but not all, data types can be expressed as literals.
String literals
String literals must be quoted, either with single ( '
) or double ( "
) quotation marks.
Quoted literals:
Literal | Sample usage | Notes |
Quoted string |
Raw string |
Escape sequences for string literals
The following table lists all valid escape sequences for representing non-alphanumeric characters in string literals. Any sequence not in this table produces an error.
Escape Sequence | Description |
\a |
Bell |
\b |
Backspace |
\f |
Formfeed |
\n |
Newline |
\r |
Carriage Return |
\t |
Tab |
\v |
Vertical Tab |
\\ |
Backslash ( \ ) |
\? |
Question Mark ( ? ) |
\" |
Double Quote ( " ) |
\' |
Single Quote ( ' ) |
\\` |
Backtick ( \` ) |
\ooo |
Octal escape, with exactly 3 digits (in the range 0–7). Decodes to a single Unicode character (in string literals) or byte (in bytes literals). |
\xhh or \Xhh |
Hex escape, with exactly 2 hex digits (0–9 or A–F or a–f). Decodes to a single Unicode character (in string literals) or byte (in bytes literals). Examples:
\uhhhh |
Unicode escape, with lowercase 'u' and exactly 4 hex digits. Valid only in string literals or identifiers. Note that the range D800-DFFF is not allowed, as these are surrogate unicode values. |
\Uhhhhhhhh |
Unicode escape, with uppercase 'U' and exactly 8 hex digits. Valid only in string literals or identifiers. The range D800-DFFF is not allowed, as these values are surrogate unicode values. Also, values greater than 10FFFF are not allowed. |
Date literals
To use literal date and time values in a calculated field, you can precede the value with the appropriate marker:
Literal | Canonical date format | Sample usage |
Date | YYYY-[M]M-[D]D | DATE '2021-4-1' |
Date and time | YYYY-[M]M-[D]D [[H]H:[M]M:[S]S] | DATETIME '2021-5-29 23:59:59' |
Numeric literals
Enter numeric literals using unquoted integer or floating point values. For example:
Literal | Examples | Sample usage |
Integer | 1, -1, 0 |
Floating point | 1.23, -1.2345 |
Boolean literals
Use the literal values true
and false
when evaluating Boolean expressions. For example:
IF( Boolean field = true, "yes","no")
IF( Boolean field = false, "no","yes")
IF( Boolean field, "yes","no")
IF(not Boolean field, "yes","no")