extension (for views)

This page refers to the extension parameter that is part of a view.

extension can also be used as part of an Explore, described on the extension (for Explores) parameter documentation page.

extension can also be used as part of a LookML dashboard, described on the Dashboard parameters documentation page.


view: view_name {
  extension: required
Default Value

The value "required"


The extension: required parameter flags a view as requiring extension, which means that the view cannot be used on its own. The contents and settings of the view will only be used when the view is extended using the extends parameter in another view.

A view with extension: required is not visible to users on its own; it is intended only to act as a starting point to be extended by other views.

The extension parameter accepts only the value required. If you don't want to require extension for a view, leave out the extension parameter entirely.

See Reusing code with extends for more information on using extends for LookML objects.


The following looker_events view has the extension: required parameter, so the view itself won't be visible to users:

File: events.view

view: looker_events {
  extension: required
  sql_table_name: looker_db.events ;;
  # The normal contents of the view follow

If we want to make use of the looker_events view, we can create another view that extends it, like this:

File: new_events.view

include: "events.view"
view: name_of_the_new_view {
  extends: [looker_events]

  measure: additional_measure {
    type: count
  # Additional things you want to add or change