

fiscal_month_offset: 3
Default Value

An integer


If you don't use the calendar year for your fiscal year, you can specify when your fiscal year begins for each model. Use fiscal_month_offset to declare the number of months your fiscal year is offset from the calendar year. For example, fiscal_month_offset: 1 will specify that the fiscal year starts in February.

Although fiscal_month_offset is typically set to a positive integer between 0 and 11 (inclusive), fiscal_month_offset accepts any integer as a value, including negative integers. In the case of a negative integer, your fiscal year is set to the past. For example, fiscal_month_offset: -3 causes Q1 of fiscal year 2018 to start in October of 2017. In the case of an integer greater than 11, your fiscal year starts a year or more into the future. For example, fiscal_month_offset: 15 causes Q1 of fiscal year 2018 to start in April of 2019.

Setting fiscal_month_offset specifies the year start of all fiscal timeframes used in dimension_groups and in advanced matches filter settings.

  • fiscal_year
  • fiscal_quarter
  • fiscal_month_num
  • fiscal_quarter_of_year

Any fiscal timeframes you create can be selected in the field picker and used to specify values for filters.

For advanced matches filter expressions, you can refer to fiscal years and quarters as absolute dates or relative dates.

  • When using relative dates for fiscal years, insert the word fiscal in your filter expression for the quarter(s) or year(s). For example: 2 fiscal quarters.

  • When using absolute dates for fiscal years, add FY in front of the year. For example: FY2016.

  • When using absolute dates for a fiscal quarter, use the format FY<YEAR>-<QUARTER>. For example:FY2016-Q1.

You also can use fiscal date references in individual date types for dimensions and filters. Typically, however, using dimension_groups is the better practice.


To set your fiscal year to start in April, add the fiscal_month_offset to your model file:

connection: thelook
 ### INCLUDES ###
include: '*.view.lkml'
include: '*.dashboard.lookml'
fiscal_month_offset: 3

In this example, the fiscal year will begin in April and the first quarter will include April, May, and June.